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1、Chapter 5 Working in the Schematic Editing Window(Advance) 原理图设计进阶前面我们已经学习乐如何使用Protel 99SE 绘制一般的电路原理图,但如果要使电路原理图绘制过程更加快速,结构层次更加清晰,交流更加方便,还需要学习更多的内容。本章将继续学习前面还未介绍的过的实用功能,熟练掌握这些功能,可以大大提高设计者绘制电路原理图的水平。我们将学习到转换视角快速复制全局编辑排列对齐重新编号电气检查5.1 Changing Your View of the SheetEach sheet you open will appear on it

2、s own Tab in the integrated Design Window.You look“through”this window to view your sheet.You can bring the sheet closer to you (zoom in),or move the sheet away(zoom out).The View menu provides a number of ways of changing you view of the document,including a Fit All Objects option,where the sheet w

3、ill be zoomed to fit all the placed objects,and a Fit Document,where the entire sheet will be displayed.Shortcut keys to change your view include:l PageUp to zoom in(very useful)l PageDown to zoom out(very useful)l Home to re-center the screen at the current cursor positionl End to refresh the scree

4、n5.2 Browsing the SchematicWhen your design has many sheets it can become difficult and time consuming to locate objects on the sheets.To simplify this process the Schematic Editor includes powerful browsing features.Set the Browse mode at the top of the Editor Panel to Primitives, to browse through

5、 objects on the current sheet,or the entire project. You can browse by any of the object types available in the Schematic Edito原理图编辑器有很强大的查找功能,把Editor Panel的Browse模式设为Primitive,你就可以查找原理图编辑器的任何对象了l Press Jump to jump to the selected object,centering it in the window.l Press Text to jump to the select

6、ed object and pop up a text editing dialog if the object has a text field.l Press Edit to jump to the selected object and pop up the objects attribute dialog, allowing you to edit any of the objects attributes.属性5.3 Quick-Copying an Object快速复制The Schematic Editor has a powerful feature for copying t

7、he attributes of one object into a second object of the same type.For example,lets say you have a capacitor floating on the cursor,when you would really like to place a resistor.Rather than pressing ESC to get rid of the capacitor,then browsing through the library to find a resistor,you can use the

8、quick-copy feature to turn the capacitor into a resistor.你鼠标粘了个电容,但是你本来是要放电阻的.你不用退出,去找电阻.你可以用快速复制功能直接把电容变成电阻Position the cursor(with the floating capacitor)over the“source”object(an existing resistor on the schematic),and press the INSERT key.There will now be a resistor floating on the cursor.You c

9、an also edit the attributes of the object before you place it by pressing the TAB key.把粘着电容的鼠标放在源对象上(电路上存在的一个电阻),再按INSERT键.鼠标粘着的就变成电阻了.TAB属性.5.4 Global Editing 全局编辑As well as being able to edit the attributes of a single object,you can also apply these edits to other objects of the same type on the

10、current document,or if you wish,across the entire project.全局修改,修改一组或是整个对象.原理图编辑器不仅可以对单个对象进行修改,以可以对当前文档或整个数据库文件中具有同种属性的的对象同时进行属性的修改Additionally,you can further define conditions that either extend or restrict global changes.For example,changes can be applied to all objects that are selected or all ob

11、jects that are not currently selected,or the change can be applied without regard to the objects selection status.If desired,you can create a complex set of conditions for applying changes.设计者可以编辑所有选中的,或是所有没选中的.或是不管对象是否被选中,设计者可以自定义一个对象编辑条件Virtually every one of these editable object attributes can b

12、e globally applied.A simple example would be changing the color assigned to all wire segments associated with a specific net.In another instance you may wish to change the font of all net labels. These options(and more)are possible with global editing.The possible applications for global changes are

13、 limited only by the imagination of the designer.实际上,那些具有可编辑属性的对象都是可以进行全局编辑修改的.比如与一个指定网络标号相连的所有导线,我们可以改变它们的颜色,或是改变所有网络标号的字体全局编辑修改的功能是很强大的,可以说只有想不到的,没有做不到的.The large number of global change options may make this feature appear somewhat complex at first.However,the principles of applying global change

14、s are reasonably simple once understood.When mastered,this feature can be an important productivity tool that can save a great deal of manual editing of a schematic.初学者常常被全局编辑对话框中大量的编辑选项弄的不知所措,实际上,这些编辑修改的规则是相当易懂的,熟练地掌握这种编辑方法,可以省去大量地手动修改工作Global Editing StrategiesWhile the presentation of global chan

15、ge options may appear differently in the various object dialogs,the strategy used is always the same.This description will outline the approach to global editing.选择的对象不同,全局修改的选项也会有所不同,但基本用法是一致的,我们可以看看下面的例子:被编辑对象的当前属性要进行全局修改的对象的匹配属性改变的属性将从本对象复制到所有匹配的对象Current AttributesWhen you double-click on an obj

16、ect,you are presented with the dialog for that type of object.This dialog contains the current values or settings of the attributes of that object.Change the attributes you would like to alter.双击对象,打开这种类型的对象属性对话框In the dialog shown above we are going to change all the data net labels from D1,D2, etc to Data1,Data2,and so on.As this is a string substitution we do not need to change anything i


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