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1、形容词副词的比较级形容词和副词有三个比较等级,即原级、比较级和最高级。一、原级形容词、副词的原级形式与形容词形式相同,形容词的原级形式用来描述人 与人、事与事之间在某一方面的相同或不同。其基本结构有:1、as + 原级 + as。如:1) He is as tall as his father.他和他父亲一样高。其否定形式:not so(as) +原级+ as。如:2) He is not so / as tall as his father.他没有他父亲高。这种结构前可以带表示程度的状语。如:almost,nearly,quite,twice,half,three times 等。3) Th

2、e room is three times as big as that one.这个房间是那个房间的三倍。4) His ability is not half as high as yours.他的能力不及你的一半。2、as many +可数名词/ much +不可数名词 + as。如:5) There are as many students in our class as in yours.我们班的学生人数和你们班的一样多。6) He earns as much money as his father does.他挣的钱和他父亲一样多。3、as +原级+ a(n) +可数名词单数+ as

3、。如:7) He is as good a person as his father.他和他父亲一样是个好人。8) This is just as good an example as the other.这个例子和另外那个一样好。二、形容词、副词的比较形式和最高级形式的构成大多数形、副词的比较级和最高级是采用在词尾加-er 和-est的形式,或在单词前加more和most构成的,形、副词的最高级前要加定冠词the。如下表:1、规则变化单词形式构成方式例词原级比较级最咼级单音节单词一般形式词尾加-er和-eststrong cheap smallstronger cheaper smaller

4、strongest cheapest smallest以-e结尾的词词尾只加-r和-stwide fine bravewider finer braverwidest finest bravest闭音节先双写最后一个 辅音字母,再加-er 和-estthin big fatthinner bigger fatterthinnest biggest fattest部 分 双 音 节 词以辅音字母+y结尾的词变y为i,再加-er 和-esthappy angry busyhappier angrier busierhappiest angriest busiest以-er结尾的 词词尾加-er和-

5、estclevercleverercleverest以-ow结尾的 词词尾加-er和-estnarrow mellow shallownarrower mellower shallowernarrowest mellowest shallowest以-le结尾的 词词尾加-r和-stable feeble gentle simpleabler feebler gentler simplerablest feeblest gentlest simplest大部分双音节词和 多音节词在单词前加more 和 mostdifficult wonderfulmore difficultmore wond

6、erfulmost difficultmost wonderful有些形、副词的比较级和最高级可采用在词尾加-er和-est的形式,也可采用 在单词前力口 more和 most的形式,这类形容词有:clear,common,cruel,free,handsome, lively,often,pleasant,polite,pretty,quiet,secure,solid,stupid,timid,wicked 等。2、不规则变化有些形容词的比较级和最高级的变化是不规则的。如:原级比较级最高级good wellbetterbestbadillworseworstmany muchmoremos

7、tfarfartherfarthestfurtherfurthestlatelaterlatestlatterlattestoldolderoldesteldereldestlittlelessleast三、形容词的比较级结构形容词比较级用来描述两种事物或人的性质、大小、高低等方面的差别。形 容词的比较级的基本结构主要有:1、形容词的比较级+ than。如:1) Real friendship is more valuable than money.真正的友谊比金钱更有价值。2) This lesson is easier than the last one.这课比上一课容易。3) Illus

8、tration by example is sometimes better than explanation in words. 举例说明有时比用词解释好。2、形容词比较级+名词+ than。如:4) He knows more archaeology than most people.在考古方面他比大多数人知道得多。5) 1 did more work in two hours than he had done all day. 我两小时干的活比他一整天干的活都多。3、less +形容词原级+ than。如:6) He is less diligent than his sister. 他

9、不如他姐姐用功。4、less/fewer + 形容词 + 名词 + than。如:7) She made fewer spelling mistakes than before. 她现在的拼写错误比以前少了。8) He had less money than he had before. 他现在的钱比以前少了。9) If children were fed nourishing breakfasts before they left for school,there would be fewer problems in the early morning classes.如果孩子在上学前吃了有

10、营养的早餐,那么在早晨课堂上发生的问题就 会少些。10) Why there is less traffic on the streets in February than in May. 为什么二月份街上的车辆要比五月份少?5、the +形容词比较级+ the +形容词比较级。如:11) The more medicine I take, the worse I seem to feel. 越吃药我的感觉似乎越糟。12) The higher, the colder.越咼越冷。13) The more learned a man is, the more modest he usually

11、is. 一个人越有学问,他通常会越谦虚。四、形容词比较级的修饰语形容词比较级可以由 far, still, ever, much, a great deal, somewhat, a lot, twice, Three(four, etc.) times, 20%等修饰,用于加强比较意义,也可以由a little, slightly, to a certain extent, rather, fairly, a bit, a little bit 等修饰,和来减弱比较意义。如:1、Light travels much faster than sound. 光速比声速快得多。2、Health i

12、s a great deal more valuable than wealth.健康远比财富更宝贵。3、He is a little bit shorter than his brother.他比他哥哥矮一点点。五、形容词比较级中的常用搭配。形容词比较级中有一些常用搭配,表示固定意义。如:1、no more than 只。如:1) Its no more than a false alarm.那只是虚惊一场。2、not more than 最多。如:2) He is not more than twenty years old. 他最多有二十岁。3、no less than 多达。如:3)

13、He stayed there for no less than two months. 他在那儿呆了两个月之久。4、not less than 至少。如:4) He gave her not less than one thousand dollars.他至少给了她一千美元。5、no less than 和一样。如:5) John is no less hardworking than his sister,but he failed in the exam.约翰和他姐姐一样努力,可他考试没及格。6、not lessthan 也许比更。如:6) He is not less rich tha

14、n his brother.他也许比他哥哥富。7、not so much as 也许比更。如:7) She is not so much an actress as a singer.与其说她是个演员,不如说她是个歌手。六、形容词的最咼级的基本结构形容词的最高级表示在一定范围内某类或某人在性质、高低和大小等方面程 度最咼或最低。形容词最咼级的基本结构为:the +形容词最高级+比较范围(如 介词of或in的短语或that从句)。如:1、He is the tallest boy in his class.他是他们班最高的男孩。2、This is the best of all.这是所有中最好的

15、。3、This is the most interesting film that I have seen.这是我所看过的电影中最有趣的一部。七、形容词的原级或比较级表示最高级的意义用形容词的原级或比较级也可表示最高级的意义,其结构为:1、否定词语+ so/as +形容词原级+ as。如:1) No boy is so brave as Tom in his class.在班里没有哪个男孩比汤姆更勇敢。2、否定词语+形容词比较级+ than。如:2) Nothing is more exciting than to travel.没有什么比旅游更让人兴奋。3、the +形容词比较级+ than + any other +单数名词/ all the other +复数 名词。如:3) The technique is more efficient than



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