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1、Unit2 Section B (2b-Self Check 全英版教案Teaching Aims1. Knowledge objects(1) Function:To train students reading and writing skills.(2) Key Vocabulary:percent, online, television,although, through, mind, body, such, suchas, together, die, writer, dentist, magazine, however, than, more than, almost, less,

2、 less than,point(3) Target Lan guage: Last month we asked our stude nts about their free timeactivities. We found that only fiftee n percofnburstude nts exercise every day. But we were surprised that ninety perce nt of them use the Internet every day. Theanswers to our questions about watching telev

3、ision were also in teresti ng. It is good to relax by using the Internet orwatch ing game shows.(4) Structure: ask sb. about sth. findsb. do sth. answer to the question It s good (for sb.) to do sth. the perce nt of sth.2. Ability ObjectsTotrain students, reading and writing skills.Totrain students,

4、 communicative competence.3. Moral ObjectsTo help students form the idea of their time properly.Teaching Key Points1. Key vocabulary in this period.2. Target language in this period.Teaching Difficult Points1. Reading practice.2. Improve students, writing ability.Teaching Methods1. Reading and writi

5、ng methods.2. Practice method.Teaching Aids1. A computer for multimedia use.2. Survey papers.Teaching ProceduresStep 1 Greeting and Revision (about 2 minutes)Greet the students.Check the homework.T: Hey, how s everything going?S:Fine.T:Let s have a brief review. What did we learn last class?S: We ve

6、 learnt two important phrases“be good for ” and ago camping incountry ” .And we have got more familiar with the usage of the adverbs of frequency.T:Good! Let s get started.Step 2 2b (about 12 minutes)T:Turn to page 13. Lets do 2b together.What do you usually do in your free time?Today we will learn

7、about No. 5 High School Students free time life togegive you several minutes to read thepassages.Now, I will read this passage andyou should circle the words you don tunderstand.Are there any words you don t know?Students come up with words and the teacher write these words on the blackboard.Then th

8、e teacher give the detail expression and usage of those words.T: OK, now that you know all the words. I want some of you to read the article sentenceby sentence and try to translate these sentences.Students read and translate the article. The teacher gives directions.T:OK. Let s do the exercise. I w

9、ill give you several minutes to fint.ishAfter finishing the activity, ask someone toshare the answer.And then, check the answer.Object :Improve the ability of reading and comprehension.Attention : It may take much time to finish this process. The teacher should be patient.Step 3 2c (about 3 minutes)

10、Ask students to review the information in activity 2b.Finish the exercise.T: You all did really well in activity 2b.Now, let s do activity 2c.Read the passage again and answer the questions.I will give you several minutes to finish it.After finishing the activity, ask someone to share the answer.And

11、 then, check the answer.Step 4 2d (about 5 minutes)T:Let s see the instruction of 2d together.Write sentences with the percentages using always, usually or sometimes.You are expected to finish it after class.Step 5 2e (about 2 minutes)Explain the limited time and let students finish the activities a

12、fter class.T:Let s see activities 2e together.We have so many activities in this class, but only limited time is available for us. So, justfinish this task after class.Step 6 3a (about 5 minutes)Ask students to fill in the blanks on their own. Check the answers.T: Turn to page 15 and we will try to

13、finish activity 3a together.Read the instruction and I will give you several minutes to finish it.After finishing the activity, ask someone to share the answer.And then, check the answer.Step 7 3b and 3c (about 2 minutes)Read the instructions of 3b and 3c to the students.Explain the limited time and

14、 let students finish the activities after class.T: Before we start the new activity, 1911 give you some tips on writing.First, you can make a list of your good and bad habits.Then, add the adverbs of frequency to describe these habits.Finally, you can organize your composition.Don t forget to dothe

15、revision!Object:Totrainstudents abilitiesofcommunicateandwritingusingthenewtargetlanguage.Step 8 Quiz 4 (about 5 minutes)Go through the instructions.Let students do the quiz by themselves.And then, let them form into groups and discuss the result.Step 9 Self Check (about 6 minutes)Go through the instructions.T: Pleasefocusonactivity3.Whendoingyoumaypayattentiontothetenseandnumber.Ask students to do the exercise, and then check the answer.Attention : If students have difficulties in this part,the teacher are expected to give somedirections.Step 10 Summary an


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