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1、高考英语书面表达押题范文1.请以“我在汉语成语英语翻译大赛中的经历与收获”为题,写一篇英语短文,描述你在比赛中的具体表现、遇到的困难、如何克服以及从中学到了什么。注意:1.字数100字左右;2.标题已给出。My Experience and Gains in the English Translation Contest of Chinese IdiomsMy Experience and Gains in the English Translation Contest of Chinese Idioms The English translation contest of Chinese i

2、dioms remains fresh in my memory.It was an exciting and challenging event.I selected the idiom “A fox may grow gray, but never good” and felt a blend of nerves and excitement during the competition .I focused intently and strived for an accurate translation. Even though I didnt claim the first prize

3、, I reaped numerous benefits .My understanding of Chinese idioms deepened, and my translation ability significantly improved .I also made like-minded friends.This contest left a deep mark on me and spurred me to further explore different languages and cultures .It truly was a valuable and unforgetta

4、ble experience.2.应用文:假设你是李华,在朋友圈看到了下面这张图片,更加意识到雾霾(smog)的严重性。决定给English Weekly写一封信表达你的观点。主要内容如下:1.雾霾给人们的身体、生活带来的危害。2.简单分析下成因。 3.采取的措施注意:1.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯流畅;2.开头与结尾已写好,不计人总词数;3.词数:80左右Dear editor,Nowadays the smog has a great effect on our daily life.When the smog comes, we have to stop doing outdoor a

5、ctivities to avoid breathing the harmful air.Whats worse, some traffic accidents occur because the smog makes it difficult for drivers to see traffic clearly.There are many factors contributing to the problem.For one thing, too many trees have been cut down.For another, many people drive their own c

6、ars to work instead of taking buses, which is getting the air increasingly polluted.How can we solve the problem then? We must take some effective measures to solve it.The government should call on the people to plant more trees.Meanwhile, we should raise the awareness of environmental protection an

7、d lead a low-carbon life.Only in this way can we expect to have more sunny days.Yours,Li hua读后续写The grey colors of evening were beginning to spread across the ocean and the sand.Doctor John Perry decided it was time to go home.It had been a perfect day.He had filled his bag with all sorts of seashel

8、ls enough to study for months.He hurried on, then suddenly, he stepped into the water.Before he knew what had happened, he dropped down and down.The water was covering his head.He rose to the top of the water struggling to get back on to the dry sand.He felt the water rushing about him.Then, he saw

9、a long grey shark.He stood up and looked around.He saw the shark swim toward the shore.And then, he saw other sharks, five, six, seven of them, but where was the sand reef? What had happened to it? He began to walk back toward the island.While he had searched for shells on the island, the strong oce

10、an waves had washed a large part of the sand reef away.There was nothing between him and the shore, but water and sharks.He tried to remember what he had read about sharks.Did sharks find their food by smelling it? He thought of the people in the village, his friends.They needed him.He was their doc

11、tor, the only doctor in the village.He thought of wood for a fire.Wood to signal for help, but there was no wood.He thought of the sharks.Would they go away during the night? Far off, he could hear the noise of splashing water made by the sharks.He saw red areas on the water.He knew the sharks were

12、killing and eating the fish.He watched the sharks kill.It was hard to think of himself being attacked by a shark.No, No, he wanted to live.To swim now might mean sudden death, but the sharks might stay here for days a week or more.He decided to swim.But first, he looked all around.There was not a si

13、gn of a boat anywhere, no fisherman, nothing.He stood up and looked around again.How could he make the sharks move?Sharks can smell blood he thought.He pulled his knife from his belt. _After the sharks smelt the blood, they came racing toward the shirt. _注:故事改编自VOA美国故事饿鲨The Sharks Were Hungry writte

14、n by Dorothy Cottrell。【提分词句】1.提分词汇:ran out ,rush, push,breathed a sigh of relief等。2.提分句型:非谓语动词pulling the shirt.,比较结构as fast as he could.【写作提示】1.审题:(1)人称:以第三人称为主;(2)时态:以一般过去时为主;(3)体裁:记叙文。2.写作要点:(1)描写出如何John想出利用血味道引走鲨鱼自救;(2)描写出John如何游泳逃脱成功上岸的过程和心情。【参考范文】Sharkscan smell blood. he thought.He pulled his

15、 knife from his belt.He put the knife against his leg and cut deep into the flesh.The blood ran out.He caught it on his white shirt.When the shirt was red and wet, he tied some cloth around his leg to stop the flow of blood.He tied a long piece of cloth to the shirt, then walked to the edge of the sand.He threw the shirt into the water.And pulled it with the piece of cloth.After the sharks smelt the blood, they came racing toward the shirt.He ran down the sand reef pulling the shirt.The sharks raced after it.He was leading them away from shore.Suddenly, he



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