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1、精选资料 欢迎下载五年级下册英语期末测试卷(北师大版)一、选择一个发音不同的单词1. A. hurry B. husband C. carry D. nut2. A. hat B. park C. map D. Cathy3. A. monkey B. goal C. row D. old4. A. change B. orange C. England D. corner5. A. team B. please C. keeper D. cheer二、选择方框中的词或词组填空cheer for fell field when surprise boring find shortest exc

2、iting excited1. The Chinese lesson is so _ . John is sleepy(困了).2. They wanted to _their basketball team.3. _is dinner? At seven thirty.4. Wheres my dictionary? I cant _it.5. Suddenly, a player _ and hurt his leg.6. What an _game! Its so wonderful.7. Theres a big football _in Sports Center.8. Mocky

3、is too _because he can eat so many fruit.9. Who is the _ in your class?10. To our _, Class I won. The score was 2:0.三、单项选择填空1. _ carrying the ban? Look, David. A. Who B. Whose C. Whos2. There was a big volleyball game _our team and the Bell school team. A. between B. beside C. behind3. Our team play

4、ed very _. A. good B. wonderful C. well4. _ row are you in? Row E. A. What B. Where C. Which5. Mocky was _ because the Bell team got a goal. A. worry B. worrying C. worried6. Last Sunday, Ann and I _ Jim _ a bookstore. A. took; to B. take; to C. took; with7. My sister Helen didnt like playing basket

5、ball, I didnt like _. A. too B. either C. also8. Lucy is _ than Lily. A. young B. younger C. the youngest9. This is _ animal story book. I like it very much. What about you? Me _. A. an; either B. an; too C. the; too10. Jack thinks English is _ of all subjects. A. interesting B. more interesting C.

6、the most interesting11. Are they your Mums? No, they arent. Theyre _. A. my B. his C. her12. Mocky was very _ to see the big cake. A. excited B. excite C. exciting13. I would like _ home, its late. A. going B. to go C. went14. My birthdays coming. My mother _ me a gift. A. gave B. gives C. will give

7、15. What did you do last weekend? _. A. Going swimming B. Went swimming C. Will swim16. I was very _. A. puzzling B. puzzles C. puzzled17. My classmate Helen asked me _ to her birthday party last Saturday. A. to come B. coming C. came18. Whos the _ student in your class? Gao Shan is. A. tallest B. m

8、ost tallest C. taller19. There _ two glasses of orange juice on the table just now. A. was B. were C. are20. Liu Tao always _ in the library. A. is studying B. studied C. studies四、情景配对( ) 1. What time do you go to school? A. This one I think.( ) 2. When is your birthday? B. At seven fifteen.( ) 3. W

9、here are you going to play? C. Im in Guangming Primary School.( ) 4. Which school are you in? D. We are going to play at our Sports Certer.( ) 5. Which is more expensive, this one or that one? E. Our team will.( ) 6. Whose team will win the game? F. My birthday is on September 10 th.五、改错( ) 1. That

10、(A) green bag is his(B). My(C)is blue.( )2. Excuse me.(A) Whos(B) watch is(C) this?( )3. That (A) bag isnt Dads (B) too(C).( )4. Mocky was(A) very exciting (B) to meet (C) Dad.( )5. Is (A) this suitcase yours (B)? - No, its her.(C)六选词填空。1. This is _ bag. That is _, too. (my, mine, me, I)2. Whose boo

11、ks are these? _ are _. (they, their, theirs)3. Is this dog _? No, its not _. (ours, our, you, yours)4. Are these _ (red pen, red pens, a red pen) yours?5. Hide the mask _ (behind, in front of , in) the door.6. _(Whos, Whose, Who) ruler is this?7.This spaceship isnt _( your, my, mine).8. Its afternoo

12、n. The sun is high in the sky. The shadow is_(behind, beside, in front of) the tree.9. Be quiet! Grandpa is_(asleep, awake, hungry).10. This cup is_(full, warm, empty). Please add some water.七、连词成句。 1. fastest, in, who, runs, your, class _ 2. he, is, the, boy, class, tallest, your, in _ 3. fatter, Dick, is, Tom, than _ 4. the, is, one, who, middle, the, in _ 5. goes, to, out, he, look, for, elephant, the _八、阅读理解。 Mary has four sisters. They are Betty, Holl



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