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1、20132014年学年度第二学期三年级英语期中(Unit 1Unit 4)单元测试题班别: 姓名: 学号: 成绩: Part 1 听力部分一、听音,选择正确的词语和句子。(10)1. ( ) A . happy B . big C. tall2. ( ) A . we B . he C. they 3. ( ) A . animal B .table C. good4. ( ) A . orange B . blue C. brown5. ( ) A . yellow B . you C. pink6. ( ) A . pillow B . door C. white7. ( ) A . la

2、mp B . lion C. window8. ( ) A . The orange is orange. B . The cat is small . C. The boy is happy .9. ( ) A . The bed is pink . B . The car is white . C. The door is brown.10. ( ) A . What is this ? B . What color is this? C. What are these ?二、听音,选择正确的答语。(10)1. ( ) A. Its a cat . B. Its black. C. The

3、yre apples.2. ( ) A. Yes, it is . B. Yes, they are . C. No ,it is.3. ( ) A. Its green . B. Its a pink lamp . C. Its on the desk .4. ( ) A. Its a pear . B. Theyre pears . C. Fine, thanks .5. ( ) A. Yes ,it is . B. No, it isnt . C. No, they arent.三、听录音,连线。(10)1. The desk is purple2. The grapes are whi

4、te3. The pillow is blue.4. I am short 5. Tony is tallPart 2 笔试部分一、按正确的形式抄写句子。(10)1. Is that a black door ? No, it isnt .2. What color is this ? Its yellow.二、 选择正确的选项,补充完整下列单词。(10)1. ( ) bl_ ck A. a B. e C. o2. ( ) str_wberry A. a B. e C. o3. ( ) w_ nd_w A. ao B. en C. in4. ( ) gr_ _ n A. ea B. ee C.

5、 ae5. ( ) wh_te A. a B. i C. o三、单项选择。(20)( ) 1. Whats _ ? Its a cat.A. his B. that C. she( ) 2. A: Is that a pink bed ? B: _A. Yes, I do . B. Yes, it is . C. Yes , I am .( ) 3. A: _ ? B: Yes, I am.A. Is that a chair B. Are you happy C. Whats that( ) 4. What _ these ? They are books .A. are B. is C.

6、am( ) 5. Are these cherries ? No,_.A. it isnt B. they are C. they arent( ) 6. _ _ is this ? Its orange .A. What B. What color C. what color( ) 7. _ this ? Its a banana.A. Hows B. Wheres C. Whats( ) 8. Are these peaches ? _.A. Yes, I am . B. No, they arent . C. Its yellow.( ) 9. The oranges _ orange.

7、A. are B. is C. am( ) 10. I _ big. You _ small.A. is are B. amam C. amare四、根据情境回答问题。(10)1( )你想知道那是什么,你会问:A. Whats this ? B. Whats that ? C. What are these ?2( )你想知道这些是什么,你会问:A. Whats this ? B. Whats that ? C. What are these ?3( )Jenny指着一个苹果,想问你它是什么颜色,会说:A. What color is the apple ? B. Whats that ? C

8、. Its an apple.4( )Tony 想问你,你的床是不是黄色的,该问:A. What color is your bed ? B. Is your bed yellow? . C. Its yellow.5( )Jenny告诉你,这些是樱桃,该说:A. Theyre cherries. B. What are these? C. What color are these?五、看图,补充完整句子。(10)1. What _ that ? Its a _.2.What _ these ? Theyre _.3. _ ( We, Were ) cold 六、模仿例句,写句子。(10)1. Whats that ? Its a book .watermelon2. What are these ? They are pears .peaches3.What color is the strawberry ? Its red .banana / yellow


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