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1、Detailed ReadingI. Difficult Senten ces1. 1.a nd we cut eno ugh wood to just about make it through the heati ng seas on.Tell the meaning of the phrase“ make it ” and paraphrase this part of the sentence.(=The phrase “ make it ” means “ succeed. ” The meaning of this part is“ With the wood wthe famil

2、y can succeed in gett ing through the cold win ter.”)2. 2.Soon Jim, 16 and Emily, 13, the youngest of our four children, will help me make someIon g-overdue improveme nts on the outdoor toilet that suppleme nts our in door plumb ing whe n we are worki ng outside.An alyze the structure of the senten

3、ce.(=The structure of this sentence is complicated.1) “ The youngest of our four children” is in apposition to“ Emily, 13.”2) “ that suppleme nts our in door plumb ing whe n we are work ing outside” is an attributiveclause modifying“ the outdoor toilet.”)Tran slate the sentence into Chin ese.(=过些时候,

4、16岁的吉米和四个孩子中最小的13岁的埃米莉,会帮着我一起把拖了很久没修的室外厕所修葺一下。我们在室外干活时,这个厕所便成了室内卫生设备的补 充。)3. 3.There is, as the old say ing goes, no rest for the wicked on a place like this and not much for the virtuous either.Tell the class the origi n of the say ing“ There is no rest for the wicked.”(=The saying comes from the B

5、ible, Isiah 57:21, no peace, saith my god, to the wicked.is used in a jocular manner, meaning“ there s no time for relaxati on; some one is kept busyall the time. ”)Tran slate the sentence into Chin ese.(=正如老话说的那样,在这种情形之下,坏人闲不着好人也歇不了。)4. 4.While one storm after ano ther blasted huge drifts up aga in

6、st the house and barn, .Tran slate this part of the sentence into Chin ese.(=暴风雪肆虐,一场接着一场,厚厚的积雪覆盖着屋子和谷仓)5. 5.Whe n spri ng came, it brought two floods.Read this paragraph and tell what“ two floods ” refer to here.(=The first flood refers to the overflow of the river coveri ng their land while the ot

7、her refersto agricultural produce.)6. 6.The n_the_growi ng_seas on _bega n, _swampi ng_us一 un der_wave_after_wave_of_produce._What s the function of the phrase“ swamping us under wave after wave of produce”?(=This v-ing form is one of the non-finite verbs ( 非谓语动词 ).It serves as an adverbial in the s

8、entence and it in dicates ano ther action by the subject of the senten ce.)Paraphrase the sentence.(=The n the grow ing seas on came and it brought us a lot of agricultural products.) What attitude of the author can we infer from this sentence towards his country life? (=We can see that he was very

9、satisfied with it and enjoyed the harvest.)7. 7.lt was amaz ingWhat can we infer from the senten ce?(=The big harvest was beyond expectation. He was filled with joy because of the bigharvest.)8. 8. The tim ing was terrible.What s the meaning of this sentence in Chinese?(=时机选得实在太差。)Why does the autho

10、r think so?(=1) He had to pay the expe nsive tuiti on for his two girls.2) He had only a few thousa nd dollars in the ban k.)9. 9.The answer, decidedly, was no, and so with my employer s blessings and half a year spay in accumulated ben efits in my pocket off I went.Why did the author decide to quit

11、 his job even though it was a terrible timing? What couldbe the reasons for the author s decision to leave the city?(=Though it was a terrible tim ing, the author was clear that t here would be no “ good ” tim ing at all. Possible reas ons for his decisi on are as follows:A) He didn t think his job

12、was good.B) He Ion ged for risks and cha nges in his life.C) He was attracted by the good harvest his family had got the year before.D) He was fascinated by the hectic, self-reliant and colorful life in the countryside.)10. 10.It picks up 80% of the costs beyond that.What does the word “ that ” in t

13、he sentence refer to?(=It refers to“ the first $500 the family pays.” Supposeithmetfefa milyishas to pay $500 while the in sura nee compa ny will pay $400.)11. 11.a nd we are covered aga inst catastrophe.Tran slate this part into Chin ese.(=而且我们给自己投了巨灾险。 )12. 12.Extravagant Christmases are a memory,

14、 and we combine vacations with story assignments What can we infer from this part of the sentence?(=We can infer that the family used to spe nd much more money on Christmases.)II. Words & Expressi onsget by: be good eno ugh but not very good; man age to live or do things in a satisfactory way-It is

15、a little bit difficult for the old couple to get by on such a small pension.-我父母靠很少的钱将就着把日子过了下去。(=My pare nts man aged to get by on a small amount of mon ey.)-She n ever works but somehow she gets by.haul: vt.1. tran sport, as with a truck, cart, etc.-The farmers haul vegetables to the market on a truck every morning.-救援队把药品和食物运到被淹的村庄。(=The rescue team hauled medical supplies and food to the flooded villages.)2. pull or drag sth. with effort or force-A crane had to be used to haul the car out of the stream.-Rescue workers hauled passe ngers out of the crashed train.CF: haul, drag & pull


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