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1、unit3topic2whatsweetmusicsectione 教学设计(仁爱湘教版初二上)doc初中英语 a w *门、门、班 班门 w /,: Section C教学设计:A凸c凸凸c凸C 凸C凸凸凸仇凸凸凸C凸凸凸C凸凸.The main activities are 1a and 2.本课重点活动是 1a 和 2。I . Teach ing aims and dema nds 教学目标1. Lear n some useful words and expressi ons:at last, set, set up, member, continue, birth, director

2、, weight, kg, height2. Lear n to describe your favorite sin ger or band:(1)U2 is the name of a band from Dublin, Ireland.(2)It is one of the most famous rock bands in the world.(3)People all over the world still enjoy their music very much.3. Talk about and write one personal file. n . Teaching aids

3、 教具音乐磁带/明星图片/录音机/小黑板或投影仪/多媒体课件川.Five-fi nger Teachi ng Pla n五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时刻:10分钟)1. (教师播放事先预备好的音乐磁带,其中包括钢琴曲,摇滚乐,流行乐,民歌等音乐片断。每种播放一小段,让学生判定属于哪一类音乐。)T: We all like music. Now I play some music. Please tell me what kind of music it is.Ss: Classical music.T: What about this one?Ss:(就学生喜爱的音乐

4、种类,歌手歌曲,进行师生对话。)T: How clever! What ki nd of music do you like? Which sin ger do you like best?S1: I like pop music. I like Zhou Jiel un best.S2:(在学生的回答中,可能会显现一些音乐组合,如飞儿乐队、S.H.E等。如不显现,可用Do you like any music groups like S.H.E?来引导学生回答。通过师生对话,引出关于乐队的话题。)T: How many singers are there in S.H.E?(或其他乐队。)S

5、s: Three.T: And Twins?(或其他乐队。)Ss: Two.T: Yes. You are right. They are music groups. We often call this kind of music group a band.T: Can you tell us somethi ng about other music ban ds? (板书)bandSs:(学生能够用汉语,如花儿乐队,信乐团,女子十二乐坊等。)2. (教师出示羽泉组合的一张图片或演出录像的片断。)T: Look! Who are they?Ss:They e Yu Qua n band.T:

6、 Can you say someth ing about them?S1:Yes. They re Chen Yufan and Hu Haiquan.S2:(学生用英语讲的信息可能有限,教师要及时总结。)T: Yu Quan is a ban d. It is one of the most famous bands in China.(板书)one of the most famous bandsT: There are two members in it.(板书)memberT: Chen Yufan is the main sin ger and Hu Haiqua n is bot

7、h the sin ger and the guitar player. They are both musicia ns. The two boys formed the band in 1998. We can also say they set up the band in 1998.(板书)musicia nform = set upT: They con ti nue to make music.(板书)con ti nue to doT: They are famous for their pop son gs. Young people all over the country

8、enjoy their songs very much.(板书)all over the country(教师播放一首羽泉的成名曲,让学生感受优美旋律。)3. (教师手举羽泉的图片,通过师生咨询答来复习重点句型和单词。)T:Do you like Yu Quan?Ss: Yes.T:What do you think of it? S1, please.S1:It is one of the most famous bands in China.T:How many members are there in it?S2:Two.T:When did they form the band?S3:

9、In 1998.T:What do they continue to do?S4:They continue to make music.T:Who enjoy their songs?S5:Young people all over the country enjoy their songs.T:Great! Now well learn another band from Ireland.(板书)T: Its name is U2.(教师展现U2图片。过渡到下一步。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 出现(时刻:10分钟)1. (让学生阅读1a,回答小黑板上的咨询题。)T:

10、Read 1a quickly and answer the questions on the blackboard.(1) What is U2?(2) When did they set up the band?(3) Who set up the band?(4) How many members are there in the band?(核对答案。)2. (学生再次读1a,回答小黑板上的咨询题。)T: Read 1a carefully, and the n an swer the follow ing questio ns.(5) Where is U2 from?(6) How

11、 old was Larry Mulle n the n?(7) How did he form the band?(8) What do they do now?(9) Do people all over the world en joy their music?(核对答案。)3. 让学生找出关键词,教师板书。)(1) U2 is It is .(2) In 1976 How old What At last set up(3) 4 still con ti nue to people enjoyStep 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时刻:7分钟)1. (让学生听1a录音

12、,并跟读。)2. (让学生齐声朗读1a课文。独立完成1b。)(核对答案。)3. (让学生依照小黑板上的咨询题及关键词,复述课文。2分钟预备。)T: Now let begin. Please retell the story together. One, two, three, go!Ss:U2 is a band from Ireland, T: Boys together, go!Ss:T: Girls together, go!Ss:T: Volu nteers?Si:U2 is T: Great! Is U2 your favorite band?Ss:Yes. / No.(过渡到下一

13、步。)Step 4 Practice第四步 练习(时刻:12分钟)1. (教师提咨询几位学生。练习1c。)T: Is U2 your favorite band?S1:No, it isn .T: Which band is your favorite?S1:Yu Quan./S.H.E./Flowers Band./ T: Whos your favorite sin ger?S1:Zhou Jielun./Li Yuchun./ T: Whats your favorite song?S1:Qi Li Xia ng./ T: Which band do you think is the m

14、ost popular in China?S1:Flowers Band./ T: Who do you think is the most popular sin ger on the Intern et?S1:Tang Lei./(学生两人一组进行咨询答,完成1c。)2. (教师出示一张周杰伦的图片。)T: Do you know him?Ss:Yes, he is Zhou Jiel un /Jay Chou.T: Can you say someth ing about him?Ss:Yes,(在学生们回答完之后,教师用小黑板出示周杰伦的个人信息。)Chin ese n ame:Zho

15、u Jiel unEn glish n ame: Jay ChouDate of birth:January 18th,1979Place of birth: Taiwa nNati on ality:Chin eseWeight*70 kgHeight,173 cmFavorite color:Favorite food:Hobbies:Favorite song:(让学生把后面的信息补充完整,顺便复习前面的知识。(让学生推测画线单词的含义,学习生词。老师板书。)(板书)birth, n ati on ality, weight, kg, height3. (老师把2用投影仪或小黑板展现出来,然而不写具体信息。请一名学生读,其他学生填 写信息。)T: Listen to 2 and then finish Lin Jie personal f


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