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1、RQAC系列组合式空调机组RQAC Serial Combined AC Units安装调试、运行管理、维修保养 操作手册Installation & Commission, Operation & Management, Maintenance & Repairing Manual目 录Content一、 安全须知3I. Safety Tips二、 安装 5II. Installation1. 安装前的准备 51. Preparation before Installation2. 散件出厂机组的现场组装和交付 52. Site Assembly & Delivery of Parts De

2、livered in Bulks3. 整机出厂机组的现场吊装和就位 63. Site Hoisting & Locating of Parts Delivered in Whole Set4. 机组与风系统的安装和连接114. Installation & Connection of Units and Air System5. 机组与水汽管路系统的安装和连接115. Installation & Connection of Units and Water-and-Steam System6. 机组与电气控制系统的安装和连接146. Installation & Connection of U

3、nits and Electric Control System三、 调试 15III. Commission1. 调试前的准备151. Preparation before Commission2. 启动关闭机组222. Units On & Off四、 运行管理 26IV. Operation & Management1. 性能参数巡检记录261. Performance Parameters Inspecting Record2. 设备运行参数监测 262. Running Parameters Inspection3. 设备运行状态监测 273. Running Status Insp

4、ection五、 例行保养和维修 29V. Regular Maintenance & Repairing1. 风机传动系统 291. Fan Transmission System2. 水泵传动系统 322. Water Pump Transmission System3. 电动机保养与维修 333. Motor Maintenance & Repairing4. 水汽系统 344. Water-and-Steam System5. 空气过滤系统 375. Air Filtering System6. 电气控制系统 386. Electric Control System7. 机组框架及壳体

5、 407. Unit Frame & Shell六、 注意事项41VI. Important Notice七、 服务条款42VII. Terms of Service一、 安 全 须 知I. Safety Tips1 RQAC型系列组合式空调机组在设计规范内运行时能够得到安全保障和可靠的服务,由于机组在使用压力、电机接线及装置等各方面的原因,只有经过培训合格的安装员、操作工和维修技师才可以安装、操作和维修本设备。当在设备上工作时,必须遵守所有贴在机组上的标签所示的安全措施、操作手册上的安全说明以及其他任何适用的安全预防措施。1. RQAC Serial combined AC units co

6、uld perform safely and normally referring to the regulations. Considering the operating pressure, the motor wiring, the devices and other factors, its strictly required to install, operate and repair the Machine only by the qualified technicians after training. When the Machine is working, its also

7、strictly required to abide by all the safety means displayed on the label, the safety instructions on the Manual and any other applicable safety precautions.2 遵守所有安全规范。2. Its required to abide by all the safety regulations.3 在搬运、组装和安置机组或机组内设备时须小心谨慎,先检查要搬运的机组或相关物品重量、尺寸,以确保能够安全地搬运,同时注意搬运对象上特殊的装置说明。3.

8、Please be careful when to move, assembly and place the devices or the units. Its necessary to check the weight and sizes of the units first for the safety operation. At the same time, please also pay attention to the special instructions of the devices or the units to be moved.4 请勿在风机运转时进入机组。在维修机组之前

9、应关闭机组并作出标记。4. Please do not enter the units when the fan is running. Its necessary to turn off the units and make the mark before repairing.5 进入机组之前必须先切断风机马达和喷淋水泵的电源,取下保险丝带在身边,并在电源控制板上挂“正在检修,请勿通电”的标牌。5. Please switch off the power supply of fan motor and spraying pump first, and then remove the fuse

10、 and take it. Its also required to hang the label of On repairing, dont switch on the power please on the power control panel.6 空调机组内部的低压照明电源为交流36 V,严禁使用其它电源代替。6. The low-voltage lighting power inside the AC units is AC 36V. Its strictly forbidden to replace by any other power supply.重要说明Important I

11、nstructions1 感谢您购买荣泉产品,请您在使用本产品之前先耐心阅读本操作手册。当您开始使用此产品时,荣泉公司认为您已经认真阅读了本操作手册。1. Thanks for selecting Ronquan products! Please read the Manual carefully before operate the Machine. Ronquan Company would think you have carefully read the Manual when you begin to operate the Machine.2 为使产品更好地适应客户而改进创新,荣泉

12、公司保留修改资料而不事先通知的权利。2. Ronquan Company would keep improving and renovating so as to meet the requirements better. The right to modifying the documents without advance notice is reserved by the Company.二 安装II. Installation机组的安装与施工,请严格按照 GB50243-2002通风与空调工程施工质量验收规范执行。Please strictly refer to GB50243-200

13、2 Ventilation & Air Conditioning for the installation and engineering of the units.1. 安装前的准备1. Preparation before Installation(1)熟悉和审查各相关图纸和技术文件资料,并对照图纸和相关技术文件,检查机组安装位置及基础尺寸是否符合要求。(1) Check and know about the related drawings and technical documents, and check whether the installation position and foundation sizes is accordance with those drawings and technical documents.(2)确认待安装机组组成设备、材料的型号规格及随机配件、附件均符合订货合同,并且质量合格。(2) Confirm the to-be-installed units, devices, models, specifications and the spare parts are accordance with the purchasing contract, and with goo



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