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1、香水可驱蚊Victorias Secret Perfume Repels Mosquitos, According to Research研究表明维多利亚的秘密香水可驱蚊Could the trick to dodging mosquitos this summer be sitting on top of your dresser? Maybe not, but it comes close. 今夏躲闪蚊子的玩意儿可能会放在你的梳妆台上吗?也许不会,但是接近了。A study from New Mexico State University (NMSU) found that Victori

2、as Secret Bombshell perfume is moderately effective at repelling two types of disease-carrying mosquitos: Aedes albopictus and Aedes aegypti (aka the species spreading Zika). 新墨西哥州大学的一项研究发现维多利亚的秘密性感香水对于驱赶携带病毒的两类蚊子有 中等效果:白纹伊蚊和埃及伊蚊(又叫做传播寨卡病毒的物种)。Unsurprisingly, the researchers found that products cont

3、aining DEET as the primary ingredient were the most effective in keeping mosquitos away for the longest period of time. (Only one DEET-free repellent produced effective and long-lasting results: Cutter Lemon Eucalyptus Insect repellent.) What they werent expecting to find, however, was that the swee

4、t, floral scent of Victorias Secret Bombshell kept the pests at bay for two hours. 不出所料,研究人员发现以避蚊胺作为主要成分的产品对长时间驱蚊效果最佳。(只有一种 不含避蚊胺的驱虫剂产生了长期有效的结果:卡特柠檬桉驱虫剂。)然而他们没有预料到会 发现:维多利亚的秘密性感香水的芬芳,香甜的气味能够使蚊子两小时都近不了身。We tested VS Bombshell because one of our test subjects had gotten it as a birthday present, so it

5、 was a completely random pick, study author Immo Hansen, PhD, said in an interview with Today.我们测试了维多利亚的秘密性感香水,是因为我们其中一个测试主题是拿它作为生日礼物, 所以这完全是随机挑选的,研究作者 Immo Hansen 博士今天在接受访问时说道。研究表明维多利亚的秘密香水可驱蚊.jpgThere was some previous literature that said fruity, floral scents attracted mosquitoes, and to not wea

6、r those, co-author Stacy Rodriguez, a research assistant in NMSUs Molecular Vector Physiology Lab, explained in a press release. It was interesting to see that the mosquitoes werent actually attracted to the person that was wearing the Victorias Secret perfume -they were repelled by it.有一些以前的文献上写到果香

7、味会吸引蚊子,不能佩戴这些东西。合著者 Stacy Rodriguez 在媒体发布会上解释道,她是新墨西哥州大学分子矢量物理实验室的研究助手。看到喷了 维多利亚的秘密香水的人实际上并不会吸引蚊子-而是驱赶蚊子是很有趣的。Mosquitos use their sense of smell to detect their hosts. The researchers speculate that the perfume may have provided a masking odor, temporarily keeping the mosquitos from picking up commo

8、n human scents.蚊子利用嗅觉去勘测他们的主人。研究人员推测:香水可能会有遮蔽气味,暂时使蚊子无 法获得普通人的气味。But the researchers note that they used a high concentration of the perfume, and that lower concentrations might produce different results. They caution against using the fragrance as an insect repellent, and instead recommend products

9、 that have high concentrations of DEET.但研究人员提醒道他们使用的是高浓度的香水,低浓度的香水可能会产生不同的结果。他们 警告不要使用香味作为驱虫剂,而建议使用含有高浓度避蚊胺的产品。 第三季度全球智能手表市场严重萎缩Worldwide smartwatch sales dropped 51.6% year-on-year in the third quarter of 2016, hit by limited availability of Apple Incs Series 2 during the period and a general fallo

10、ff in sales, according to a report by research firm International Data Corporation.根据调研公司国际数据公司的一份报告,由于今年三季度苹果公司 Series 2 智能手表限量供 应以及智能手表销量普遍下降,该季度全球智能手表销量同比下降51.6%。The research consultancy said total shipments of smartwatches were 2.7m units in the third quarter, down from the 5.6m units shipped in

11、 the same period last year. 该研究咨询机构称,三季度智能手表总体出货量为270 万只,低于去年同期的560 万只。 Apple maintained its lead position in the worldwide smartwatch market and shipped 1.1m devices in the third quarter. But its market share tumbled to 41.3% from 70.2%, as sales fell nearly 72% year-on-year. 苹果仍在全球智能手表市场占据领先地位,三季度

12、出货量为110万只;但其销量同比下降近 72%,市场份额由 70.2%跌至 41.3%。 第三季度全球智能手表市场严重萎缩Lenovo Group suffered the biggest year-on-year sales decline among the leading vendors. Lenovo held a 3.4% share, with its shipments dropping 73.3% on year to 100,000 units in the third quarter.在各大厂商中,联想集团的智能手表销量的同比降幅最大。在第三季度联想占据了 3.4%的 市场

13、份额,其出货量同比下降了73.3%,为 10 万只。Garmin saw its shipments ramp up by 324.2% on year to 600,000 units in the third quarter, accounting for a 20.5% share.佳明在第三季度的出货量实现了324.2%的增长,卖出了 60 万只,占据 20.5%的市场份额。 Samsung Electronics saw it smartwatch shipments increase 9% to 400,000 units in the third quarter, account

14、ing for 14.4% share.三星电子的智能手表出货量在第三季度增加了9%,售出了 40 万只,占据了 14.4%的市场份 额。Pebbles shipments were down 54.1% to 100,000 units, accounting for a 3.2% share. Pebble 的出货量则下降了54.1%,卖出了 10 万只,占 3.2%的市场份额。 濒危物种雪豹捕食牲畜遭牧民杀害This is a snow leopard. Even though its an endangered species, a new report says as many as

15、 450 of them have been killed each year going all the way back to 2008.这是一只雪豹。尽管这是一种濒危物种,新的报告显示每年多达450 只雪豹被杀害,回归到 2008 年数据。This is not good news because its believed as few as 4,000 snow leopards are living in the wild. They can be found in the mountains of Central Asia.这不是一个好消息,因为如今只有4,000 只雪豹生活在野外

16、。可以在中亚的山上找到它们。Interestingly, a wildlife trade monitoring network called Traffic found the animals pelts arent the main reason theyre poached.有趣的是,野生动物贸易监控网络称动物皮毛不是它们遭偷猎的主要原因。Instead, more than half the killings are from herders getting revenge against the leopards for killing their livestock.相反,超过一半的杀戮来自牧民报复雪豹猎杀它们的牲畜。newsyoct23.jpgTo curb this, the report suggests governments do more to compensate fa



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