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1、外研版(三起)四年级英语下册 期末试卷8一、选择填空。(共15分,每小题1分)1. A. English B. Chinese( ) 1. People speak _ in China.( ) 2. People speak _ in England.( ) 3. People speak _ in America.2. A. London B. Beijing C. Washington D.C.( ) 1. _ is the capital of England.( ) 2. _ is the capital of China.( ) 3. _ is the capital of Ame

2、rica.3. A. longer B. higher C. older( ) 1. The Changjiang River is_ than the Yellow River.( ) 2. Mount Qomolangma is _ than Mount Tai.( ) 3. The Great Wall is _ than the Summer Palace.4. A. rain B. sunny( ) 1. It will be _ in beijing.()( ) 2. It will _ in Hangzhou. ()5. A. east B. west C. north D. s

3、outh( ) 1. Washington D.C. is in the _. (东)( ) 2. Sanya is in the _. (南)( ) 3. San Francisco is in the _. (西)( ) 4. Beijing is in the _. (北)二、用形容词的比较级填空。(共8分,每小题2分) 1. Amys _ than Lingling. (tall) 2. Beijing is _ than Tianjin. (big) 3. This boy is _ than the girls. (good) 4. Daming is _ than Linglin

4、g. (bad)三、标番号。(共8分,每小题2分)A.B.C.D.( ) 1. This is the River Thames.Its long and wide.There are many boats on the river.( ) 2. This is Big Ben.Its very old.And its very tall.( ) 3. This is Hyde Park.Its very beautiful.( ) 4. And this is Tower Bridge.Its very famous.And its very beautiful,too.四、抄写单词,注意手

5、写体格式。(共10分)picnicwertherbeautifuldancefamous五、找一找,将划线单词的反义词填进括号里。(共8分,每小题4分) young small short big1.2.They werent old then.They were _.He wasnt tall then.He was _.六、填空,用上“be”动词的过去式。(共9分,每小题3分。)nowthen1Grandparents are old .Grandparents _ old .2Lingling is cute.Lingling _ naughty.3Amy is tall.Amy _ short.七、英译汉。(共12分,每小题3分)1. The Changjiang River is longer than the Yellow River.。2. Beijing is the capital of China.3. Daming bought a watermelons yesterday.4、 I will take my ball and my kite on Saturday.


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