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1、虚拟语气 (Subj uncti v e Mood )1. if (条件状语从句)从句谓语(if)主句谓语形式例句与现在事实相反did/werewould/could/ should/might +doIf I were you,l should study En glish.与过去事实相反had donewould/could/ should/might +have doneIf you had take n my advice,you wouldn t have failed in the exam.与将来事实相反 did should do were to dowould/could/

2、should/might +doIf it were to rain tomorrow, the meet ing would be put off.错综时间条件句主、从句时间不一致,动词形式要根据它所表示的时间来调整。eg. : If I had worked hard at school,I would be an engineer,too.条件从句中省 略if采用倒装 语序的情况were,had,should +主语 放句首(否疋词not不能放前面)。eg.: Were I in school again, 1 would work harder. Had you bee n here

3、earlier,you would have see n him. Should there be a meeti ng tomorrowwould come.注意: Were it not for the expense,l would go to Italy.(V)Weren t it for the expense,l would go to Italy.(x)含蓄条件从句 (省略if,用其 他词代替)常用词:介词:with,without,butfor(要不是,如果没有);连词:or,but :副词:otherwise.eg.: Without air, there would be

4、no living things. But for your help,I couldn t have finished it in advanee. I was ill that day.Otherwise,I would had taken part in thesports meeting.=lf I hadn t been ill that day,l would had.2. wish (宾语从句)/if only (要是就好了)从句谓语形式例句与现在事实相反did/were I wish it were spri ng all the year round. If only 1 w

5、ere a bird!与过去事实相反had done Jack drove fast and was in an accide nt. Hesaid, 1 wish I had driven more carefully! ” . If only 1 had take n his advice.与将来事实相反would/could/ might doI wish you could go with us tomorrow.3. would rather +从句(表示宁愿某人在现在或将来要做某事或过去做过某事)从句谓语形式例句与现在或将来事头相反did/wereI would rather yo

6、u came tomorrow.与过去事实相反had doneI d rather you hadn t been present.4. as if/as though,even if/though+ 从句从句谓语形式例句与现在事实相反did/wereHe looked as if he were an artist.与过去事实相反had doneHe talked about the Great Wall as if he had bee n there before.与将来事实相反would/could/ might doHe ope ned his mouth as if he woul

7、d say someth ing.注意:1.在as if/as though句中,如果有可能成为事实,用陈述语气。eg.:He looks as if he is going to be ill.2.as though或as if引导的状语从句,从句主语和主句主语相同时,从句中可省略主语和部分谓语。eg.:The girl left the room hurriedly as if (she was) an gry.5. 在表示“坚持、要求、命令、建议”之类的动词后的宾语从句中,用“(should)+动词原形”Verb.、亠注意一个“坚持”in sist1.eg:She proposed th

8、at the book (should) be bann ed.她提议查禁这本书。2.i nsist作“立言;强调”时,不能用虚拟语气;作“坚持(认为);坚持(应该)”时用虚拟语气。 Mike in sisted that he had n ever stole n anything.迈克强调他没有偷任何东西。 He in sisted that he (should) come.他执意要她来。3.suggest表示 暗示,表明 时,用陈述语气; 表示“建议”时,用虚拟语气。 Her expressionsuggested ( 表明)that she told a lie.两个“命令”orde

9、rcomma nd三个“建议”suggestadvicepropose四个“要求”askdema ndrequestrequire6. 虚拟语气用于主语从句It is (was) + adj.(或过去分词)+that+sb/sth (should) do常用的形容词natural ,necessary,important , possible ,strange例句It is n ecessary that he (should) be sent there at on ce.过去分词suggested, ordered,demandecj required , requested, propo

10、sed,advised,decided例句It has been decided that the meeting (should) be put off.It is (was) +名词 + that + sb/sth (should) do常用的名词advice, decisi on,desire , dema nd idea, order,pity , proposal,recommendation( 推荐;建议),suggestion , surprise ,wish,wonder例句It was a pity that you should be so careless.7.虚拟语气用

11、于表语从句、同位语从句用(should)+动词原形常用名词Idea,proposal,suggestio n,o rder,pla n,decisio n,advice,desire表语从句Our pla n is that we (should) have a sports meet n ext week.同位语从句The professor gave orders that the test (should) be fini shed before 5:30.8.虚拟语气用于定语从句这种从句常用在It is (high) time (that).句型中,定语从句的谓语动词用过去式或shou

12、ld +动词原形(should不能省略,be用were来表示),意为“(现在)该谓语动词用过去式It is high time we were goi ng.我们现在就走。should(不能省)+ doIt is (high) time wu should leave.是我们离开的时候了。【好题珍藏】1.Grace doesn t want to move to New York because she thinks if she there,she wouldn t be able to see her parents very often.( Pano M6 P16:15)A.lives

13、B.would live C.has lived D.were to live【解析】主句说明了客观事实,if从句是对将来事实的假设。见“1.if (条件状语从句)与将来事实相反”。【答案】D2f Mr.Deweypresent,he would have offered any possible assista nee to thepeople there.( Pa no M6 P16:16)A.were B.had bee n C.should be D.was【解析】见“ 1.if (条件状语从句)一一与过去事实相反”。【答案】B3. no moder ntelecom muni eat

14、i ons, we would have to wait for weeks to get n ewsfrom around the world.( Pano M6 P16:17)A.Were there B.Had there bee n C.If there are D.If there have bee n【解析】见“ 1.if (条件状语从句)一一条件从句中省略if采用倒装语序的情况”。补充完整是: If there were no moder n telecom muni eati ons,.【答案】A4. We would rather our daughter at home w

15、ith us, but it is her choice,andshe is not a child any Ion ger.( Pa no M6 P16:18)A.would stay B.has stayed C.stayed D.stay【解析】见“ 3.would rather + 从句与现在或将来事实相反”。【答案】C5. If I(work)hard at school would be an engineer,too. (M6P33:II.1)【解析】见1. if (条件状语从句)错综时间条件句”。【答案】had worked6. -Where are the children? The dinner s going to be completely.-1 wish they



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