【最新】仁爱版九年级上册Unit 3 English around the world Topic 1 Section B讲学稿

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1、最新版英语学习资料Unit 3 English around the world Topic 1 Section B 学习目标与要求:1、继续学习一般现在时的被动语态的用法。2、谈论语言差异和语言的重要性。模块一:温故知新学习内容将下面主动语态的句子变为被动语态。(1)Many foreigners know the Great Wall. _(2) My father cleans our house every morning. _(3)The workers produce the trains in this factory._模块二:自主学习 (独立进行) (Self-study &

2、 Self-exploration)学习内容摘 记Step 1 词汇学习-预习P55-56的新单词,并将新单词在课文中标记。Step 2 短语学习-请同学们在课本上找出下列短语,英汉互译。(要求:短语在课本上划出)出差_ be similar to _向某人请求帮助_ 把译成_ in general= generally speaking _divide into _有时,偶尔 at times =_/=_ 无论何时 no matter when =_ (想一想:无论怎样_=_;无论哪里:_=_besides=whats more _have some trouble doing sth. _

3、(11) be used as _be used for _be used to _(12)国家的文化_ (13)explain sth. to sb. _Step 3 课文学习1、 理解课文P55-1a-2a。(请同学们一定要提前预习课文,理解课文内容) Step 4 句型及词的用法学习-知识点归纳。4.1. The interpreter translates the language and explains the culture of the country to him.口译者为他翻译并向他解说那个国家的文化。【归纳】translate ,意为“翻译”,是动词。常用短语有:tran

4、slateinto把译成4.2. Is it possible for you to have any trouble? 你可能会遇到麻烦吗?【归纳】表达“对某人来说做某事是可能的”的结构:_【链接】It is possible that he can answer the question. 他可能会回答这个问题。 表达“可能”的结构:_【练一练】( ) 4.2.1. It is possible _ there by bus. A. that get B. to get C. getting D. for getting4.3. (1) Besides his wife, his daug

5、hter also went to see him. 除他妻子外,他女儿也去看过他。(2) You can park anywhere except here. 只有这里不能停车。(3) Everyone knows it but you. 除你之外大家都知道。 归纳besides, except, but的用法: 三者均可表示“_”; besides 表示一种累加关系,意指“除了提到的事物之外,还包含其他的; except 或 but 则表示一种排除关系,意指“不把提到的事物算在内,从整体中除掉”。但except 与but在用法上还是略有区别:but “除之外”(整体中除去)常与有否定意义的

6、词连用,但如果but 之前的部分出现实义动词do 的任何一种形式,则用 but+V原 。仔细研读下面例句:Nobody knew it but me. He did nothing but play all day. We had nothing to do but tell her the truth. I have no choice but to wait for him.【练一练】( ) 4.3.1.Who else do you know in the party _Jim and Tom? -Lucy and Lily. A. in B. next C. among D. besi

7、des小组内成员互查完成情况并给予等级评定: 模块三:交流研讨 (小组交流、合作、展示) (Cooperation ,Exploration &Show)研讨内容摘 记Step 5 听读(10) 1).读本课时单词。2).群读1a,2a 的课文。3)口语操练:课本P56-2b,先要求学生圈出母语是英语的国家并写出其他国家所使用的第一语言。A:Which language do Chinese speak?B:They speak Chinese. Chinese is spoken in China.Step 6合作 大组长组织,组员共同探讨下面研讨内容,并形成统一的组内意见;【研讨内容】 讨

8、论一:核对模块二Step 2 归纳本课时的重点短语或句型。讨论二:核对模块二 Step 4知识点归纳,重点是4.2; 4.3。Step 7 展示 【大组展示方案】展示任务一:讨论一:核对模块二Step 2 归纳本课时的重点短语或句型。建议:白板上展示,并带领全班读、记;展示任务二:讨论二:模块二 Step 4知识点归纳。(4.2 ,4.3)建议:白板上展示知识点,然后按 讲译 的方式讲解;课堂评价要素:1、 合理评价组员,全员参与,有序展示;2、 书写规范,工整美观,双色笔运用得当;3、 发音清晰,声音洪亮;4、 面向全体,自然大方,肢体语言运用得当;展示生动活泼,独具特色。模块四:教师精讲(

9、认真听讲并记录要点)训练内容摘 记besides , except, but 的用法;教学反思:模块五:当堂训练(预时20分钟) 姓名:_班级:九(_)一、 完成课本P56-3,按例句仿写句子(被动语态),写在下面横线上。1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _二、 单项选择。( ) 1. This dictionary is similar _ that one.A. with B. to C. as D. for( ) 2. It is possible _ there by bus. A. that get B. to get C. getting D. for getting( ) 3

10、. He has some trouble _ English.A. to study B. study C. studying D. studied( ) 4.What other sports do you like _ football? A. beside B. except C. besides D. but( ) 5. These kinds of clothes _ those workers _Shanghai.A. make by, by B. made by, in C. are made by, in D. are made by, by( ) 6. The classr

11、oom _ by us every day. A. is cleaning B. is cleaned C. cleans D. clean( ) 7. In Cuba, Spanish is _ language. A. the official B. the second C. the unofficial D. a foreign( ) 8. When you are in trouble, you can ask me _ help.A. to B. for C. in D. with( ) 9. -Is English _ the official language in Japan? -No, it isnt. A. spoken as B. spoken in C. speaking as D. spo


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