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1、必备初二英语作文集合六篇 在现实生活或工作学习中,大家都接触过作文吧,写作文是培养人们的观察力、联想力、想象力、思考力和记忆力的重要手段。你写作文时总是无从下笔?以下是精心整理的初二英语作文6篇,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。 初二英语作文 篇1 astng of reingin EnlI oftenrad wesern novls, a oorse ha alreaybeentanslate ino Chie. I didnthink theewea lodifeences bween nlish novs an Chese novls. B drn hiwiter oday readsome

2、 nvelinnli nd founthm ey nteretig.hy dd otIfid tat bere A I ddntwnto spend a lot ime in tudying-I lwys houht reaing in English is a ind of sying - hen Iantto rdsome noels fromEnland Iwouldpefeto rad teons rasated ino Chnes. A weal know, ransting can neer be efect,twldbrng som mistakes ant trasltor o

3、neelings S whe I edaolinglish, oud it ws terific an could larly nowte dfferec betwen thtw writing skills. s t motof hngis nvels,te prefe tel thereslt first.ven in sme pargph tat describe h scene, heyuldus the skill.ssitain ouneer e ein readinghinese ovels. WeChineselie t make attraiv plo: trth rears

4、have eebrought into the str thewrtr would ay “If ouato kw what will hapen itheedredte nex chaper please.” Wen we rad the noves Enlish, weould be tid o he scen desibin.Ther a great number ofscenedesribing innlis noels.They u thisskillto ake the readers knowhow te charactr fel at he mmet Theypreer toe

5、sibth situatiousing spil gramma andcombined wrs.t does o g wthhe langug usand t i diffiul for trnlors tolateit in Chnes wioutlosin tefen wich he writr wantd utkno. Forxampl, in te bok “aneEyre” ther wrea gr many siuationstelling w Jane felt at time. It ae el siywhe w readthe o in Englsh but it s eib

6、le wen w eadthe hines edtn Iwa ot onl lng u alcan el nting to abt techacerseelg.hat a buse f th iffeent lnggcuto.The translao caolranslte he words andy cann traslate he specal rammar an the cmtion f setnces or xmpe, the is Elh sentene “Ihetheag,I tas th tear”. hnwe ra thesentence w cold hae a tron f

7、li abutht thewrt antd to ellusbut noeof s uld translt tinto Chineswiou losig the feelng. This ime wen I red novels Enli found it wasnot trrible to ra the long desribin The nvel ddnot chane but d.Ad I find no matte how clea I w th novelshen I rdit in hinese the next tm when I rea Eglish i il e differ

8、ent feeling. ne lngug isdiferenrm anothe Te rslt fthis that we ve so beautiu a orld 初二英语作文 篇 Cn Money Bu HappiesCn ey by hppiness Difeetpeole hvediffreopnions. Some thinyes, whil other old the pote. It i tue tha wt enog moneyone can u all thehings on at, and liv aifef comfor an seuriy. owvr, it iseq

9、ually tuett lak fmney caues grea stress. It iscommoni that money i theroot o allevil. Te pursuit o mnedives my eole tocheatd steal. n some plaes ther isnothng tat cnno b bouht wih mone, ling corrpsocetieswere veryboyis misrable. So, mony esnot necessarileanhps. It a pends o howt i use. Ifwe make hns

10、t an sensibleue o money, it an be a steppngstne to happness l lthouh mney cann buy appines, itca make happnes possieif it isemlyd ensly. 初二英语作文篇3 Gowng u is a mac ad Witht, Iwill becom difeentad more likabl, butsometimes it angetout fon and anyie Iwas a chid, I a a back nd lue fae becuse fa bll,ven

11、e tchers ritiism ws jutifi Fightwith ohs beaus o wrd. Yul o be be oget what you want.Now,bause of tis magi n, evertime I seeohr camates argu,Iwiltr toprsuade te,andevey tim I encuner frind,I willactveyto tem It tur ou ha the ranformtion of grtishe poess f not kong yhin dunersading.D yu remberthe tim

12、e, Ian svraclaste do game, he gae Iccidel pushd teclassate, te classae ast, immediatel a t apologiz o me, I raly wn to lose hie at thatme,t te magic mgc wand ppeare a tlme:atouhyou fll aitte pain, t the ote ide alo idn o it o purose,ut itinot necssaryoinfluence the fredshp etwe te clamte, r smal to tink tat I foravehim, everybdy sad hir later anng modl, so thee s ltf fried.!The metamorphosi ofgrowths the proces o ear



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