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1、 精品资料Unit 3 How was your school trip peroid 5教 学 目 标I. 知识与能力1. 判断褒贬,记住2a中的单词;2. 快读课文,抓取文章大意,回答:Where did Helen go? How about Jim?3. 细读课文,完成2c/2d,学会查找具体信息;;4. 读后活动:记住2e短语,能根据这些短语复述两篇日记。II. 过程与方法:自主、合作;运用阅读技巧;使用微课程等资源。III. 态度与价值观:学记英语日记,讲述过去的事情,丰富生活经历。教学重点1. 抓取大意、抓取细节信息;2. 根据2e复述日记。教学难点根据2e复述日记。学情分析本单

2、元的话题是描述过去发生的事情,涉及到一般过去式的应用。通过初一一年的学习,学生对现在时态已经非常熟悉,因此我们可以设计学生活动,让学生描述现在与过去的事情,通过对比,结合语法解释,发现一般过去时的含义和用法。教学准备 导学案,微课程,听力录音,Ppt教学过程: 集体备课个人备课Step One: Show the preview works (text-books and note-paper). Teacher : 1. Draw a check table on the blackboard. 2. Listen to the report from the winners. Try to

3、 find out how they preview, and then sum up . 3. Show the aims for students to choose.(At the same time, students get into the next step gradually, one after another)Step Two: Learn by themselves. Students: 1. Decide my own aims.2. Self-study: 1) Check the answers, think over and correct their own m

4、istakes;2) Discuss their problems in groups;3. Ask other groups or the teacher for help. Teacher: Give instructions if necessary.1. I didnt like the trip at all. 我一点都不喜欢这次旅行。not at all/ notat all 意为:根本不、完全不。如:I dont like the girl at all.2. All in all, it was an exciting day.总之,这是令人高兴的一天。all in all意为

5、: “总的来说、整体上说,总之”,一般用于结尾,对阐述内容进行概括性总结和归纳。如:All in all ,I think you did a good job.总的来说,我认为你干的很好。3. The guide taught us how to make a model robot. How to make a model robot: 特疑+ to do 作宾语,相当于宾语从句。4. The rooms was really dark and it was difficult to take photos, so I didnt take any. It was difficult to

6、 take photos 译为_.Step Four: Practice: Retell the diaries according to the phrases in 2e. Step Six: Show students how to preview for next class. (3a-4)小结: 学科知识构建与板书设计Unit 3 How was your school trip?Choose your aims : 1. 判断褒贬,记住2a中的单词;2. 略读课文,能划出褒贬词,回答:Where did Helen go? How about Jim?3. 细读课文,完成2c/2d

7、;4. 读后活动:记住2e短语,能根据这些短语复述两篇日记。反思与重建附:一.课前检测题:个性预习作业同层对比二课堂检测题:1,你什么时候去旅行的?_did you _ _ _ ?2,昨天你去了哪儿?_ did you _yesterday? 我昨天去了动物园。I _ _ the _ yesterday.3,你的旅途怎么样?_ was your _ _?4,Helen为她的父母买了一些可爱的礼物。Helen_ her parents some _ _.5,Jim 什么礼物也没买。Jim didnt _ any gifts _ _三、作业设置:必做:Preview P23 Section B 3a-4选做:配套练习册P20 ABC 最新精品英语资料



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