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1、医学专业词汇在线翻译、医学专业英语词典、医学术语英文翻译:熄风 stop wind 活塞滴定管 stp-cobrt 活栓润滑脂stp-co grease 滞流so-flow截流流射 stopflow injeio 停训综合征sto-trainigsdrome 荫胎tpageof growth of feus傍流动力学 soped-foinetis 有塞试管toppred tub塞塞子 stoppig止血行瘀 sopin bleeding n aborng los傍药 stoing dosage 戒酒toppng drning 回乳 stpin icreion 回乳 stoping mkerei

2、固涩止汗tpingperpiation with atingnts戒烟stoping sokng 贮存多糖stora polyacchaid 热能储存率 trarteof thema nergy 藏而不泻stagewih no excreion 苏合香 toax strx liqudus藏精 tre the essece of ie贮谷昆虫 stordgraininse 贮谷害虫storedproduct nsect 藏而不泄storing and no eliinating 藏而不泄 stornandnt iminatng毛细血管扩张斑 stork bite 斯一布二氏染剂stovallba

3、ck sain 瓷炉 stvng porcei 斜视计rabimer 斜视性弱视 staiic mblyoi斜视测量法 srbisomety 惊后瞳斜 trbisms after convlsiv sizure 交替斜视 strabimsaltera 假性斜视 stabisms appren 共同性斜视 trabsmus concomitans 内斜视strabsmus convergn 斜下视 sabimus drsuvegns 外斜视straius diverge 固定性斜视stabsmus xus 斜视镊 srabimus foes 斜视钩 stabsmushook 隐斜视stabisu

4、slatens 显斜视 stabisms maniestus 麻痹性斜视strabmu payicus斜视剪strasmus cssors 假性斜视 trismus sprus眼上斜视 srabisms surm verges斜视域 srabocopc 斜视刀 stratome骑跨伤 trad nury 骑跨性血栓straddethrombus 直小动脉 traiht aerioles 直动脉 staigt atery 直无损伤止血钳 traigt tui hemostatic freps 直背综合征 traght bck syndme 直血管钳 stigt oodesl orcs 直孔型准直

5、器straiht bore collimtor 直解剖镊saigdiseing forcep 直挺 straight eevaor直镊 raightfoceps 直线生长 ragt gr直回 srght yus直形压肠板 stigh intestnalsptua直刃虹膜刀 taigtii knif 直伸抬腿 strightleg raisin 抬腿足背屈实验saht legrasing n foot dorsiflion tst直腿提伸症状 stit legraisig tes 远端小管直部 straih portion of distconvolutetubule 直部 straigt pt

6、io raght art 直型杆straigt pofle bt 肾曲小管直部 stright proxialuue 贝利尼氏管traightenalubule 肾直小管staght rnaltubles 直尖刃手术刀 traih harp-pointe scpel 直窦 tright sinu直锐匙型筛窦钳 srigh spoontyptmoid forcep 直胃钳taigt somach lamp 直形缝合针 raghtsuture neel 直细管 straigt ule 直细精管 straitubles直小静脉 straightvenules 肾直小静脉 srgh nues f ki

7、dney 直小血管 straih vessels 挺定腿拔伸straightning tion直剪 strignt cissor劳损评价 trai ealution 滤过量压力转送器 straingagepesure trasduer 关节劳损 stin of joint紧张感觉strin sesatio 种系特异性 sinspiiiy 奕变管straitub韧带扭伤 strine igame 排便紧张 srinigsoo 无张力学说 tinless thr 约束衣strtack 曼陀罗叶 stroim eaf 曼陀罗叶 tramnium eaf 曼陀罗子 sramonium see 曼陀罗酊

8、 sramim incture 原生质丝 stand o prtopas 栗子痔 strnglted hemrrhd 绞窄性疝stranglad ernia 绞窄性腹股沟斜疝 stragulaedindirct inuin hernia绞窄性肠梗阻 straglatd nteina obstructon勒死 trangulaionby lature绞窄性肠梗阻 sranguaonileus 索沟 tagulanmk 绞窄性疝 stangulaton of herna 美克尔憩室绞窄 stragulation of eckels divericuu 阴茎绞窄tranuaton of peni气淋

9、 straguri cused b disordr of i 石淋 sanurcauseyh passage of urinaystone 子淋 stanriaduring pegancy砂石淋stranriarom rolithias 劳淋 strnur idcedby erstrain 膏淋 strariamad b chylri 老淋 sraguia oth aged 血淋 straguriaith blod淋浊 raguria t uid rine热淋 srangury causedbypatgnheat热淋 strangury u a heat热淋 sangryd heat 绊创膏

10、strpig paster上丘白质层 ttalbacolliculsueriors避免措施 strategy frpreetin 层状无长突细胞 strtifie amacrine el 层状血块 strated clot复层柱状上皮trie columar epiehlim 复层立方上皮stratfied cbical epithelium 层状不均等 satfed nhomognity分层随机 rtfierndm 复层鳞状上皮 aiied spamous epithelium 复层扁平上皮 sratifed sumous eihelum 层状纤维软骨 sratfrm fbrocartila

11、e 白质灰质层 strtumalbciereum 颅侧丘白质层 tratum album ollicli suriris表皮基质层staum baseedrids 脑层 tr cerebrle 视网膜大脑层ratum ceebrerine 环层 stratum irulare 鼓膜环状层 srtmcrcularmmbaa tmpn 结肠肌环层 straum circlare nce usulais coi 琉传的波囊动物肌层肠trtum irular tunce muulais esini 直肠环行肌层 tratm circlaetuicaemuclri recti表皮角质层satmcorne

12、um epidermid表皮角质层stram cunem 鼓膜皮肤层 trtucutnum memrana tmani 圆柱细胞层 strum cyliricum 表皮生发层 tatum enatum epidermis 背侧层 straumdosae 子宫粘膜功能层 statufuctional 视神经神经节细胞层trum gaglionare nevi opt 视网膜神经节层 tatumganlnarereina 表皮生发层staumgrinativu edermids小脑颗粒层stratumgrnulsum ereelli表皮粒层 strtum granulosum iridis泡状卵泡颗粒层 traumgranlo luivarcivesculsi 颅侧丘灰质层 sratu griseum coliculi seiris 上丘灰质层 sratm grieum olliclisupeiois 中间层 stratum inermdium内层s


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