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1、人教版高三英语必修1-9单元重点词汇、短语与句型Unit 1 That must be a record1. 一本畅销书 a best seller 2. 做出结论 draw a conclusion 3. 追寻踪迹 keep track of 4. 突出,引人注目 stand out 5. 被诊断患有 be diagnosed with 6. 考虑,纳入考虑的范围 take into account 7. 褪色的记忆 faded memories 8. 创立纪录 set a record 9. 连续的 in a row 10. 确认纪录 confirm the record11. 公园管理部

2、门the park administration 12. 极限运动 extreme sports 13. 专心致志于 concentrate on 14. 青少年滑板爱好者 teenage skateboarder 15. 抓住心理capture peoples minds and hearts 16. 对很熟悉 be familiar with 17. 申请 apply for 18.突然大哭 burst into tears 19. 检查,视察 inspect 20. 尝试 attempt 21. 让某人快乐的是to ones delight 22. 对.小心谨慎 be cautious

3、with 23. 写下 set down 24. 被分类 be put into categories 25. There are also strange records, like the Englishman who balanced a small car weighing 159.6 kilograms on his head for 33 seconds.还有一些奇怪的纪录,例如一位英国人用头顶起一辆重达159.6公斤的小汽车, 持续时间达33秒。26. Impressive as the record is, it fades next to the story of Armst

4、rongs struggle against disease.尽管这项纪录给人印象深刻,但不如阿姆斯特朗同疾病作斗争的故事那么让人瞩目。27. Part of the reason for our interest is probably the same curiosity that led Sir Hugh to write the Guinness Book of World Records in the first place.局部原因很可能是好奇心,正是这种好奇心促使休先生最早从事了?吉尼斯世界纪录大全?的写作。28. Whether we are out to set a new

5、record ourselves or simply enjoy reading about champions, the Guinness Book of World Records makes for interesting reading.无论我们是亲自破纪录,还是欣赏阅读有关别人的夺冠壮举,?吉尼斯世界纪录大全?都算得上是一本有趣的读物。29. 最快的人造物体的速度是声音的51倍. The speed of the fastest man-made object is 51 times that of sound.30 天安门广场是世界上最大的广场, 占地面积达40英亩.Tiananm

6、en Square is the largest one in the world with an area of 40 hectares.31尽管会下雨, 运动会会按方案举行。Rain as it may, the sports meet will be held as planned.Unit 2 Crossing limitsName_ Class _ Score_I. Words and expressions (每题3分)1. 探索未知 explore the unknown 2. 以的名义 in the name of3. 国家重点工程 the state key project

7、4. 用装备 be equipped with5. 占据,拥有_take possession of 6. 冒生命危险 risk ones life7. 形成的根底 form the foundation for 8. 起航,启航 set sail for9. 提到,谈到 refer to 10. 被俘虏 be taken prisoner11. 不无风险_not without risk 12. 在的指挥下under the command of 13. 恢复关系_renew the relationship 14. 作为回报 in return15. 开设大使馆_open an embas

8、sy16. 中国驻美大使 Chinese ambassador to the USA17. 找到路 find ones way 18.伸出, reach out19. 除了以外 apart from 20. 民族英雄 national heroes 21. 适应_adjust to_ 22. 做尝试 make an attempt23. 耗光,用尽 run out of 24. 到达山顶 reach the top/ summitII. Translate the following sentences每题4分25. The contacts between China and Africa

9、over the centuries led to the awareness of each others existence, but still no accurate maps of the countries around the Indian Ocean existed.中国和非洲之间经过几个世纪的接触了解到了对方的存在,但是依然没有印度洋沿岸国家的精确地图。26. The exchange of goods had a symbolic meaning far more important than the value the goods themselves.商品交换所具有的象

10、征意义远远超过商品本身的价值。27. All that was left to be conquered was the third pole, the highest mountain on earth.留下来有待征服的就是第三极,即地球上的最顶峰。28. Sherpa strength, skill, honesty and dedication have made them ideal companions on the mountain.夏尔巴人的力量、技能、老实和奉献精神使他们成为山上理想的好伙伴。29.在库克船长的指挥下,船队在清晨起航去搜寻一个新大陆。Under the comm

11、and of Captain Cook, the fleet set sail in the morning in search of a new continent.30. 许多学生将在奥运会期间志愿为各国的运发动提供效劳。Many students will volunteer to offer service to athletes from many countries.31恶劣的天气和设备的缺乏使得他们无法登上山顶。make it impossibleExtreme weather and lack of equipment made it impossible for them t

12、o reach the summit.Unit 3 The land down under Name_ Class _ Score_I. Words and expressions (每题2分)1. 组成,化装 make up 2. 代表,主张 stand for 3. 作为的结果 as a consequence 4. 生产,赋予生命 give birth to 5. 终年,一年到头的_all the year round_ 6. 喂养,以为食 feed on 7. 对有影响 have a strong influence on 8. 转化成 transform .into 9. 把聚集一起

13、 round up 10. 在方面不同 differ in_ 11. 多样化的社会_diverse society_ 12. 宣称对负责 claim responsibility for13. 社会经济不稳定social and economic unrest 14. 改善生活条件 improve living conditions15. 官方语言 official language 16. 产蛋,产卵 lay eggs 17.把挡在外面, keep out 18. 在周末 at weekends 19. 在篝火上 on an open fire 20. 占据整个大陆 cover an ent

14、ire continent21. 宝石 precise stone 22. 铁矿 iron mines II. Fill in the blanks with proper words. (每题2分)1. Australia was chosen as a new place where prisoners and criminals were sent.2. The Constitution governing six states stated that men were free and equal, explained their basic civil rights.3After the second World War, Australia began to transform (转变) itself into the modern country it is today.4As a consequence (结果),


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