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1、Life can be good,Life can be bad,But life is what you make it!So try to make it beautiful.Be the boss of your fortune.Wish you every success in your study!Chance favors the prepared mindBe a happy English learner初高中英语衔接一 语音、词汇语音篇:Standard and beautiful pronunciation will make you more confident when

2、 speaking English, and it also will be of great help for you to learn English well.I. Quiz(有关语音的概念):1. 元音字母有5个,分别是 2. 音节是由 和 构成的发音单位。分为单音节,双音节和多音节。 Eg. study teacher understand government necessary 3. 发音响亮,是构成音节的主要音,共有 个。4. 发音不响亮,不是构成音节的主要音,共 个。5. 开音节和闭音节6. 重读音节;单词中发音特别 的音节II. 元音和辅音(共48个)元音长元音i:u:短元

3、音e双元音eaae辅音清辅音ptkfstrh浊辅音其它辅音mnrwjIII.26个英语字母Task 1 朗读26个字母,完成下列表格。元音字母含有所给元音的辅音字母Aa /e/Ee /i:/Ii /a/Oo /Uu /ju/:/e/:/单词前表“一”用“a”的字母: 单词前表“一”用“an” 的字母: Task 2:请用“an” 或“a”填空。1. There is _ old woman in _empty room.2. I think it is _ interesting story 3. It is necessary for a parent to write _ after-sc

4、hool note for their children.4. There is _“f” and _“r” in the word” flower”.5. I can see _ man over there.6. In three years, I want to go to _ university.7.Yesterday I bought _useful dictionary and saw _European in the bookshop.III. 读音规则跟读并观察字母a, e, i, o, u在单词中的发音。1. name, face, take, cake, radio, s

5、pace hand, stand, Maths, happy, cat, black【请你归纳】a在重读开音节中发_, a在重读闭音节中发_.2. she, we, these, relay, he well, get, left, best, step【请你归纳】e在重读开音节中发_, e在重读闭音节中发_.3. mine, like, side, Friday, my, by, why milk, ship, it, with, window, begin【请你归纳】i在重读开音节中发 _, i在重读闭音节中发_. 4. no, go, nose, home, phone do, movi

6、e, lose, who, tonot, dog, hot, stop【请你归纳】o在重读开音节中发 _或_, o在重读闭音节中发_.5. use, duty, excuse, student, Tuesday, huge, cute but, us, luck, run, hug, bus, cut, cup, lunch put, push, pull, bull, 【请你归纳】u在重读开音节中发 _, u在重读闭音节中发_或_.小结:元音字母在重读音节中的读音 另: 元音字母在非重读音节中的读音元音字母 读音 a 在开音节中e在闭音节中 e在开音节中i:在闭音节中e i在开音节中a在闭音

7、节中 o在开音节中, u:在闭音节中 u在开音节中ju:在闭音节中 元音字母读音 例词 a another, china, centralmanage, orange, package eopen, hundred, elect, decide, beyond, chicken i ,imagine, holiday, family, liquidaidea, satellite, exercise, pioneer oopinion, official, tonight,photo, also, zero, vocation uautumn, unless, difficult, succe

8、ssju:unite, popular, museum【Tongue Twister】The driver was drunk and drove the doctors car directly into the deep ditch. 这个司机喝醉了,他把医生的车开进了一个大深沟里。 Sandy sniffed sweet smelling sunflower seeds while sitting beside a swift stream. 桑迪坐在湍急的小溪边尽情地品味着葵花子的香味。 A snow-white swan swam swiftly to catch a slowly-

9、swimming snake in a lake. 湖中一只雪白的天鹅快速地游动着去追赶一条慢慢游动的蛇。 词汇篇:【Have a try】1.Whats the Chinese for “six of one and half a dozen of the other?” A. 六分之一 B. 人云亦云 C.半斤八两 D. 见一面分一半2. We dont want it. Its “a white elephant. ” What is it? A. 一件无用而累赘的东西 B. 一头白象 C.白给的东西 D. 白色陷阱3. Whats the Chinese for “talk big ”

10、 ? A.吹牛 B.说谎话 C.骂人 D.很大词汇是构建英语大厦的砖石!词汇学习的几个重难点:I.单词的读音 - 读准单词音是进行词汇学习的前提 II.单词的记忆 - 摒除单纯一个个字母机械记忆的方式,寻找有效的记忆方法 比如运用构词法的知识,来扩大词汇量构词法:英语中最常见的构词法有合成法(Compounding),派生(Derivation)和转化 (Conversion)1.合成法:由两个或两个以上的词组合成一个新词,这种构词法叫做合成法。如classroom blackboard worldwide good-looking overcome fifty-four somebody,

11、anything downstairs whole-heartedly 2.派生词在一个单词前面或后面加上一个词缀构成新词,这种构词法叫做派生词。加在单词前面的词缀叫前缀,加在单词后面的词缀叫后缀。几种常见的前缀和后缀如下:前缀 例词un- (不、非,表示否定)unfriendly, unpleasant, uncomfortabledis- (不、非,表示否定)disadvantage, dishonest, disagreebi- (两个、双边的)bicycle, bicolour, biplaneinter-(相互、交互、在之间)interview, international, int

12、ernet re- (又、再、重新)review, return, rewrite, rebuildtele- (远)telephone, television, telegram 后缀 例词-or/er (做某事的人,名词后缀)actor, visitor, singer -ful(充满的,形容词后缀)successful, beautiful, colorful-tion(表示动作、状态,名词后缀)invitation, attraction, population-less(没有、无,形容词后缀)homeless, helpless, careless -y(表性质,形容词后缀)funny, healthy, cloudy -ly(形容词或副词后缀)friendly, really, usually-able(能的,形容词后缀)comfortable, unforgettable, usable-al(的,形容词后缀)traditional, international, natural-ist(信仰者、从事着,名词后缀)scientist, terrorist, artist


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