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1、JustTwoForBreakfast两个人的早餐【闲言碎语】爱情毫无疑问是人们长久的追求。分离的人们往往会自我安慰:“两情若是久长时,又岂在朝朝暮暮。”但是我想,如果可以,相爱的人们相守在一起才是最幸福的生活。幸福的爱情并不是只靠爱情就可以长久,而是需要精心经营。也许只是约好一个吵架日,也许只是每天一起吃早餐,两人可以就一直保持爱情的新鲜,相互扶持,携手到老。WhenmyhusbandandIcelebratedour38thwedding anniversaryatourfavoriterestaurant,Lenny,thepianoplayer, asked, Howdidyoudoi

2、t?当我和丈夫在我们最喜欢的饭馆庆祝结婚38周年纪念日时,那个弹钢琴的莱尼过来问道:“你们是怎么过过来的?”celebrate vt. 1) Tn mark (a happy or important day, event, etc) with festivities and rejoicing 庆祝; 祝贺: celebrate Christmas, sbs birthday, a wedding anniversary, etc 庆祝圣诞节 某人的生日 结婚纪念日等2) I enjoy oneself in some way on such an occasion (为庆祝)寻欢作乐: I

3、ts my birthday. Lets celebrate! eg with alcoholic drink. 今天是我的生日,咱们庆祝一下吧!wedding n. marriage ceremony (and the party which usually follows it) 婚礼; 结婚庆典: There will be a wedding in the village church on Saturday. 星期六村里教堂将举行婚礼.wedding breakfast: special meal for the bride and bridegroom and their rela

4、tives, friends, etc after a marriage ceremony 婚宴wedding-cake n. C, U iced cake, often with several tiers, that is cut up and eaten at a wedding, with pieces also being sent to absent friends 结婚蛋糕wedding-ring n. ring that is placed on the brides (and sometimes the grooms) finger during a marriage cer

5、emony and worn afterwards to show that the wearer is married 结婚戒指: In Britain, wedding-rings are worn on the third finger of the left hand. 在英国, 结婚戒指戴在左手无名指上.anniversary n. yearly return of the date of an event; celebration of this 周年纪念日; 周年纪念: our wedding anniversary 我们的结婚周年纪念 Iknewtherewasnosimple

6、answer,butastheweekendapproached,Iwonderedifonereason mightbeourritualofbreakfastinbedeverySaturdayandSunday.我知道,对于这个问题无法简简单单地来回答。但随着周末一天天的临近,我开始在想:或许其中的一个原因就是我们每逢星期六和星期天都在床上吃早餐。ritualn.(a) U series of actions used in a religious or some other ceremony (宗教等仪式的)程序, 仪节: the ritual of the Catholic Chur

7、ch 天主教的礼仪(b) C particular form of this 具体的礼仪:the ritual of the Japanese tea ceremony 日本茶道的仪式C (esp joc 尤作戏谑语) procedure regularly followed in precisely the same way each time 固定方式; 老习惯: He went through the ritual of filling and lighting his pipe. 他照例填满烟斗, 然后点着了。Itallstartedwiththebreakfasttraymymoth

8、ergaveusasaweddinggift.Ithadaglasstopand slattedwoodensidepocketsforthemorningpaperthekindyouusedtoseeinthemovies.Mother lovedhermovies,andalthoughsherarelyhadbreakfastinbed,sheheldhighhopesforher daughter.Myadoringbridegroomtookthemessagetoheart.一切都是从那个早餐托盘开始的,我妈把它作为结婚礼物送给我们。盘面是玻璃的,两边各有一个细长的木制侧袋用来放

9、晨报就像过去常常在电影中见到的那样。我妈很喜欢那些电影,尽管她自己很少在床上用早餐,却非常希望女儿能这样。深爱着我的新郎把我母亲的话牢记在心里。trayn.1) flat piece of wood, metal, plastic, etc with raised edges, used for carrying or holding things, esp food 盘; 托盘: a tea-tray 茶盘 Take her some breakfast on a tray. 用托盘给她送些早餐。2) shallow open receptacle for holding a persons

10、 papers, etc in an office (办公室用的)文件盘: Letters were piled high in the tray on his desk. 他办公桌上的文件盘里有很多信.slattedadj. 装有板条的bridegroom(also groom) n. man on or just before his wedding-day; newly married man 新郎; 新婚的男子: Lets drink (a toast) to the bride and bridegroom! 让我们举杯向新娘和新郎祝贺!Feelingguilty,Isuggeste

11、dwetaketurns.Despitegrumblings- hatecrumbsinmybed Sundaymorningfoundmyspouseeagerlyawaitinghistray.Soontheseweekendbreakfasts becamesuchapartofourlivesthatInevereventhoughtaboutthem.Ionlyknewwetreasured thisseparate,blissfultimeread,relax,forgetthethingsweshouldremember.出于心里感觉有些愧疚,我提议由我们两个轮流准备早餐。星期天

12、早上,虽然他嘴里嘟嘟囔囔地抱怨着“我讨厌饭渣弄到床上。”但我还是见到丈夫在急切地等候他的早餐。周末早餐不久就成为我们生活中的一部分,习以为常也就不去想它了。我只知道我俩都很珍视这段与其他时间有别的幸福时光看看报、放松一下自己,忘记那些本该记在心里的事情。guilty adj. 1)(about somthing) feeling ashamed because you have done something that you know is wrong or have not done something that you should have done内疚的I felt guilty ab

13、out not visiting my parents more often. 对于不经常去看我父母我觉得很内疚。2) (of something)having done something illegal; being responsible for something bad that has happened 有罪的The jury found the defendant not guilty of the offence. 审判团发现被告在这桩罪行中是无罪的。offence : breaking of a rule or law; illegal act; crime 犯规; 犯法;

14、违法行为; 罪行: commit an offence 犯过错 a capital offence 死罪taketurns 轮流The children were taking turns on the slides in the playground. 孩子们在操场上轮流滑滑梯。despiteprep. without being affected by (the factors mentioned) 尽管; 不管; 不顾: They had a wonderful holiday, despite the bad weather. 尽管天气不好, 他们的假日还是过得极为愉快。grumbli

15、ng n. the act of complaining about something 抱怨,怨言We didnt hear any grumbling about the food. 关于食物我们没有听到任何抱怨。crumb n. very small piece, esp of bread, cake or biscuit, which has fallen off a larger piece 碎屑(尤指面包 糕饼或饼乾的): sweep the crumbs off the table 把桌上的食品屑扫掉spousen. husband or wife 配偶When your spouse was angry, youd better terminate the argument. 当你的配偶生气时,你最好停止争吵。blissfuladj. extremely happy; showing happiness 非常高兴地I had nine blissful hours of


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