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1、 . 仁爱英语八年级下册 Unit 5 Feeling ExcitedTopic 1 You look excited一 重点句型。Section A 1. How are you doing? =How are you? 你们好吗?多用于熟人之间的问候。2. My father and mother want to invite your parents to go to the movies.我爸妈想邀请你们父母一起去看电影。1)A. want to do sth. = would like to do sth. 想要做某事; B. want sth. = would like sth.

2、想要某物;2)invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事;invite sb. (to sp.) 邀请某人(到某地); Liming invited me to his party yesterday. 昨晚明邀请我去参加他的聚会。3)go to the movies 去看电影;3. Its one of my parents favorite movies.它是我父母他们最喜欢的电影之一。1)one of + 形容词最高级+可数名词复数 中最之一;Tom is one of the most lively boys in our class. 汤姆是我们班最活跃的男生之一。2

3、)“one of +可数名词复数”作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。One of the bags is mine. 其中一个书包是我的。4. My mom will prepare some delicious food for us. 我妈将为我们准备一些美味的食物。prepare; prepare for; preparefor; be prepared for; prepare to do sth.的区别:A. prepare sth意为“准备某事”强调准备的过程或动作,宾语必须是这一动作的直接承受者;另有“配置、调制”之意。 Our English teacher was prepari

4、ng the lessons when I came into the office.我进办公室时,我们的英语老师在备课。B. prepare for意为“为作准备”,for后面的宾语是准备的目的,即所要应付的情况。 The students are busy preparing for the final exam.学生们正在准备期末考试。C. prepare sth. for sb. 意为“为某人准备”。 We must prepare a room for our guest. 我们必须为客人准备一个房间。 D. be prepared for强调准备好的状态。 Im not prepa

5、red to listen to your weak excuses. 我不想听你那站不住脚的借口。E. prepare to do sth.表示准备做.。They were preparing to cross the river when it began to rain.他们正准备过河,突然下雨了。5. Please say thanks to your mom for us. 请带我们向你妈表示感。say thanks to sb.向某人表示感。类似的短语还有:say hello to sb.向某人问好;say good-bye to sb.向某人告别;say sorry to sb.

6、向某人道歉。He came here to say good-bye to me.他过来向我道别。6. He felt disappointed because he was not able to buy a ticket to The Sounds of Music. 他感到很失望,因为他买不到音乐之声的票。1)felt是feel的过去式。feel意为“感觉,感到”,是连系动词,后面接形容词作表语。类似的还有:taste(尝起来), smell(闻起来), look(看起来),sound(听起来)。The music sounds wonderful.这音乐听起来很优美。2) be abl

7、e to do sth. 有能力做某事; be not able to do sth. 没有能力做某事;be able to, can 区别:be able to do能够-侧指通过努力能够实现的;can-侧指人所具有的一种能力。另外, can 一般用于现在时和过去时 而be able to可以用于任何时态。3) a ticket to 的票/入场券;7. Janes parents will feel excited about the news. 简的父母将对这个消息感到很兴奋。be excited about sth. 对某物感到很兴奋;My son is excited about t

8、he present. 我儿子对这份礼物感到很兴奋。Section B1. He seems a little unhappy. 他似乎有点不高兴。seem unhappy为系表结构,意为“看起来不高兴”,unhappy为形容词。seem后除了可以加形容词构成系表结构外,还有以下常见的用法:A. seem to do sth. 看起来/似乎做某事;He seems to know the truth.他似乎知道真相。B. It seems/ed+that(as if) 看起来,看样子It seems that they know what theyre doing. 看起来他们知道自己在干什么

9、。It always seemed as if they would get married. 他们一直看起来仿佛要结婚似的。2. He felt disappointed because he couldnt get a ticket to The Sound of Music.因为买不到音乐之声的票,所以他感到很失望。a ticket for / to sth. 的票/入场券;She want to buy a ticket to the concert. 她想买一音乐会的门票。3. I think its very interesting. 我认为它很有趣。 A. interest 是动

10、词,作谓语用,意为“兴趣”。Football doesnt interest me at all. 足球一点也提不起我的兴趣。 B. interesting是形容词,有主动意为,意为“令人有趣的”,作表语时,主语通常是物。作定语时,既可修饰人,也可修饰物。It is an interesting book for children. 那是一本有趣的儿童读物。 C. interested也是形容词,有被动意为,意为“感兴趣的,对感兴趣”,主语通常是人,且多用于be/get/feel/become interested in结构中。He is interested in the interesti

11、ng story.他对这个有趣的故事很感兴趣。类似的有: disappointing 令人失望的 / disappointed失望的;exciting令人激动的 / excited 激动的;boring 令人厌烦的 / bored 厌倦的;4. But my parents like Beijing Opera a lot. 但我爸妈很喜欢京剧。1)Beijing Opera=Peking Opera京剧;2)a lot = very much 非常;I like watching TV a lot. = I like watching TV very much. 我非常喜欢看电视。5. He

12、 must be excited to get it. 他拿到票一定很兴奋。A. cant be 肯定不是,否定推测。Mary cant be in London because I saw her in town an hour ago.玛丽不可能在伦敦,因为我一个小时前还在镇上看见她。B. must be 一定是,肯定推测。She must be a teacher. 她一定是个老师。C. may be 可能是,猜测推测。It may be will rain tomorrow. 明天可能会下雨。6. Mr. Brown was excited to have a ticket and h

13、e also felt sorry for Michael.有了电影票的布朗先生感到很兴奋,同事他也为迈克尔感到难过。1) be / feel sorry for sb. 为某人感到难过;I am sorry for him. 我为他感到难过。2) be sorry about sth. 对于某事很遗憾; I am sorry about your illness. 对于你生病,我感到很难过。3) be sorry to do sth. 做某事很遗憾;I am sorry to hear that. 很遗憾听到这个。4) be sorry that + 句子 很遗憾; Im sorry tha

14、t he lost the game. 对于他输掉比赛,我感到很遗憾。7. The food smelled good and tasted well. 这些食物闻起来很香,尝起来很美味。Section C1. The father was lonely and often became angry angry because of the noisy children. 他们的父亲很孤独而且因为吵闹的孩子而生气。1)lonely 孤独的,寂寞的。alone与lonely比较:A. alone既可作副词,又可作形容词,常在句中作表语和状语,说明客观存在。She left for Shangqi

15、u alone. 她独自去了。(状语) Jims parents both went shopping. So he is alone at home.吉姆的父母都去买东西了。因此只有他自己在家。(表语)B. lonely形容词,常在句中作表语、定语,侧重人的心理。There is a lonely room on the side of the hill. 山坡上有一间孤零零的房子。(定语)The old man seldom speaks to others, but he never feels lonely.那老人很少与其他人说话,但他从不感到寂寞。(表语)2)A. because of 因为,由于,介词短语,后跟名词或相当于名词的短语。He was late for work because of illness yesterday. 他昨天因病上班迟到了。B. because后跟状语从句。She didnt buy that car then because she hadnt enough money at that time. 她当时没买那辆车,是因为她没有足够的钱。 3)



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