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1、Reference for Teaching I异域风情 1Bringing Art into Hospitals The medical world is gradually realizing that the quality of the environment in hospitals may play an important role in helping patients to get better As part of nationwide effort in Britain to bring art out of the museum and into public plac

2、es,some of the countrys best artists have been called in to change older hospitals and to soften the hard edges of modern buildingsOf the 2 500 national health service hospitals in Britain,almost l00 now have very valuable collections of present art in passages,waiting areas and treatment rooms Thes

3、e recent movements first started by one artist,Peter Senior,who set up his studio at a Manchester hospital in northeastern England during the early 1970sHe felt the artist had 1ost his place in modern society,and that art should be enjoyed by a wider audience A common hospital waiting room might hav

4、e as many as 5 000 visitors each weekWhat a better place to hold regular exhibition of art! Senior held the first exhibition of his own paintings in the outpatients waiting area of the Manchester Royal Hospital in 1975Believed to be Britains first hospital artist, Senior was so much in demand that a

5、 team of six young art school graduates soon joined him The effect is strikingNow in the passages and waiting rooms,the Visitor experierices a full view of fresh colors, playful images and restful courtyards The quality of the environment may reduce the need for expensive drugs when a patient is rec

6、overing from an i11nessA study has shown that patients who had a view onto garden needed half the number of strong painkillers compared with patients who had no view at all or only a brick wall to look at 2Possible Spread of SARS at Workplace The respiratory(呼吸的) virus known as SARS has appeared to

7、spread in the United States only to family members of health workers with close contact(接触)to a sick person On Thursday,the head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said there might be a case of severe acute respiratory(呼吸)syndrome(症状)spreading through the workplace DrJulie Gerberding

8、said a suspected SARS virus patient who became ill after traveling to Asia might have infected a coworker in Florida,which made her “very worried ”So far, a dozen peoplenine family members and three health workerswere infected(感染)after coming into close contact with the person with SARSThe rest of t

9、he 166 suspected American cases have something to do with the person with SARSThe rest of the 166 suspected American cases have something to do with people who were infected while traveling in Asia In the Gainesville,Flaarea,a 47一year-old woman was believed to have been infected at work by a 60一year

10、-old woman who was the nations first suspected SARS case,said Tom Belcuore,director of the Alachua County health department Since the World Health Organization announced a worldwide warning last month about SARS,the United States has started infection control in hospitals and among families of suspe

11、cted cases Florida officials said a school in okaloosa County went through a cleaning after a 6一year-old boy suspected of having SARS appeared at school with slight symptoms“Health officials are watching the boys “contacts at school to make sure no one else is infected”said Rob Hayes, health departm

12、ent spokesman, “The boy may have been infected from a family member, ”Hayes said, “We immediately became aware of it and had the child sent homeHes staying at home with his family until 10 days after symptoms disappear” The researchers guessed that the virus might have come from animalsHowever,the s

13、cientists have not ruled out the possibility that some other microbe(微生物)might also help make SARS more serious or easier to catch 知识归纳 1wish 用法归纳 wish 是高考必考词汇之一,它的主要用法如下: (1)作动词“希望、愿望,但愿。祝愿”讲 跟不定式 egI wish once again to express our warmest welcome to you 跟不定式的复合结构 egYou know we wish you to be happy

14、 跟带形容词的复合结构 egI wish you well and happy 跟双宾语 egI wish you successluck 跟从句,引导词that常省略,从句中用虚拟语气(表示与现在、过去、将来相反的假设),常有三种情况: egI wish I were a bird(现在) I wish I had taken your advice(过去) I wish I could go to university(将来) 不跟宾语 egWe can set to work now if you wish (2)作名词“愿望、希望”讲 egMy wish came true 我的愿望实

15、现了。 The needs and wishes of the masses 群众的需要和愿望 (3)wish for 希望得到 egWe wished for rain 我们期待下雨。 (4)wish和hope的异同 都不能接动名词,可接不定式,意义差别不大。 不能说hope sbto do,只能说wish sbto do。 hope后不能直接接名词作宾语,若要接需先接for, 即hope for sth egHope for the best, prepare for the worst wish后可跟双宾语,hope则不能。 两者后均可接从句,hope表“希望”,wish表“愿望”。wish后的从句需用虚拟语气,hope后的从句不用虚拟语气。 2persuade用法归纳 (1)作“说服,劝服”讲 跟带不定式的复合结构 egI have persuaded him to change his mind 我已经说眼他改变主意了。 Who persua


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