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1、Joura o te European Cerm Sciety3 ()243255Inkjet pring cemics: Frm drops to sliB. DrbSchool fMaterias, Uniersiy of Manhester, Oxford Rd, Manhetr13 9PL,UKAvilabe onie6 Febrar Abstrc Inket pnin i oefl microbrication tool th ha been appled to the manufactue of cerami components. o ccsullyfbrcate cerami

2、objects a nmer ofcodiion mt sisfed concerin luid proerties nddrop pacement accuray. t has been propoedhat fluds are prinale wtin te bunds 1 Z 0 (wher is th inee of te Ohesore umer) and theseimts are showntoe oisent cemic suspensios diveed by piezolctic drop-ondemadine ines.Thephysical proees that oc

3、cudrin dp ipact andpeadnae reiewd d thse are showntodefe theimu eature ze attanale fora gien printd op iaetr. Finallthdets thtcan ocur dring hedyng oprinted drop re reviwe (ofee stann) ndmecansms amethodoogies to ede this phenomeon e dicuse.Keyords:nkt pining;Shping; Drying;Suspenson1. Inroducon nkt

4、 prntinghas aor ommrcialaplictins in grap-icotut and hcnventional printngoperaion. wever,theres beendeveloping iterest using nkt printin anfacure omonent wit applicainfo: dsply,1 plas-ic ecronics, ad prtotping, issue gnering,4 ceramic connt manufcture Asgnifcan ad fudmaldiffeenebeteen he new plicati

5、sndh more iesprea aplcaton of pintin textoimagesistbhair oheprined ink dpt on the prnted sbstrate. Mot mages are constcted bytheepsiti fdiscretedropets an, i order ptiiseresoion nd tra, thes doets re iso-atd and do no ontactech hr. In cots, many h new ppiation for nket rting eisage the maufactre fco

6、ntiuous,-,or 3imnioalrures (1-, 2-, 3-D). Suc strctes eure acontinuous distibtion of matal and this neesitates cntat an adhsibetweenindiviua drop aftr prntig.Inj rnting conut bjts y th precisin placen ofpicolitre voes of liuindthus thinial iterac-inbeteen rnt materl an aubstrate ia iuid/slid interac

7、tion. Ultmaely, tprintdeposit udroes a solifcaion procss that can oc thugsolvent evaporaion,emrau ncedsoliifcationelation orcemicl reac-ion.Cosirationsf th relatetmescales of dopsreading nd siition indcte tt there will e igniica period of me afr rintgwhen liqds resenn surfae6 and s the morphologal s

8、tabiity of coallesgliquid fils must be xam,as us th efets o thesolidiictio proces. ee hasbee aconsdrb ubef ulicatons on heuse f ineprintini the manufacte of cemic77 Thes rir sudies ha sed all inkjet drp gneion tchnoloes (ontinous, hraldro-on-dmanan pieeecri drp-on-dend) t uccesflly oduce ceac obcts

9、usg boh soent evporation and hsangsoiifiation Idustial nkjetprining technlogy owss piezlctrc ropn-demand (DO) enraio technolgy an hi is he chose metod formost applicaionsin prnting unctionl materias. The physc opratio o these ffrent priti tehnoloandtereasns forthechoice o pelcric DODprnting h been i

10、suss i detai elewhre6,; hncehere we wilconfinour csderaio o tis tehnolog. e ill alsoly coide he prining f ceamc nk hat lify tr so-vent evaortion Dspite earl rk demonstrating h it is osible to succesfuly prin mscaleobjetsusg aaxbasedphase ne cerami ik,11 ceraic inks ntin relatie owvolue factionsofsoi

11、d a hshes onieraeshrinkge ad ptntilfor dstortion during dwxnd sinteig.14In orderto fbrc eramibjctuing inket riting, isnecesar t satify numer of requremnts.First hreisanedto podc tbl cermic uspensis with define uid rerties such thatey can be passed hrogh a opet gnrto and form reguadrops. Seco,hese su

12、spensoseed to delivrd oto a sbstrat or nto arevius printd lar o slidfied eami ink, wi drops i sffciet roxmiy to ehoter t low thetoiratand orm desied2-D featus. Nx,eprinted cermcinkmut nderg phase rasiion o asoldepost Fially, to produce 3-D structues tedeposi-tin d nsolidification rocesssed tb repeated n a layer ore-psitedn id mteial.Her we willconider ecothserequiements an the optimiato forthireprinting o ceramics.2



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