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1、有china daily 笔试题了有china daily 笔试题了潜水很久,大家都很热心传资料,有china daily 笔试题了。我也传份 ,答案是我当时考试时的答卷。有用。要求: 1. 在首页答卷上写明自己的学校、专业和姓名,字迹工整。每张答卷上注明页码。 2. 考试时间180分钟,独立完成。可以使用字典、词典,以及文曲星快译通等电子词典。 3. 考试完毕后,试卷连同答卷一起交回。1. 英译汉Stalled Coaster Strands 20, Some of Them Upside Down By THOMAS J. LUECK Twenty passengers on a roll

2、er coaster at a New Jersey amusement park spent 40 unfortable minutes stranded 75 feet above the ground - some of them upside down - after a lightning bolt cut power to the park yesterday.The power failed about 3:30 after lightning struck a Jersey Central Power and Light substation outside the park,

3、 Six Flags Great Adventure in Jackson Township, taking its employees and customers off guard, said Kristin Siebeneicher, a Great Adventure spokeswoman. She said there were no storm clouds or lightning over the park, and that if there had been, the roller coasters would have been closed as a precauti

4、on.The stranded passengers were riding Batman and Robin: The Chiller, one of the parks 13 roller coasters, and the only one that operates entirely on electricity instead of a bination of gravity and electricity, Ms. Siebeneicher said.The technology of the Chiller, which opened in 1997, makes it a pa

5、rticularly heart-thumping ride; it goes backward and forward, moves like a corkscrew, reaches 70 miles an hour and climbs with enormous thrust. But with 200 electric motors, it has malfunctioned before; it was shut down for 45 minutes in May because of a smoking motor.Great Adventure said its other

6、rides resumed normal operations at 4:30 p.m., but the Chiller will remain closed until it is inspected by state officials.2. 汉译英引导青少年正确使用互联网上网正成为青少年业余生活的重要内容,资料共享平台有china daily 笔试题了(s:/.)。调查显示,在我国8000多万网民中,青少年已经成为网民的主体,而且数量仍在激增,这一趋势告诉我们,加强青少年思想道德教育,一个极其重要的工作,就是要引导青少年正确使用互联网。网上很丰富,网上很精彩,网上很热闹,但网上有垃圾,网上有污物,网上有陷阱,这些对青少年身心安康造成不小伤害。一是网上色情毒害心灵:尽管今年以来,打击 的工作获得了不小进展,但 打而不死,可能改头换面甚至企图卷土重来。二是网上游戏误人子弟。青少年迷恋网络游戏而影响学习,甚至耽误学业的现象相当普遍。三是网上交友使人沉迷,不少网上聊天室空气污浊,一些少男少女热衷网恋,放言男欢女爱之事;一些成年人参与其中,发泄低级兴趣,虚拟世界已经造成不少现买危害,四是网上迷信害人不浅,算命说运等乌七八糟的东西对涉世不深的青少年造成极坏影响。 第 页 共 页


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