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1、法学外文文献翻译题 目: 浅析患者对病历享有的权利姓 名:学院(部):专 业:法学班 级:学 号:指导教师:职称:2008年12月15日外文文献翻译个人健康医疗信息和隐私权保护汤啸天中国上海政法学院 发展规划处 上海201701个人信息是自然人所生成和拥有的,是可以用来确定一个人的信号、标志、 信息、图像和图谱的总称。1个人健康医疗信息的法律性质个人健康医疗信息是个人信息的组成部分,主要指的是个人在体检、诊断、 治疗、疾病控制和医学研究的过程中有关其身体特征,健康状况,社会交往, 遗传基因,病史和病历的信息。1.1个人健康医疗信息是可以识别一个人的标志。首先,个人健康医疗信息是属于自然人自身的

2、信息,无论是活着的还是死去的人都拥有属于自己的个人健康医疗信息。根据法律规定,生成个人健康医疗信息的主体就是个人健康医疗信息的所有 人,就有权防止其个人信息被非法传播。个人健康医疗信息的秘密是个人隐私的 重要组成部分,信息主体的私人空间不受侵犯。如果没有法律依据或者非经当事 人的许可,不适当地披露个人健康医疗信息或者将患者的身体隐蔽部位向无关人 员(包括无关的医务人员)展示,就构成侵犯隐私权。1.2个人拥有其健康医疗信息的控制权必须特别指出的是:深入和高质量的个人健康医疗信息对识别个人具有重要 的功能。一个人的基因属于自己,在任何情况下,获取个人的遗传信息,如组织、 器官、血液样本、尿液等,都

3、必须获得本人或其监护人或亲属的同意。应当赋予数据库以物权,即数据库的建设者应有权拥有数据库; 同时,个人 健康医疗信息的主体对其提供的信息仍然有控制权,即个人健康医疗信息进入数 据库并不表示信息的主体放弃个人信息的控制权。只有当个人健康医疗信息经过 处理成为不能识别任何人的衍生产品后,数据库的所有者才可以根据自己的意愿 使用。2与个人健康医疗信息相关的法律问题隐私权首先意味着可以有所隐藏,即在不损害公共利益和他人合法权益的前 提下,个人可以根据自己的意愿决定隐藏某些信息; 其次,隐私权隐藏的内容是 指私人信息,私人事务和私人领域。随着信息技术的快速发展,被动地隐藏或保 护已经难以抵制侵犯。隐私

4、权应该具有积极的功能,即能够支配和控制私人信息, 私人事务和私人生活。笔者认为,将隐私权界定为一个积极的、能动的权利是社会发展的必然趋势。 该“积极能动说”并意味着否定隐私权,反而是对隐私权的深化。个人信息的披 露与个人隐私的保护可以归结为个人生活和社会生活之间的划分,个人利益和公共利益的协调。就公权力和私权利而言,其相互联系,分工,协调和平衡涉及到 一系列复杂的理论问题。在社会生活中,个人利益和公共利益往往相互交织在一 起,就像河流和小溪之间常常有许多的连接点和过渡带,明确的区分是非常困难 的。因此,笔者认为,在维护公众利益和保护个人隐私的关系方面,有以下几点 必须明确:2.1个人健康医疗信

5、息属于个人隐私,应当予以充分保护,但为了维护公 共利益,隐私权应适当限制。当我们强调个人健康医疗信息可以适当限制的时候, 有一点必须牢记的是: 法律只能要求在紧急情况下为了维护公共利益,限制个人的部分权利,但不能要 求个人放弃全部的隐私权。同时,即使个人隐私让公众知道之后,我们也不得予 以歧视。2.2个人健康医疗信息应当让本人知悉,处于医疗目的可以让第三人知悉, 但不能改变信息的用途。个人健康医疗信息除了主体自身的症状之外,有些信息可能并不为本人所知悉。医疗机构凭借技术手段获得的个人健康医疗信息应当让信息主体知悉。具体来说,个人有权决定其个人健康医疗信息是否向第三方公开,以及向谁公开和信息公开

6、的程度。即使在个人健康医疗信息与他人分享(例如,信息进入数据库)之后,信息主体仍然有权知道其信息储存的场所, 有权更改和更新其个人健康医 疗信息。如果收集了大量的病历的医疗机构将病历或者病历中的部分内容转让给 商业机构,这无疑意味着医疗机构将病历的医疗目的改变为商业盈利。当然,信息主体不可能对个人健康医疗信息有绝对的控制权。对于个人信息,个人是不可 能垄断自己的健康医疗信息。一旦患者与医疗机构形成了诊疗合同关系, 医疗机 构即使没有获得患者的同意,仍然可以收集和合理使用患者的个人健康医疗信 息。外文文献翻译原文PERSONAL HEALTH CARE AND MEDICAL TREATMENT

7、INFORMATION AND PRIVAC Y RIGHT PROTECTIONTANG-Xiaotia nThe-Developme nt and Pla nnin g-Divisio n, Shan ghai Un iversity of Political Scie nee and Law, Sha nghai 201701, Chi naPers onal in formati on can be deemed as a group of pers onal sig nals, sig ns, messages, pictures and maps which are produce

8、d and owned by a n atural pers on and can be used to ide ntify each in dividual.1 Legal n ature of pers onal health care and medical treatme nt in formati onPersonal health care and medical treatment information is part of personal in formatio n, which main ly refers to the in formatio n regard ing

9、pers onal body features, health status, social in teracti on, gen etic gen es, medical history and case record in the process of physical check-up, diag no sis, treatme nt, disease con trol and medical research.1.1 Pers onal health care and medical treatme nt in formatio n serves as a sig n to iden

10、tify a n atural pers on.First of all, pers onal health care and medical treatme nt in formatio n is the one which bel ongs to a n atural pers on as well as his affairs concern ed. All people alive or dead, they all have their own specific personal health care and medical treatment in formatio n.Acco

11、rd ing to law, since an in dividual who produces his/her pers onal health care and medical treatment information is the right owner of personal health care and medical treatment information, he/she will be entitled to prevent his/her personal in formatio n from being spread illegally. The con fide n

12、tiality of pers onal health care and medical treatme nt in formatio n lies in the prior and key part of the right of privacy n ext to pers on al life peace and the n the peripheral part is pers onal space free fromin trusi on. Without a legal basis or permissi on by releva nt party, an in appropriat

13、e disclosure of one personal health care and medical treatment information or exhibition of a private part of patient s body to irrelevant persons (including medicalstaff unconcern ed) will con stitute the infrin geme nt of the right of privacy.1.2 The possession and control right of personal health

14、 care and medical treatme nt in formati on bel ongs to its n atural producer.It has to be poin ted out particularly that in-depth and high-quality pers onal health care and medical treatme nt in formatio n is of vital fun cti on to ide ntify an in dividual. A person genes belong to himself. The acqu

15、isition of a persongenetic informationsuch as tissue, orga n, blood sample, urine and etc can not be con ducted without the permissi on of an in dividual himself, his guardia n or relatives.The database should be given the right of property, i.e., the builders of the database should have the right t

16、o possess the database; mean while, the n atural producer of personal health care and medical treatment information still has the controlling right over the information he has provided and the entering of personal health care and medical treatme nt in formatio n in to the database does not n ecessarily mean that the owner of personal health care and medical treatment


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