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1、2022年考博英语-东北大学考前模拟强化练习题(附答案详解)1. 单选题A( )survey was conducted among local families to find out the average amount of expense on their childrens education.问题1选项A.questionnaireB.representationC.obligationD.integration【答案】A【解析】考查名词词义辨析。A选项questionnaire“问卷;调查表”;B选项representation“代表;表现;表示法;陈述”;C选项obligati

2、on“义务;职责;债务”;D选项integration“集成;综合”。句意:为了查明孩子教育的平均费用,在当地家庭中进行了一份问卷调查。结合句意,可知A选项正确。2. 单选题She thought it could do no harm to( )her escort a bit, at least on his taste in wines.问题1选项A.complementB.flatterC.flattenD.decorate【答案】B【解析】考查动词词义辨析。A选项complement“补足;补充”;B选项flatter “奉承;谄媚;使高兴”;C选项flatten“击败;摧毁;使 平

3、坦”;D选项decorate“装饰;布置”。句意:她认为,稍微奉承下她的陪同不可能带来害处,至少在奉承其对葡萄酒的品味上不可能带来害处。结合此处语境,B选项正确。3. 单选题Ones attitude towards job hunting would be( )to his prospects.问题1选项A.criticalB.criticC.crucialD.criticized【答案】C【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。A选项critical“批评的,爱挑剔的;危险的;决定性的”;B选项critic“批评家,评论家;爱挑剔的人”;C选项crucial“重要的;决定性的;定局的;决断的”;D选项

4、criticize“批评;评论;非难”。句意:一个人对找工作的态度对他的发展前景是重要的。故C正确。4. 单选题Insurance companies provide a service to the community by protecting it against expected and unexpected disasters. Before an insurance company will agree to insure anything, it collects accurate figures about the risk. It knows, for example, th

5、at the risk of a man being killed in a plane accident is less than the risk he takes in crossing a busy road. This enables it to quote (报价)low figures for travel insurance. Sometimes the risk may be high, as in motor-racing or mountaineering. Then the company charges a much higher price. If too many

6、 climbers have accidents, the price rises still further. If the majority of climbers fall off mountains, the company will refuse to insure them.An ordinary householder may wish to protect his home against fire or his property against burglary. A shop-keeper may wish to insure against theft. In norma

7、l cases, the company will check its statistics and quote a premium (保险费). If it is suspicious, it may refuse to quote. If it insures a shop and then receives a suspicious claim, it will investigate the claim as a means of protecting itself against false claims. It is not unknown for a businessman in

8、 debt to burn down his own premises(房产)so that he can claim much money from his insurance company. He can be sure that the fire will be investigated most carefully. Insurance companies also accept insurance against shipwreck or disaster in the air. Planes and ships are very expensive, so a large pre

9、mium is charged, but a reduction is given to companies with an accident-free record.Every week insurance companies receive premium payments from customers. These payments can form a very large total running into millions of dollars. The company does not leave the money in the bank. It invests in pro

10、perty, shares, farms and even antique paintings and stamps. Its aim is to obtain the best possible return on its investment. This is not as greedy as it may seem, since this is one way by which it can keep its premiums down and continue to make a profit while being of service to the community.1. Acc

11、ording to the first paragraph in the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?2. The word “quote”(Line 3, Paragraph 2)most probably means ( ).3. From the passage, we know that if accidents will happen nine times out of ten or more, the insurance company will ( ).4. According to the passage

12、, if an air plane has an accident-free record, it usually pays to the insurance company ( ).5. Which of the following will the insurance company NOT provide insurance service for?6. How do insurance companies make profit?7. The main idea of the last paragraph is ( ).问题1选项A.A passenger by air will ta

13、ke less risk of being killed than a man crossing a busy road.B.A passenger by air will take greater risk of being killed than a man crossing a busy road.C.A passenger by air will have to pay more to the insurance company than a mountain climber.D.A motorist should pay the highest price to the insura

14、nce company.问题2选项A.receiveB.acceptC.takeD.offer问题3选项A.give a much higher priceB.quote the highest priceC.not provide insurance serviceD.charge a lower premium问题4选项A.a large premiumB.less premiumC.no premiumD.the same premium as the other companies问题5选项A.Mountaineers.B.Ordinary householders.C.Airline

15、s with an accident free record.D.Shop keepers with suspicious statistical records.问题6选项A.By receiving premium payments from customers.B.By charging commission to customers.C.By investing in some industries and products.D.By providing services.问题7选项A.that the insurance company is greedy of profitB.that the insurance company makes large sum of money every weekC.that the insurance company makes a great profit by investing its money in different itemD.to show the insurance comp


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