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1、国内图书分类号:TP181国际图书分类号:621.3工学博士学位论文蚁群算法改进及应用研究博士研究生导师申请学位级别学科、专业所在单位授予学位单位:刘波吴惕华教授李惠光教授工学博士控制理论与控制工程电气工程学院燕山大学Classified Index:TP181U.D.C.:621.3Dissertation for Doctoral Degree in EngineeringIMPROVEMENT OF INTELLIGENT ANTCOLONY ALGORITHM AND ITSAPPLICATIONCandidate:Liu BoSupervisor:Prof.Wu TihuaProf.

2、Li HuiguangAcademic Degree Applied for:Doctor of EngineeringSpeciality:Control Theory and Control EngineeringUniversity:Yanshan University燕山大学博士学位论文原创性声明本人郑重声明:此处所提交的博士学位论文蚁群算法改进及应用研究,是本人在导师指导下,在燕山大学攻读博士学位期间独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。据本人所知,论文中除已注明部分外不包含他人已发表或撰写过的研究成果。对本文的研究工作做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式注明。本声明的法律结果将完





7、题。Web服务组合本身就是一种解决复杂问题的方法,其应用也越来越广泛,采用蚁群算法解决Web服务组合优化,并最终给出了最优服务组合对应的Qos属性值,实际上是解决了与之相关的一类问题,具有非常的现实意义。(4)将蚁群算法成功应用于白洋淀景区旅游线路规划问题,从而在第一时间为白洋淀旅游开发总体规划规划研究人员提供轮廓性资料,让研究人员节省更多的时间进行细节规划,从而大大提高规划效率。关键词蚁群算法;二进制蚁群算法;加权策略;分布估计算法;Web服务组和优化;旅游规划AbstractDuring the 1990s,the Italian scholar M.Dorigo,V.Maniezzo p

8、roposed a heuristicevolutionary bionic algorithm based on population by simulation the collective behaviorof ant routing,and found the whole ant colony make use of pheromone to collaboratewith each other to form a positive feedback that each ant follow the shortest path.In last two decades,Ant colon

9、y algorithm got extensive application in combinatorialoptimization,function optimization,system identification,network route,robot pathplanning,data mining and cabling design of large scale integrated circuit.But manyscholars realized the limitation of traditional ant colony algorithm to improve.The

10、improvement of ant colony algorithm have two handles,one aspect is the improvement ofitself,such as improvement mode of pheromone release,probability of selection method,and the other is fusion improvement on ant colony algorithm and other intelligentoptimization algorithms.This paper is a detailed

11、study of the principle,analysis,fusion improvement and theapplied of ant colony algorithm.Firstly,we propose two improvement of binary ant colony algorithm.One improve-ment is binary discrete with solution space variable.We determine binary digitconversion n according to the size range,then we will

12、convert it into the solving TSPproblems on n cities.Each population interval are computed by forward and backward inevery interval,which was completely different from the method of solution space isdivided into many subdomains in traditional ant colony algorithm and binary ant colonyalgorithm.The te

13、sts show that improvement algorithm has make a lot of progress withtraditional ant colony algorithm and binary ant colony algorithm in convergence rate anditerations of optimization.The other improvement is apply weighted strategy to renewalof pheromone.The test results show that improve the global

14、convergence performancealgorithm greatly,heighten the accuracy of the solution.Secondly,we propose a novel estimation of distribution algorithm by fusionimprovement on ant colony algorithm and PBIL estimation of distribution algorithm.Thealgorithm introduce probability distribution model of PBIL alg

15、orithm to guide routechoice,which greatly improve the faults that positive feedback mechanism of pheromonecan easily fall into local optimum.Thirdly,we apply ant colony algorithm to the problem of web services section andoptimization form Qos property optimal.Web services section is a way of solvingcomplex problems and widely used.In last,we obtain the attribute values Qos foroptimal service composition.This way has a very practical significance.Fourthly,wo apply ant colony algorithm to line planning of Baiyang Lake,whichcome up with



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