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1、学术交流开场白学术沟通开场白 学术沟通开场白要怎样写的呢?大家看看以下的学术沟通开场白范文。 学术沟通会主持稿敬重的各位专家学者,同志们,挚友们:经过近1年时间的筹备,由江苏省社科联和泰州市人民的政府主办、泰州市社科联承办的泰州学派国际学术研讨会现在开会。我把出席今日大会并在主席台就座的领导向大家介绍一下:求是杂志社原总编辑、中心党校学术委员会副主任邢贲思;中共泰州市委的书记 陈宝田;中共泰州市委副书记 陈克勤;江苏省社科联常务副主席 廖进;泰州市委常委、宣扬部长 周琪;泰州市人大副主任 来则林;泰州市人民的政府副市长 周家新;泰州市政协副主席 汤学善。出席今日大会的有来自美国、日本、韩国、我

2、国台湾、香港以及内地北京、上海、陕西、江西、浙江、江苏等地的专家、学者和来宾88人,这里我就不一一介绍了。今日上午的主要议程有四项:1、泰州市委的书记陈宝田致辞;2、原求是杂志社总编辑、中心党校学术委员会副主任邢贲思讲话;3、全体正式代表合影;4、大会学术沟通。现在先进行第一项议程,请中共泰州市委的书记陈宝田致辞,大家欢迎!国际学术会议发言稿1. prologuethank you, mr. chairman, for your gracious introduction. i am honored to have the chance to address you on this speci

3、al occasion. the topic of my paper is “transaction cost and farmers choice of agricultural products selling”. the outline of my talk as follows. the first part i want to introduce the background of this research. the second part suggests a simple household choice model .the third part covers the dat

4、a used in this research. and then, we introduce the empirical results. finally, a simple conclusion is given.2. introductionwell, lets move on the first part of this topic .the motivation of this work like this. institutional economics posits that agents making decisions on different types of transa

5、ctions do so in a costly way .for example , farmers deciding sell a particular crop to whom base their decisions not only on the price they expect to receive in each market choice but also on additional costs related to transacting in these markets.i want to use a picture to illustrate it. for examp

6、le, given some market channels, farmers choices can be regarded as equilibrium between the surplus and the additional costs that related to transacting .especially in developing countries, high-value crop producers fully participate in the market and the transaction cost has been the hard constraint

7、 to farmers. furthermore, farmers market choices can be taken as a choice dilemma of transaction cost and production surplus. consequently, the scientific question of this research is how transaction cost affects planters choices.3. methodologylets move to the theoretical model of our research. cons

8、ider a household model in one rotation. in stage 1 , famer needs to allocate the input factors .this process can qbe set into a function like this q? ? q( p , w , z ? ) , q means the output farmers decide qto produce .p implies the output price w implies input price and.z: ? is fixed input. once pro

9、duce what and produce how many are decided, next question to be considered is how much products to be transacted in market. here we use three cc()c means how functions to describe this question. the first equation, c ? ?p , z ?much agricultural products used by famers themselves. p implies the price

10、 the cagricultural product,z ?suggests the fluctuation of c. the second equation q ? ? q ? ?c?, q means the amount of agricultural products transacted inq?n?market. the third equationi ? q ?implies the amount exchanged in nth time.in stage 3, farmers will decide to sell the products to whom. chanel

11、js market price isbdecided by an exogenesis price and farmers negotiating power.pij?p*j?b(qi,zi)besides this, we use a matrix to show the net profit of chanel jx ik? ik, ? ? ik ?and then farmers choice can be expressed in a typical choice modelexp(xij?)pr(ji?j|xik)?1 exp(xij?)? k?1based on the choic

12、e model, another important concept is famers channel choice .here, we set five types .they rank by the market barriers. accordingly, we set a group discrete number to express them. y: dependent variable y=5,means farmer choosebrokers. y=1, farmers sell products to consumers directly.4. data and esti

13、mation procedureshere, we illustrate the data distribution with this map. according to the agricultural regionalization from department of agriculture, the apple specialization areas in china contain two parts: bo sea area and loess plateau. bo sea area in red color, contains hebei, shandong and lia

14、oning 3 provinces. and loess plateau in green color, contains shanxi, henan, shaanxi and gansu 4 provinces. firstly, we use pps method to get the first stage sampling unit 14 counties in 7 provinces. then use random sample method to get village and household. they are our sample distribution.5. empi

15、rical results6. conclusions学术会议主持词开场白同志们:县政府探讨确定,今日召开全县被征地农夫基本生活保障工作会议。这次会议的主题是进一步统一思想,提高相识,坚决信念,仔细贯彻XX土家族自治县被征地农夫基本生活保障暂行方法(以下简称暂行方法),推动全县被征地农夫基本生活保障工作的落实。下面,我就这项工作讲三点看法。一、从构建和-谐社会、推动经济社会发展的大局动身,充分相识实施被征地农夫基本生活保障的重要性被征地农夫基本生活保障工作事关广阔农夫的切身利益,事关全县长治久安,事关富民强县大计,对此,我们必需要有醒悟的相识。(一)大力实施被征地农夫基本生活保障,是确保农夫长远利益的重要措施。被征地农夫的出现,是经济社会发展到肯定阶段的必定产物。党中心明确指出:解决“三农”问题必需统筹城乡经济社会发展。“城乡统筹”就是要对农业和农村经济结构进行战略性调整,提高农业的竞争力,为农村经济发绽开拓新的空间,为农夫增收开拓新的途径。要做到这些,就必需创建条件,让更多农夫科学、合理地离开土地,在工业化、城市化的牵引下完成人口与资源的优化组合。因此,农夫被征地不仅是历史发展的必定,也是时代进步的须要;不仅符合政府发展经济的愿望,也是大多数农夫的愿望和要求。过去传统的“分钱”模式


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