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1、2022年考博英语-中国传媒大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题The girl was()Julia after her grandmother.问题1选项A.appointedB.namedC.nominatedD.elected【答案】B【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项appoint“任命;指定”;B选项name“命名;指定”;C选项nominate“推荐;提名”;D选项elect“选举;选择”。句意:这个女孩以她祖母的名字为朱莉娅。此处是说的起名,B选项name正确。2. 单选题His() keeps him from taking part in sports.问题1选项A

2、.prosperityB.punctualityC.humorD.sloth【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项prosperity“繁荣,成功”;B选项punctuality“严守时间;正确”;C选项humor“幽默,诙谐”;D选项sloth“怠惰,懒惰。句意:他因懒散而不参加体育运动。根据句意“不参加体育运动”可知D项正确。3. 单选题Their defenders say they are motivated, versatile workers who are just what companies need in these difficult times. To others,

3、however, the members of Generation Ythose born in the 1980s and 1990s otherwise known as the Net Generationare spoiled, narcissistic idlers who cannot spell and waste too much time on instant messaging and Facebook. Ah, reply the Net Genres, but all that messing around online proves that we are comp

4、uter-literate multi-taskers who are skillful users of online collaborative tools and natural team players. And: while, you are on the subject of me, I need a months vacation to reconsider my personal goal.This culture clash has been going on in many organizations and has lately seeped into managemen

5、t books. The Net Geners have grown up with computers; they are brimming with self-confidence; and they have been encouraged to challenge received wisdom, to find their own solutions to problems and to treat work as a route to personal fulfillment rather than merely a way of putting food on the table

6、. Not all of this makes them easy to manage. Bosses complain that after a childhood of being spoiled and praised, Net Geners demand far more frequent feedback and an over-precise set of objectives on the path of promotion. In a new report from PriceewaterhouseCoopers, a consultancy, 61% of chief exe

7、cutives say they have trouble recruiting and integrating younger employees.For those hard-to-please older managers, the current recession is the joyful equivalent of hiding an alarm clock in a sleeping teenagers bedroom. Once again, the touchy-feely management fashions that always spring up in years

8、 of plenty are being ditched in favor of more brutal command-and-control methods Having grown up in good times, Net Geners have labored under the illusion that the world owed them a living. But hopping between jobs to find one that meets your inner spiritual needs is not so easy when there are no jo

9、bs to hop to, And as for that vacation: heres a permanent one, sunshine.In fact, compromise will be necessary on both sides. Net Geners will certainly have to lower some of their expectations and take the world as it is, not as they would like it to be. But their older bosses should also be prepared

10、 to make concessions. The economy will eventually recover and demographic trends in most rich countries will make clever young workers even more valuable. Besides, many of the things that Keep Net Geners happy are worth doing anyway. But for the moment at least, the Facebookers are under heavy criti

11、cism.1. In the eyes of the critics of the Net Generation, the Net Geners are characterized as().2. According to Para. 2, Net Geners are not easy to manage in that().3. The word “touchy-feely in Para. 3 most probably means().4. We can learn from the last paragraph that the author believes().5. What i

12、s the authors attitude towards Net Geners?问题1选项A.accomplished and competentB.smart and flexibleC.self-centered and indulgedD.selfish and uncooperative问题2选项A.theyve attached too much importance to the personal fulfillmentB.theyve been courageous enough to challenge their bossesC.theyve had excessive

13、confidence in themselvesD.theyve required excessive responses and goals问题3选项A.sensitive and caringB.cold and bloodyC.lazy and recklessD.funny and interesting问题4选项A.Net Geners should give up their expectationsB.older bosses should give the Net Geners whatever they wantC.both Net Geners and bosses sho

14、uld face the realityD.both Net Geners and bosses should learn to concede问题5选项A.supportiveB.ObjectiveC.BiasedD.Pessimistic【答案】第1题:C第2题:D第3题:A第4题:D第5题:B【解析】1.推理判断题。由第一段“To others, however, the members of Generation Ythose born in the 1980s and 1990s otherwise known as the Net Generation-are spoiled, n

15、arcissistic idlers who cannot spell and waste too much time on instant messaging and Face book. 然而,对另一些人来说,y一代(出生于80年代和90年代的人,也被称为网络一代)是被宠坏的、自恋的游手好闲者,他们不会拼写,在即时通讯和Facebook上浪费了太多时间。”可知在批判者眼中,网络一代是被宠坏的,并且是自恋的游手好闲者。故C项正确。且在批判者眼中,网络一代自然是有缺点的,故应该用贬义词,排除AB两项。D项“自私的和不配合的”与文中所述内容不符。2.细节事实题。根据题干定位到第二段“Not all of this makes them easy to manage. Bosses complain that after a childhood of being spoiled and praised, Net Geners demand far more frequent feedback and an over-precise set of objectives on the path of promotion. 并不是所有这些都使它们易于管理。老板们抱怨



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