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1、1.1.1. PPR管道施工工艺 PPR pipe installation method1.1.1.1. 编制依据Basis of drawing up1.1给水排水管道工程施工与验收规GB50268-97。Construction and acceptance norm of Water supply and drains piping engineering。1.2室管道支架与吊架03S402Piping support indoor。 施工工艺:Construction technique: 根据现场各种管线布置情况和流程顺序确定工艺流程,本工程采用如下工艺流程:施工准

2、备材料进货检验PPR管预制加工支吊架制作安装PPR管安装PPR管试验According to the arrangement and flow order of field all kinds of pipelines, confirm the process flow. This engineering adopts the following process flow: construction preparationmaterial stocking testPPR pipe pre-processingmanufacture and installation of support an

3、d hangerinstallation of PPR pipePPR pipe test 1). 施工准备:Construction preparation 施工工作与技术人员认真熟悉原图纸,领会设计意图,对图纸中和实际管道布置清楚后,才能施工。Construction work and technicians are strictly familiar with the original drawing, comprehend design purpose, and carry out the construction after the clarity to drawing and ac

4、tual pipeline arrangement. 施工人员须熟悉PPR管的一般性能,掌握必须的操作要点。在各项预制加工项目开场前,根据实际编制材料计划,将需要的材料、设备等按规格、型号准备好,运至现场。Constructer must know well the general performance of PPR, master necessary operation points,Before each precast processing project, according to the plan of practical scheduling material, well pre

5、pare the needed material and equipment according to specification and model and transport to the field. 材料设备要求:到现场的管材、管件等提供的管材和管件应符合设计规定,并附有产品说明书和质量合格证书,须认真检查并经业主验明材质,核对质保书,规格、型号等,合格前方能入库,并分别作好标识。Material equipment requirements: The offered field pipe and pipe fittings should accord with design pres

6、cription, adding with product stipulation and quality certification. Strictly examine and identify material by owner, check quality guarantee, specification and models etc, warehouse after qualification, and mark separately. 管材和管件的外壁应光滑平整,无气泡、裂纹、脱皮和明显的痕纹、凹陷,色泽应根本一致。不得使用有损坏迹象的材料。如发现管道质量有异常,应在使用前进展复检。

7、The internal and external surface of pipe and pipe fittings should be smooth and flat, without air bladder, crack, desquamate, obvious trace and hollow, and the color and luster should be consistent. The material with damaged mark should be forbidden. If it is discovered that there is problem in the

8、 pipeline quality, recheck it before using. 管材的端面应垂直于管材的轴线。管件应完整、无缺损、无变形。End face of pipe should be upright to the axes of pipe. The pipe fittings should be intact, without lack and distortion. 管件和管材不应长期置于下照射,为防止管子在储运时弯曲,堆放应平整。搬运管材和管件时,应小心轻放,防止油污,严禁剧烈撞击,与锋利物触碰和抛、摔、拖。管材开口处应与时封堵,以免管道堵塞造成不必要的浪费。Pipe fi

9、tting and pipe should not be placed in the sunshine for a long time to avoid the pipe curve in storage and transportation, and piling up them should be level. When conveying pipe and pipe fittings, they should handled with care and avoid oil stain. Strong bump, cast, throw and draw is forbidden. Pip

10、e hatch should be immediately plugged to avoid pipe jam and unnecessary waste. 施工现场与材料存放处温差较大时,应于安装前将管件和管材在现场放置一定时间,使其温度接近施工现场环境温度。When there is large difference in construction field and storage temperature, should place pipe fitting and pipe at the field before installation for certain time and ma

11、ke its temperature closure to environment temperature of construction field. 本项目PPR管道采用热熔连接,施工前应仔细检查所使用的热熔机具、割刀是否符合要求和正常使用,使用的电源与电线是否正常和平安。如下列图:This project pipe-PPR pipe adopts heat fusion. Before construction, should carefully examine whether the using hot melt equipment and cutter knife accord wi

12、th requirements and normal service, the using power supply and wire are normal and security. as the following drawings. 材料进货检验: Material-stocking test 为确保安装质量,材料进货时应严格检验,其管径椭圆率应10%,管材同一截面的壁厚偏差应14%,外壁应光滑、平整,无气泡、裂口、裂纹、凹陷、脱皮和严重的冷斑与明显的痕迹。For insuring the installation quality, should strictly test the ma

13、terial when it is stocked. The ellipticity of pipe diameter should be less than 10%. The wall thickness deviation in the same pipe section should be less than 14%. The internal and external surface should be smooth,flat, without air bladder, crack, hollowing desquamate, severe cold appearance and ob

14、vious trace.2). PPR管道预制加工: Precast processing of inner pipe PEpipelinePE管连接:采用热熔连接方式。热熔连接最为可靠,操作方便,气密性好,接口强度高。本方案中热熔焊接为关键工序,具体方案如下:PPR pipe connection: adopt hot melt connection method. Hot melt method is the most reliable, with convenient operation and good air tightness and high joint strength. In

15、 this project, sweating soldering is the key working procedure; the detail project is as the followings. 1PPR管道接触式焊接安装PE pipe touch welding installation其施工方法与技术措施如下:Method of execution of works and actions to be taken管道连接采用热熔焊接。热熔焊接为关键工序,必须严格控制。The piping conjunction adopts hot melt to weld. The hot

16、 melt weld is the key work , have to control strictly. 管道焊接主要程序:The piping welds main procedure:A:设置焊机的初始值液压值、温度;Establish the initial value of the welding machine(the liquid presses value, temperature)液压值的设置:The constitution of the liquid presses value管径DN100MM以下,液压值设定为 0.2 MPa; Diameter of pipe is DN100 MM the following, the liquid presses value to set for 0.2 MPa;管径DN10



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