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1、九年级英语第一学期阶段性学习试题B1 牛津版班级 学号 成绩 一、单项选择( 共20小题,每题1分,总分值20分)( )1. _ useful tool the computer is! I agree. Its _ interesting as well. A. What a ; / B. How a; theC. What an; / D How an; the( )2. Its selfish _ Jim to eat the whole cake and its necessary_us to think more of others. A. for; of B. of; for C.

2、 of; of D. for; for ( )3. Would you mind my sitting here, sir? . Its for my wife.A. Not at all B. Certainly not. C. Im afraid you cant. D. All right.( )4. Most children ice cream fruit. A. would rather, to B. prefer, to C. prefer to, than D. like, better ( )5. Can you work out the physics problem? S

3、orry, I can understand its meaning. A. hardly B. almost C. nearly D. quite( )6. He hasnt had enough , so hes always all day. A. sleep, sleeping B. asleep, sleepy C. sleepy, sleep D. sleep, sleepy ( )7. The music in the supermarket sounded so that I wanted to leave at once. A. soft B. wonderful C. fr

4、iendly D. noisy( )8. What would you like to drink? It doesnt matter. will be OK. A. Nothing B. Everything C. Something D. Anything( )9. Hell use what he has her a new dress.A. bought B. to buy C. buying D. been bought( )10. How bright the sun is! Youd better wear your dark glasses to _ your eyes fro

5、m it.A. protect B. harm C. keep D. stop( )11. My parents are strict us, especially my study.A. in, with B. with, in C. in, in D. with, with( )12. Lots of people think that the movie is well worth _. A. watch B. watching C. to watch D. being watched( )13. I have a question to ask. Here “to ask belong

6、s to . A. subject B. object C. adverbial D. attributive( )14. Will you please your shoes on the floor?A. not to put B. not put C. dont put D. not putting( )15. I dont know to do with the maths problem. Its too hard. A. which B. how C. what D. where( )16.Oh, my god! We have missed the last bus. What

7、shall we do? Im afraid we have no but a taxi. A. choice, take B. reason, take C. choice, to take D. reason, to take( )17. What ways can you think of _ out the physics problem?A. to work B. working C. work D. works( )18. Are you when someone looks at you in ?A. surprised, surprise B. surprise ,surpri

8、sedC. surprised, surprisedD. surprising ,surprise( )19. The little boy often whether it is true. A. knows B. tells C. says D. doubts( )20. ? He is modest and helpful. A. What does your monitor like B. How do you think of your monitor C. How do you like your monitor D. What do you like your monitor 二

9、、完形填空 共10小题;每题1分,总分值10分 I stood in the doorway, watching my elder brother carefully putting clothes into his bag. I coughed uneasily. Finally _ _1_ that I was there, Rocky turned towards me with a sad smile. “Im leaving tomorrow, he said.“I know. My voice was almost a whisper. I was _2_ with myself

10、for being so weak, but I wasnt about to cry.“My _3_ is early, so there is still enough time to come to the airport, he said. Seeing the sad look on my face, he quickly added, “I promise I wont leave without saying goodbye.I tried to say something, but didnt. Its always _4_ to keep quiet if youre abo

11、ut to cry. “You promised you wouldnt cry, he said to me, thinking that I was close to _5_.I remember the day he taught me how to ride a bike. _6_ I thought he was always right behind me, holding the seat to keep me from _7_. I was happy with this, but he knew he couldnt hold me up all my life. He to

12、ld me that one day he would have to let go.His coughing stopped my thinking. What was left to say? How could I say _8_ to the person who taught me everything?The next morning I _9_ , looked at my alarm clock, and realized he had left _10_ ago. We never even said goodbye.Goodbye, Rocky! Although he m

13、ay have been many miles away, I knew he heard me, even if it was only an answer in his heart. ( )1. A. forgetting B. realizing C. watching D. learning( )2. A. glad B. moved C. angry D. pleased( )3. A. ship B. flight C. train D. bus( )4. A. stranger B. better C. worse D. easier( )5. A. tears B. smiles C. words D. sadnes


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