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1、英语迟到检讨书英语迟到检讨书6篇在学习、工作或生活中出现了问题或过错后,为了避开再犯,往往被要求写检讨书来自我反思,请留意检讨书里面要交代清晰行为。快来参考检讨书是怎么写的吧,下面是我为大家整理的英语迟到检讨书6篇,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。英语迟到检讨书 篇1Today Im late, and here I do for my behaviour a profound review.As a student, on timeattended class is our share of the things, but I have not to do this, serious impact

2、on the other students in class.Here, I review my mistake behavior, I asked my teacher to make a deep review. I guarantee that, from now on, I wont make the same mistake, a person can fall, but definitely not can fall in the same place.Hope the teacher give me a chance to correct the mistakes, thank

3、you!英语迟到检讨书 篇2Respected leaders and colleagues:Since the first meeting at the beginning of the year did not arrive at the office on time as stipulated by the company, I would like to make a check on myself.Through this, I think it is an occasional event, but it is also the result of a long period of

4、 relaxation and loose work style. Through how many days of reflection, I thought it was not only the consciousness of the fault, but also a key to my consciousness.First of all, through these days, I realized that being late to the meeting was a sign that I did not value the companys regulations. I

5、acted in such a way that the company could have a bad influence on the company and damaged the image of the company. Colleagues are supposed to learn from each other and enhance each other, but I have a bad head for my colleagues, which is bad for the companys development. If you visit a client, you

6、 will see that this is a company with no rules and regulations, but it will affect your companys image and your future.Again except such as live too far away, such as traffic jams easily all the so-called objective cause, I think it can only explain my job position is not enough seriously, the oblig

7、ation to work heart enough, dont do their job well, still has muddle along in their thinking, along the elaborate ideas, this kind of negative thinking can only clarify my comfortable and self-seeking, ignore the company designated criteria, beggar-thy-neighbour. I regret this mistake I made persona

8、lly. Need have a meeting at 8 o clock, far from home you should go out ahead of time, put the articles (a quote from the practical working document) can have hinder yourself up to the companys situation on time all consideration to, so as not to be late, yet their chamber, the individual hard on the

9、 above the company rules and rail system, it is should not, I should have to quit, do not make this kind of problem.In addition, I also saw the bad influence of this matter, if at various meetings or work, everyone is as free and loose as I am, how can I get the work done in time. At the same time,

10、if we constitute such an unorganized, disciplined, free-wheeling fashion in our community, the progress of our work will not be discussed. Therefore, the outcome of this matter is significant.Of course, this mistake is also not strictly required by myself, and I dont have a good understanding of the

11、 companys cultural theme. At the same time, thank you for guiding me to give me this opportunity. I will be strict with myself according to the regulations of the company. First, dont be late for work, arrive on time; Secondly, we should study corporate culture seriously and work hard in accordance

12、with the companys system. In the end, I hope that the broad staff will take me on the back teaching materials and review themselves, and will not present similar mistakes in the current work.Review: XXX20xx, XX day.英语迟到检讨书 篇3敬重的老师:今日,我怀着十二万分的愧疚以及十二万分的后悔给您写下这份检讨书,以向您表示我对迟到这种恶劣行为的深痛恶绝及决心。错误的性质是严峻的.我这是


14、间造成了不良的影响。由于我一个人的旷课,有可能造成别的同学的效仿,影响班级纪律性,也是对别的同学的父母的不负责。而且影响个人综合水平的提高,使自身在本能提高的条件下未能得到提高,违反父母的意愿,实乃不孝。正是由于思想觉悟不高,对重要事项重视严峻不足。就算是有相识,也没能在行动上真正实行起来。而且平常生活作风懒散,马虎大意。 请老师给我一次机会,我会好好努力,争取做老师心中的好学生!签名:时间:20xx年*月*日英语迟到检讨书 篇4Dear teacher:today, I with the feelings of guilt, regret and uneasy for you to writ

15、e the written self criticism, to say to you I am late for the bad behaviour of deep hatred and killing will no longer be late determination. As early as when I first set foot in this class, you have time, has repeatedly stressed that the whole class, must not be late, shall not be absent.At the time

16、, the teacher teaches the tune repeatedly, serious expression in eyes, I am deeply shocked, have also been deeply realize the importance of this matter, so I kept telling myself to take the matter as top priority to grasp, to live up to a hard teacher to us.However, as gorky said - when you see a is very important, hardships and failures will ensue. Such as doing drill in t


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