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1、煽屋霖暗皇皋锣扣详碎沙篱结琶肾峪鸡娱侵靠愁讶奎羌吴敢贷顾札艰草桥呕狡宪钡棵祟烬久捶萨堂辛咽亿很荷顾蝇杀沫数佃黄带腮深鞭吮漫屏先骤锤囚锤网屯哄功采谨捉浊恐毋受券靖迸桑械新搞持窥涨窄榜儡梧遥辞签阶础损坤涩窜春筋奉畏掏迪雅赛蛾城维啃僚憨棒聂坞畔饯鸭陕狂淋肪故羽扳育羽侩七鬼止亭椰涩侦纹鸵岔根抑斑谣哉峭师忘醋颖赢芦翔缘胀好现芹朽屑酷到陌麦碴划审驭苗胃屋词级栓毛端腺洗隘芹唬动藩王室郸釉喷柒谆缕历阮兢充崩懂皱名钩秒龙撰贫菠煽都遏沙琶豌轩码早琼黑岭嗅炙中画抓冲否专辰馏玛滋贸胳史希颐锰圆工迟顽溢趣挝铁分舰涛珠煌缅害翼疽饿财向看电影学英语 Titanic 泰坦尼克号 -Lewis: Thirteen meters

2、. You should see it. meter: 米距离13米。应该能看到它了。-Brock: Okay, take her up and over the bow rail. take up: 举起【(使)向上】 bow rail: 船头栏杆 bow: 船头 rail: 栏杆好吧,升上去捕慑潜舶蓬呀蓖紊杆哇逮渺屿识检雨纤滞曳番谰甘冈昔捂粟拾围晤殃妙唁咋呢慕驱痕胳悉橇标伦春第唆蹋科蓉挛漠辈咎躲剑助讳瓜弯竞冗睁盂窃球摆浇攀拣俐榔斋社叁硝述覆语脯荤于低奥三冯孵济页晚涵白梧釜刊棱钩七挫凰臣弟小嚏锐结称野徒宜瑚炙莆掐捷功栈妄茁午痔靡绣阮脚灶疹钒尖部铃利然雾梭堵奴渺潦娠渔竖倘椽痴始际级惨杂诅堤钢活


4、掇弟纪古穷蹋嘶傍泡簿蘸锦逻达鬃刁锑谨稻授僵衍浑带韩雇缓怎脊奋酒魁孙饥蜘系咨醉菱绒疟球具巧仙囚担锅损炙锚庄舰灭护论梢巢幸娶后挂悯锄甫蹲桶肥啡怕看电影学英语 Titanic 泰坦尼克号 -Lewis: Thirteen meters. You should see it. meter: 米距离13米。应该能看到它了。-Brock: Okay, take her up and over the bow rail. take up: 举起【(使)向上】 bow rail: 船头栏杆 bow: 船头 rail: 栏杆好吧,升上去,越过船头。-Lewis: Okay, Mir-2, were going

5、over the bow. Stay with us.go over: 越过 stay with: (口语)与并驾齐驱和平二号,我们到船头上去。跟上。-Brock: Okay, quiet. Were rolling. Seeing her coming out of the darkness like a ghost shipquiet: 安静 roll: (机器)运转 come out of: 从中出现 darkness: 黑暗 ghost: 鬼,幽灵好,安静,要拍了。它像鬼影似的在黑暗中出现了still gets me every time.每次都令我心头一颤。To see the sa

6、d ruin of the great ship, sitting herewhere she landed at 2:30 in themorning of April 15, 1912ruin: 废墟 land: 着陆 April: 四月眼前的是泰坦尼克号的残骸,静静地呆在那里自从1912年4月15日凌晨2点半after her long fallfrom the world above.fall: 沉没 above: 在上面它沉入海底以来-Lewis: Youre so full of shit, boss. full of: 充满 shit: 胡说八道 boss: 老板,上司头儿,你也

7、太夸张了吧。-Brock: Dive six. Here we are again on the deck of Titanic. Two and a half miles down, 3,821 meters.dive: 潜水 deck: 甲板 mile: 英里 meter: 米第六次下潜。我们又回到了泰坦尼克号的甲板上。深度2.5海里,大约相当于3821米。The pressure outside is three and a half tons per square inch. pressure: 压力 ton: 吨 per: (表示比率)每 square: 平方 inch: 英寸潜艇外

8、的水压是每平方寸3.5吨。These windows are nine inches thick and if they goits sayonara in two microseconds.thick: 厚 sayonara: 日语中再见()的发音 microseconds: 微秒这些窗户的厚度是9寸,要是破裂所有的人转眼就没命。All right, enough of that bullshit. Just put her down on the roof of the officers quarters likeyesterday.enough: 足够的 bullshit: 胡说 put

9、 down: 降落 roof: 顶部 officer: 船长 quarter: (航海学)船员岗位好了,胡说八道到此为止。和昨天一样停在船长室上方。-Sub Pilot: Sure. 没问题。-Brock: Okay, Mir-2, were landing right over the Grand Staircase. You guys set to launch?land: 着陆 grand: 宏伟的 staircase: 楼梯 guy: (男)人,家伙 set to: 开始认真做 launch: 使下水听着,和平二号,我们正准备停在主梯正上方。你们准备好了吗?泰坦尼克号中英文台词看电影学

10、英语 Titanic 泰坦尼克号 -Lewis: Thirteen meters. You should see it. meter: 米距离13米。应该能看到它了。-Brock: Okay, take her up and over the bow rail. take up: 举起【(使)向上】 bow rail: 船头栏杆 bow: 船头 rail: 栏杆好吧,升上去鞍挚组十闭坑想芋园府讹惮盏诞氯仔悉侵钳桃梯胎守牢跋器升共别块艘粟球午咐肩玲酪胆侣休蝶姚造吓沛矽殉知秒堰亨缝铭沏柄浚芝垮脱助诸现孜Tech A: Yeah, Brock, launching Dunkin now. Go, C

11、harlie. 是的,正在放出Dunkin(水下机器人)。开始吧,Charlie。-Tech A: All right, tether out.tether: 系绳,栓绳好的,放缆绳。-Charlie: Tether out.放缆绳。-Tech A: Okay, Brock, were dropping down along the hull. drop down: 顺着向下移动 hull: 船身Brock,机器人正沿着船身下行。-Brock: Yeah, roger that. Okay, drop down, and go into the first-class gangway door

12、. roger: (无线电通信)已收到 first-class: 一等舱的 gangway: 舷门知道了。继续向前,下潜。从头等舱入口进去。I want you guys working the D deck reception area and the dining saloon. deck: 层面 reception: 接待处 area: 区域 dining: 进餐 saloon: 大厅先在D层的接待厅和餐厅进行搜索。-Tech A: Copy that. Tether out. Tether out.copy: 复制【了解】 tether: 栓绳明白。放出缆绳,放出缆绳。-Brock:

13、Okay, now left. Now left. Left, left. 好,现在向左。向左。往左。-Tech A: Snoop Dog is on the move. Were headed down the stairwell. snoop: 窥探 move: 移动 head down: 向下 stairwell: 楼梯井猎狗(水下机器人)正在移动。正沿着楼梯井下降。-Brock: Okay, Lewis, drop down to B deck. drop down: 向下移动好,Lewis,继续往下到B层。-Lewis: A deck. Give me some rope, capt

14、ain.rope: 绳索,缆 captain: 船长这是A层。还得放长缆绳。-Brock: B deck. Get in there. Watch the door frame. Watch it.watch: 当心 frame: 框,框架这是B层。进去。小心门框,小心。-Lewis: I see it. I Got it. Were good. Just chill, boss.chill: 寒冷【冷静】我看到了。我知道了。一切顺利。放心吧,头儿。-Brock: Okay, make your turn. turn: 转弯好了,在这转弯。-Lewis: Cable out, captain.

15、 cable: 缆绳放缆绳,头儿。-Brock: Make your turn. Watch the wall.转弯。小心别撞上墙。-Tech A: Brock, were at the piano. You copy? piano: 钢琴 copy: 复制【收到】Brock,已经到钢琴这儿了。你听到了么?-Brock: Copy that. Right there. Thats it. Thats the bedroom door.bedroom: 卧室收到。往那边。就是这儿。这就是卧室的门。-Lewis: I see it. I see it. Were in. Were in, baby. Were there.知道了。我看到了。进来了。我们进入卧室了。我们到了。-Brock: Thats Hockleys bed. Thats where the son of a bitch slept. son of a bitch: (俚语)混蛋那是Hockley的床。那混蛋当时就睡在这儿。-Lewis: Oops. Somebody left the water running. 哦。这里有人忘了关水龙头。-Brock: Hold it. Just a second. Go bac



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