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1、考点规范练4( Unit 1)I .阅读理解With a million 18-25s unemployed, it* s not an easy time for young people looking to get on the job ladder. However, through the statistic I saw an opportunity that 1 decided to take. Throughout the past years I have worked hard to develop a number of projects to help young peo

2、ple gain an advantage in their careers and in life. With the support of Levi Roots, who created Reggae Reggae sauce, i founded UnITe Computing in 2011 and since have enjoyed working with clients(客户)such as Google UK,the University of Australia and others. Though this journey has had its ups and down

3、s, I am proud of how far we have come.The main issue I have faced so far in my business life has been gaining the trust of others. If you are 19, not very many peop1e believe you when you say you run a number of businesses.In fact I have been laughed at and even told to get a job by some. This was a

4、 major obstacle I had to face. To overcome it I simply established a professional and positive reputation among colleagues, friends and in the media in order to build credibility for myself and my businesses. Age should not limit your ability to succeed and I have gained more respect due to my willi

5、ngness to give back and reward the communities which support me.One of the young business people I personally support is Ryan Farquharson who runs Lovcthcquote. conk He says, To anybody that has an urge to run their own business I would absolutely say go for it,anyone can do it!It* s this go-getting

6、 attitude that I firmly believe needs to be encouraged and developed among today* s young people. The “one million unemployed youth statistic is a key drive for change and an opportunity to get up and make something of yourself, you simply have to go for it and pick up support. That is what my journ

7、ey and my story aims to inspire.【语篇导读】本文是讪叙文。面对很多年轻人找不到工作的现状,同样身为年轻人的作者从中嗅得 商机并创办了自己的公司,帮助其他年轻人赢在起跑线上。1. The author established the company because he .A. failed to find a satisfying jobB. enjoyed working for himselfC. fol lowed Levi Roots adviceD. spotted a chance of success答案:D 解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中的thr

8、ough the statistic I saw an opportunity that i decided to take. I founded UnITe Computingw 可知答案。2. The under!ined word “obstacle in Paragraph 2 means .A. pressureB. difficultyC. frustrationD. disappointment答案:B解析:词义猜测题。由于年龄小,作者不能取得别人的信任,因此如何取得别人的信任成为作者在创 业途中碰到的最大“难题”。3. By mentioning Ryan Farquharso

9、n, the author wants to .A. show the achievement Ryan Farquharson has madeB. encourage young people to turn to him for supportC. explain what is the most important thing to succeedD. introduce the right attitude young people should have 答案:D解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段中的It s this go-getting attitude that I firmly

10、 believe needs to be encouraged and developed among today* s young people可以看出,作 者提Ryan Farquharson主要是想引出他说的话。作者认为当今年轻人都应该有他的这种态度。4. Which of the following words can best describe the author?A. Determined and generous.B. Considerate and optimistic.C. Sympathetic and productive.D. Adventurous and resp

11、onsible.答案:A解析:推理判断题。根据第二段内容可知,面对别人的质疑,作者并未放弃,而是通过努力让别人改 变对自己的看法,由此可以看出作者很有决心;再根据第二段中的amy willingness to give back and reward the communities which support me不难看出,作者非常慷慨。II. 完形填空(2015 山西四校第二次联考)She was only about five feet tai 1 and probab1y never weighed more than 110 pounds. However, Miss Bessie w

12、as a(n) 1 presence in the classroom. From 1938 to 1942, when I attended Saint Bernard * s High School,she taught me a lot 2 I reali zed.There was never a(n) 3 problem in Miss Bessie s classes. We dicin t dare to trouble a woman who know about the Battle of Hastings and could also play the piano and

13、4 Shakespeare and Mi 1 ton.Miss Bessie knew that my family couldn t afford to buy a newspaper. She knew we dicin t5own a radio. Still, she6 me to look out for my 7 and find someways to8what s going on in the world. 9 I became a delivery boy whodelivered newspapers. I 10 made a dollar a week, but I g

14、ot to read a newspaper every day.Miss Bessie noticed things that had nothing to do wi th school work but were vital to a youngster s 11 . Once a few classmates made fun of my 12 overcoat. As I was leaving school,Miss Bessie 13 me on the back of that old overcoat and said, Carl,never worry about what

15、 you don t have. Just make the most of what you do havea(n) 14 . ”Among the things that I didn* t have was 15 in the little wooden house.But because of her 16 , I spent many hours beside a kerosene lamp(煤油灯)reading Shakespeare* s works. Miss Bessie introduced me 17 a wonderful world of poems and sto

16、ries. She led me to 18 that I could write poems as well as Shakespeare.So I read 19 Miss Bessie told me to, and tried to remember the things she insisted that I store.Years later, her encouragement finally led to that lovely day when Miss Bessie dropped mo a note 20 T m so proud to read your articles in TheTimes.【语篇导读】本文讲述了 “我”上高中时,深受Bessie老师的启迪和鼓励,最终实现梦想,成为 名作家的故事。1. A. amusing


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