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1、文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! 四年级下册M1测试题一、Look and match.想一想,选一选。请给图片选择对应单词。1.2. 3. 4. 5. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )A. cute B. naughty C. cool D.shy E. clever二、 Read and number. 读句子,给下面的图片标号。1. This is my big brother. Hes cool 2. This is my mother . Shes nice. 3. This is my little sister . Shes cute. 4. This is

2、my father. Hes very clever. 5. This is my friend . Hes very naughty. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、 Read and choose. 读句子,看哪个句子与图意相符。( )1. A. This is Maomao. Shes very nice. B. This is Maomao. Shes a nice teacher.( )2. A. These are my friends. B. These is my friends( )3. A. Shes a bit shy. B. Shes a bit cute.

3、( )4. A.This is Ms Smart. Shes a nice teacher. B. This is Ms Smart. hes a nice teacher.( )5. A. Parrot is a nice bird. B. Parrot is a naughty bird.( )6A These is a Parrot. B This is a Parrot.( )7A This is Xiaoyong.Hes a clever pupil. B This is Xiaoyong.Hes a cute pupil四、Read and choose.选择正确选项填空。(15分

4、)( )1.This is Sam。 _ is my friend A. She B. He C. They( )2. Maomao is a girl. _ is a bit shy. A.She B. He C. They( )3. This is _ mother. A. I B. me C.my( )4. These _my friends. A. is B. am C. are( )5. Look _ Panpans little sister. A. at B. on C.in( )6. Are you naughty? _ . A. Yes, I am B. Yes, Im C.

5、 No, I am( )7. This is my father ._ very clever. A. Shes B. He C. Hes( )8. My sisiter _ very nice. A. am B. is C. are( )9. They _ very cute. A. am B. is C. a( )10. Are you clever? Yes _ A.I am not B. I am C. it is 五、 Look and fill in the blanks. 从方框中选出合适的词填空。(10分)cute, clever, nice, cool, naughty1.

6、Pleasant Goat(喜羊羊)is very _2. Pretty Goat(美羊羊) is very_ 3.Gentle Goat(暖羊羊) is very_.4. Spiderman(蜘蛛侠) is very_ . 5. Xiaohuihui(小灰灰) is very_六、Read and choose. 给下面的句子选择正确的译文,将选项填入题前的括号中。( )1、当你要向别人介绍朋友Xiaoyong时,你应说:。 A. This is Xiaoyong. B. Hello, Xiaoyong.( )2、老师指着身边的一个男孩说:“他是非常聪明的。”老师应该说: A. Hes ve

7、ry cool. B.Hes very clever.( )3、老师夸奖你说:“你是个非常聪明的男孩”。你用英语回答说: A. No,Im not. B. Thank you.( )4、你弟弟很调皮,你应该这样描述:。 A.My little brother is very naughty. B.This is my little brother.( )5、你的英语老师是个不错的英语女教师,大家都说: A. Shes a bit shy B. Shes a nice teacher( )6 These are my teachers A 这些事我的朋友 B 这些是我的老师( )7 The pa

8、rrot is a very naughty bird A 熊猫是一种非常可爱的动物 B 鹦鹉是一种非常淘气的鸟( )8 My Chinese teacher is a nice teacher A 我的语文老师是一个好老师 B 我的英语老师是一个好老师( )9 This boy is a clever pupil A 这个男孩有点害羞 B 这个男孩是一个非常聪明的小学生( )10 Shs a bit shy A 她有一点可爱 B 她有一点害羞七. Read and judge. 阅读短文,判断下列问题是(T)否(F)正确。 This is Lily. Shes a pupil. She ha

9、s a little curl(卷发), big eyes and small ears. Shes tall. She is a bit shy , but she is very clever. She likes English very much. Shes my good friend. ( ) 1. Lily is nine .( ) 2. She has small eyes and big ears.( ) 3. She is very short.( ) 4. She is a bit naughty.( )5. Lily is my good friend.八、Complete the sentence. 根据汉语提示完成句子。1. Mr Smart is a _ (友善的)teacher2. Pleasant Goat is very _(聪明的).3. Tutu is a _(可爱的) boy. 4. My father is _ (酷的) /


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