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1、高考英语熟词僻义短语1.grip rpgrip VN (情绪或形势) 对产生强有力的影响to have a powerful effect on sb/sthI was gripped by a feeling of panic.我惊恐万状。Terrorism has gripped the country for the past two years.两年来恐怖主义一直笼罩着这个国家Phrases: 1get a grip on 理解;了解I couldntget a grip on what was going on.我无法理解正在发生的事情。2keep a good grip on 充分

2、理解/了解You need tokeep a good grip on reality in this job.做这个工作你需要充分了解实际情况。3come/get to grips with sth开始理解并着手处理难题 Im slowly getting to grips with the language.我慢慢开始掌握这种语言。4get/take a grip (on yourself)使(自己)镇定下来;控制住(自己的)情绪 I have to take a grip on myself, he told himself firmly.我一定要控制住自己的情绪,他坚定地对自己说。5l

3、ose your grip (on sth)失去(对的)理解(或控制);驾驭不住 Sometimes I feel Im losing my grip.有时我感到自己无能为力。2.dig d dig deep (into sth)探究;搜集;细查Youll need to dig deep into the records to find the figures you want.你必须仔细查阅档案才能找到你需要的数字3.capacity kpsti at full capacity以全部力量;满功率,满负载The factory is working at full capacity.这家工

4、厂在开足马力生产。4.fall fl fall into 属于(某类、群体、责任范围)Out of over 400 staff there are just 7 that fall into this category.400多个职员中只有7人属于这一类。Ocean currents fall into two main categories.洋流分为两大类。5.to this dayto this day 至今;直到现在He shared this quote that sticks with me to this day.他分享的这句话,我至今铭记在心。6.approach prt ap

5、proach VN 着手处理;对付Whats the best way of approaching this problem?什么是处理这个问题的最佳方式?7.on board1get on board赞成、 愿意参加When I asked you to get on board, I meant I would you join me and help out.2have sb on board携手合作Its good to have you on board (= working with us) for this project.这项工程有你和我们携手合作真是太好了。3be/get

6、on board 在船上(或飞机上、火车上)Have the passengers gone on board yet ?乘客们登机了吗?8.From the get-go From the get-go 一开始的时候= from the beginningFrom the get-go, I wanted to do something to help out.9.speak up forspeak up for为辩护,替讲好话The transgender community needs to be empowered to speak up for their health care n

7、eeds.跨性别人群需要被赋权说出他们的医疗需求。10.wrap ones head around sthwrap ones head around sth. 理解、想明白,弄清楚将心思放在(围绕在).上面.I just cantwrap my head around this.翻译为:我就是无法在这上面集中精力.I want to cover a couple of definitions thats going to help you wrap your head around gender identity a little bit more. 我想给出一些定义来帮助你们更好地理解身份认

8、同。11.blow awayblow away 使印象深刻I was blown away by the tone and the quality of the story.这个故事的基调和内容打动了我。12.freak frik freak 1(informal)(使)强烈反应,震惊,畏惧if sb freaks or if sth freaks them, they react very strongly to sth that makes them suddenly feel shocked, surprised, frightened, etc.V My parents really

9、freaked when they saw my hair.我父母看见我的头发时大惊失色。freak sb out VN Snakes really freak me out.我一看见蛇便浑身发麻。13.full-on full-on adj.(informal)(表示最大程度)完全的;最强烈的It was a full-on night out with the boys.这是与男孩们外出玩得最尽兴的一个晚上What they were really good at was full-on rocknroll.他们真正擅长的是纯粹的摇滚乐。14.shake offshake off1 治好(

10、疾病),摆脱(坏习惯等)Businessmen are trying to shake off habits learned under six decades of a protected economy.商人们正努力改掉60年来在保护主义经济下所养成的那些习惯。2 甩掉,摆脱(跟随的人)I caught him a lap later, and although I could pass him I could not shake him off.一圈后我追上了他,可是虽然我可以超过他,但却甩不掉他。3甩开,甩掉(使不接触)He grabbed my arm. I shook him of

11、f.他抓住了我的胳膊,我一把将他甩开了。15.walk away/off with walk away/off with 轻松赢得;轻易获得Enter our competition and you could walk away with 10,000.参加我们的竞赛就有机会轻松赢得1万英镑的奖金。The delighted pensioner walked off with a 2,000 prize.那个退休老人轻松赢得了2,000英镑的奖金,高兴得不得了。walk off with 不经允许就拿走;偷走 第二个意思Ill bet you walked off with my coat,

12、 too.我打赌你还顺手拿走了我的大衣。16.hooked hkt hooked 1ADJ (被)迷住的;(对)入迷的 be hooked on 对.入迷Many of the leaders have become hooked on power and money.很多领导人都变得贪恋权力和金钱。I was hooked. 我被吸引住了。 2ADJ (吸毒)上瘾的 be hooked on sth (eg. a drug)be addicted to.He spent a number of years hooked on cocaine, heroin and alcohol.他有好几年时间吸食可卡因和海洛因成瘾,还整日酗酒。17.a lost causea lost cause一个注定要失败的努力;注定要失败的努力;已注定的败局4


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