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1、翻译的基本技巧语态转换译法语态转换译法1 顺译法1.1 顺译成被动句1.2 顺译成主动句2 倒译法2.1 把 by 后的宾语倒译成汉语的主语2.2 把其他介词后的宾语倒译成汉语的主语2.3 倒译成汉语的无主句3 分译法一、顺译法既保留原文的主语,又要使译文主要成分的顺序和原文大体一致的翻译方法就叫顺译法。1 顺译法(Translation in Original Order)1. 1顺译成被动句A. 译成 “被”字所谓“被”字句,就是在汉语的动词前面加上一个“被” 字来表示被动的句子。主要表示这个动作不利于受事者或这个情况有点特殊, 或者出乎意料。 加上“被” 字以引起读者的注意并表示“被”这

2、一动作动作接受者(受事者)是不乐意或不情愿接受的。例 1: Vitamin C is destroyed when it isoverheated.【译文】维生素 C 受热过度就会被破坏。例 2: Once the flower has been pollinated and fertilized, the plant provides the newly formedseeds with a reserve of food materials, which will be needed when they themselves germinate.【译文】 花一旦被授了粉并受了精,植株就会对

3、新生种子提供养料贮藏,以备种子未来发芽之需。例 3: She thought all was fair and legal, and never dreamt she was going to be entrapped into afeigned union with a defrauded wretched, already bound to a bad, mad, and imbruted partner!(Charlotte Bront?: Jane Eyre)【译文】 她以为一切都是公正合法的,做梦也没想到过自己竟会被诱入欺诈婚姻的圈套,跟一个骗子、疯子、十足的坏蛋缔结姻缘。B.译成“

4、挨”字句“挨”仅用于翻译该动作是对动作接受者(受事者)不利或不好的句子。例 1: The boy was criticized yesterday.【译文】这孩子昨天挨了一顿批评。例 2: I was caught in the downpour.【译文】我在大雨中挨浇了。C.译成“给”字句“给”也是用于翻译该动作对动作接受者(受事者)不愉快或不愿接受的句子。例 1: Our clothes were soaked with sweat.【译文】我们的衣服给汗水湿透了。例 2: The crops were washed away by the flood.【译文】庄稼给大水冲跑了。例 3:

5、Your car was towed away by a towing truck from Lewis Company.【译文】路易斯公司的一辆拖车把你的汽车给拖走了。D. 译成 “叫、让、由、受、遭到、受到、予、予以、加、加以、引以、为所、经所” 等字句,用以加强说话、表达语气。例 1: You have been wetted in the rain.【译文】你叫雨淋湿了。例 2: The -rays are not affected by an electric field.【译文】 射线不受电场影响。例 3: A lot of houses and buildings, roads

6、and bridges were damaged in the seaquake.【译文】许多房屋建筑、道路桥梁在这次海啸中遭到破坏。例 4: It must be dealt with at the appropriate time with appropriate means.【译文】这件事必须在适当的时候用适当的手段予以处理。课堂互动1: 翻译下列句子, 顺译成被动句。1Those who perform deeds of merit will be rewarded.【译文】立功的人将受到奖励。2A program called a compiler was written by an

7、 expert in machine code and is stored in thecomputer.【译文】编译程序先由专家用机器代码编码写好,然后储存在计算机中。3Translation techniques should be paid enough attention to.【译文】翻译技巧应予以足够的重视。4The applicants interviewed are required to hand in some necessary material.【译文】被谈过话的申请人,要求交上必要的材料。5Television keeps us informed about curr

8、ent events at home and abroad.【译文】电视使我们了解国内外大事。1. 2 顺译成主动句A. 顺译成形式是主动,意义上是被动的句子把英语句子顺译成主动句,其形式是主动,但从意义和逻辑关系上看还是被动句。例 1: Love can not be forced.【译文】爱情不能强求。例 2: Love and cough cannot be hidden.【译文】爱情和咳嗽都无法隐藏。例 3:My holidays afternoons were spent in rambling about the surrounding country. (WashingtonIr

9、ving)【译文】每逢假日的下午,我总要漫步周围的乡村。例 4: Illness must be correctly diagnosed before they can be treated with medicine.【译文】疾病必须先确诊,再用药。B. 改变原文的谓语动词,顺译成主动句如果把英语的被动句译成汉语的被动句,则不符合汉语的语言习惯,所以常可将英语的被动句顺译成汉语的主动句, 原文的谓语动词是被动形式, 可转变谓语, 顺译成汉语的主动形式。例 1: The teacher was satisfied with the answer.【译文】老师对回答感到满意。例 2: I am

10、told you are careless.【译文】听说你很粗心大意。例 3: The long river is originated from that high mountain.【译文】这条大河发源于那座山。C.顺译成“是的”结构英语句子要着重表示的不是受事者受到了某个行动这样一个事实本身,而是与这个行动有关的一些具体情况,如时间、地点、方式、方法等。也就是说,句子里强调的是行动的静态而不是动态的含义。这样就可以顺译成汉语的“是的”的句式。其框架为“受事者是动词的” 。例 1: That ridiculous idea was put forward by his brother.【译

11、文】这个怪念头是他哥哥想出来的。例 2: The credit system in America was first adopted by Harvard University in 1872.【译文】美国的学分制是1872 年在哈佛大学首先实施的。例 3: Poetry was chanted to the accompaniment of the lyre.【译文】诗歌吟唱时是由七弦琴伴奏的。例 4: The left ear is controlled by the right side of the brain.【译文】左耳是由大脑的右侧控制的。课堂互动2: 翻译下列句子, 顺译成主

12、动句1This is a question to be answered at once.【译文】这是一个要立即回答的问题。2We are deeply touched by the hero s loyalty to the cause.【译文】我们深为英雄忠于事业的精神所感动。3The novels of Dickens have already been translated into many languages.【译文】狄更斯的小说已经译成了好几种语言。4The discovery is highly appreciated in the circle of agricultural

13、 science.【译文】这一发现在农业科学界得到很高的评价。5Wells and spring are supplied with underground water.【译文】井水和泉水都是地下水。6I was received by a tall, lithe, vibrant woman in her 70 s, white-haired, and still beautiful.【译文】接见我的是一位高挑轻盈、满头银发的女人。虽然年逾古稀,却依然神采奕奕、风韵犹存。2. 倒译法(Translation in Reverse Order)倒译法就是将英语被动句的主语汉译成宾语的翻译方法。

14、倒译法又分完全倒译法和部分倒译法。完全倒译法是把原文 by 或其他介词后的宾语倒译成汉语的主语;部分倒译法译出的汉语句子常是无主句。2. 1 把 by 后的宾语倒译成汉语的主语例 1: Yet, only a part of this energy is used by man.【译文】然而,人类只利用了这种能量的一部分。例 2: Rivers are controlled by dams.【译文】拦河大坝把河流控制住了。例 3: We are brought freedom and happiness by socialism.【译文】社会主义给我们带来了自由和幸福。例 4: Light and heat can be given to us by the sun.【译文】太阳供给我们光和热。例 5: At least two quarts of water are required daily by a normal individual.【译文】一个正常的人每天至少需要两夸脱的水。2. 2 把其



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