FIA Band Leader Duties国际汽联乐队的领导者的职责

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《FIA Band Leader Duties国际汽联乐队的领导者的职责》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《FIA Band Leader Duties国际汽联乐队的领导者的职责(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、FIA Band Leader DutiesLeadership1. Understand the mission for the band and be able to clearly articulate this mission to band members and other bands. Ensure that proposed band activity and discussions are compatible with band mission.2. Annually review Management Team “Bullets” given to each band f

2、or direction and focus. Take a leadership role in converting the band vision into a workable strategy with concrete products and deadlines. Provide input to the Management Team for updating the bullets.3. Coordinate band work and ensure product delivery. Clarify and articulate the products that are

3、to be produced by the band, set timelines, ensure participation of all band members, coordinate multiple viewpoints, and produce a mutually agreed upon national product.4. Serve as an advocate for the band in discussions with other bands and the Management Team. Be prepared to defend and promote ban

4、d decisions. 5. Mediate conflicts between band members and with other bands.6. Annually review band Charter for band-specific rules, expectations, and timeframes.7. Raise issues and make recommendations to the Management Team through Management Team liaisons. Prepare status report of band business f

5、or Management Team for the June and Fall Management Team meetings.8. Attend the Joint Band Meeting, facilitate joint meetings, and make band related presentations to the attendees. With band input, develop agenda items and questions for the meeting and submit these to Band Conductor. Summarize all d

6、iscussions for the plenary sessions. Draft a list of action items from the meeting, help assign tasks, and ensure that action items are completed.9. Work with Deputy Band Leader to distribute workload and help train Deputy for Band Leader duties.Communication1. Participate in monthly Band Leader cal

7、ls with Band Conductor (Barb OConnell) to facilitate cross band issues and keep apprised of on-going change proposals2. Ensure that band liaisons are attending meeting and reporting back to the group. Keep apprised of current issues and discussions in other bands. Be prepared to provide input and re

8、present band viewpoint on these issues if called upon. 3. Serve as a focal point for email communications from other bands and from the Management Team. 4. Update band website with band meeting minutes and other business information by forwarding information to the band webmaster. 5. Serve as point

9、of contact for cooperators and others outside of FIA who may have questions or concerns regarding technical aspects of the program. Help direct them to key resources or band members who may be able to assist.6. Keep Band Conductor apprised of band business and pending issues by including on band ema

10、ils, forwarding copies of meeting minutes, and ccing on cross-band communication.Administrative1. Organize band conference calls, meetings, symposia as appropriate for your band.Ensure that all meetings have a defined agenda. Facilitate meetings to ensure that all agenda items are addressed and that

11、 the meeting stays on focus. Regulate discussions to keep within timelines. Make certain that a concrete action or direction results from each agenda item and note these items in the minutes.2. Keep track of upcoming deadlines and remind band members of deadlines for tasks/products that they are res

12、ponsible for completing. Ensure that deadlines are met or are renegotiated.3. Annually review band membership to ensure participation from each regional FIA unit, FHM, NFS, S&PF, and State Partners4. Keep band mailing list and membership up-to-date. Fill liaison positions with other bands by negotia

13、ting with individuals, bands, or Program Managers for volunteers.5. Organize annual band meeting. Ensure that meeting logistics have been arranged to the satisfaction of the group (e.g., location, lodging, transportation, meals, meeting space, AV equipment, and ensure accessibility). Develop a meeti

14、ng agenda, facilitate discussions to keep meeting on target, and make certain that all agenda items are either resolved or that there is a concrete plan for their resolution. 6. Facilitate the change proposal decision process with the band and document recommendations and band feedback7. Encourage the Deputy Band Leader to get training in team leadership and meeting facilitation.



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