高中英语 Unit4 Astronomy the science of the stars单元测试1 人教版必修3

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《高中英语 Unit4 Astronomy the science of the stars单元测试1 人教版必修3》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语 Unit4 Astronomy the science of the stars单元测试1 人教版必修3(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2020学年人教版英语精品资料必修三 Unit 4Astronomy: the science of the stars单元测试1笔试部分:I. 单项选择1. The plan sounds good in _ , but I am afraid its not in practice. A. theoryB. factC. opinionD. thinking 2. I thought we would be late, but eventually we were just _ for the train.A. at a time B. in the timeC. in timeD. at

2、 the time3. The peace talk between the two parties concluded in a friendly and frank _, reaching a series of agreements. A. windB. atmosphereC. spiritD.weather4. One day, the farmer found that the golden egg _ by his only hen was stolen.A. lied B. lainC. laidD. lay5. _ most young students of his tim

3、e, he has developed a keen interest in archaeology. A. Dislike B. Unlike C. In common D. As6. Our government has adopted a series of policies to _ economy from the worldwide crisis. A. protect B. keepC. stopD. prevent7. The result of the game is really _, and the majority of the fans were _ it.A. di

4、sappointed; disappointed with B. disappointing; disappointed at C. disappointed; disappointed about D. disappointing; disappointing at8. I am really upset about tomorrows exam. I am always so slow. _! You can pass it. You have been working hard on it, havent you?A. Go ahead B. Just feel at homeC. Ar

5、e you kiddingD. Cheer up 9. Her cat was found several days later, _ on the river, _. A.floating; dying B. floated; dyingC. floating; deadD. floating; died 10. _ really puzzles the scientist is _ the cloud of dust comes from.A.What; whatB. What; where C. What; that D. What; /11. _ makes a lot of diff

6、erence whether everyone tries to live a low carbon life.A.What B. It C. That D. As 12. _ is reported, Foxcom company is going to set up another new factory in Henan.A. As B. It C. What D. That13. Experts say armed conflicts are likely to _ between the two countries along the border.A. break outB. br

7、eak inC. break offD. break down14. _ everybody is here now, lets start our new lesson.A. AlthoughB. As thoughC. Now thatD. After15. Though she was in great pain, she _ a smile at her children. A. pulledB. forced C. spread D. pushedII. 根据括号内的要求进行句型转换1. Who is responsible for the accident? The police

8、are trying to find it out. (改成含宾语从句的复合句)_2. He is the best player in his team. It is a fact. (改成含主语从句的复合句)_3. They should go on with the project despite the weather. They came to the decision yesterday. (改成含同位语从句的复合句)_4. The only solution is such. Both parties put down their arms and talk face to fa

9、ce.(改成含表语从句的复合句)_5. They are still living in this place. This place used to be a church. (改成含宾语从句的复合句)_III 根据汉语提示及重点词语将下列句子译成英语1. 动物园里的大象生了一头可爱的小象。(birth)_2. 有科学家已经证明这种化学品对人的健康有害。(harm)_3. 接下来的问题就是我们该如何让火箭逃脱地球的吸引力。(escape)_4. 过了几天,他逐渐掌握了工作的要领,并且把工作做的很出色。(get the hang of )_5. 这间房是那间房的三倍大小。(times)_IV.

10、 完形填空Many people have heard of Franklins famous kite experiment, but not many know how to do the experiment themselves. To repeat Franklins 1 , first make a kite. Use a handkerchief 2 of silk, which is 3 to withstand the wind and rain. Build a frame by making a cross of two pieces of 4 wood, just lo

11、ng enough to reach the corners of the 5 . Tie the corners to the points of the frame, and then attach a tail of cloth 6 your kite. Finish with a good strong kite string, one 7 will be long enough to fly the kite high.To get the kite ready for the experiment, there are three very important 8 . First

12、take a long sharp piece of metal and attach it to the longer leg of the cross, 9 a foot or more beyond the frame. 10 , take a metal key and tie it to the end of the kite string, the end that will be on the ground near you. Finally take a silk 11 and tie it onto the kite string, just above the key. This silk ribbon needs 12 dry during the whole experiment, to 13 you and anyone nearby from the electricity. All you need now is a condenser to



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