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1、水性氟碳涂料的用途和使用水性氟碳涂料的用途和使用IntendedUses用途适用于各种及恶劣环境下钢结构或建筑外墙的高性能防护和装饰面漆,涂层可以 在-5O-150C下长期使用。Suited for steel structure or exterior walls in various abominable conditions as high functional protective and decorative finish, The coat can be used at the temperature condition within -50-150C for a long tim

2、e.ProductDescription产品简介各色,有光或哑光,水性双组份环氧面漆,漆膜附着力强,耐磨性佳,具有良好 的耐化学品性,可抵抗盐雾及中度的酸、碱、盐。以水为分散介质,不然不爆,可用水稀释 和清洗涂装用具,施工过程无污染,具有安全环保特性。A series of colors, dark or bright, two-package water-miscible epoxy finish, the adherence, the rub-resist, the solvent-resist is good. It resists the salt fog, and acid, alk

3、ali, salt. It is dispersed by water, resist fire and burst, can be diluted or cleaned by water. No pollution, safety and environmental protection.ProductInformation产品数据Volume Solids固体份50%ccording 5040%Dry Film Thickness 干膜厚度30 g m30微米Theoretical Coverage 理论涂布率8.0 -10 m2/Kg8.0-10 平方米/公斤Practical Cove

4、rage 实际涂布率Allow appropriate loss允许适量损耗Application Details施工详述Mix Radio混合比A : B=10:1 (by weight )甲:乙=10:1(重量比)Method of Application施工方法Airless Spray无空气喷涂Recommended推荐采用Brush or Roller涂刷或辊涂Recommended推荐采用Conventional Spray 传统喷涂Not Recommended 不推荐釆用Thinner稀释剂清洁淡水(Clean water)Cleaner油漆设备清洗剂清洁淡水(Clean wa

5、ter)Pot Life使用期20C: 4hStorage贮存期One year一年Drying time干燥时间SubstrateTemperature底材温度,CTouchDry表干(min)Hard Dry硬十(h)Over coating Interval覆涂间隔Mix最短Max最长253083hNot limitStorage andHandling贮存与管 理Storage 贮存Store in cool and dry conditions ( 5-40C),no exposing tofrost贮存在5-40C之间的凉爽干燥环境之中,不得暴露于霜冻环境。Pack size 包装

6、规格A;20Kg in 20 liter container 甲:20 公斤装于 20 公升容器中B:2Kg in 2.5 liter container 乙:2公斤装于2.5公升容器中Flash Point 闪点No 无Specific Gravity 比重1 10-1.20Kg/L1 10-1.20 公斤/公升Specification andSurface preparation技术要求及表 面处理The surface which was coated before: clean, dry, and please be sure if the coat is permitted or

7、not。The surface of the concrete: no water, no oil etc已涂漆的表面,确保是许可的涂层,并保证表面清洁干燥混凝土表面:无可见水,无油污等污物LimitationsPlease mix and stir still to even before application, during the application, the temperature of the environment should be above 10 C, the relative humidity should be less than 80%, theSubstrate

8、 temperature should be more than 3C above the dew point, enough ventilation is necessary at the application site.The front coatings: water-miscible or others paint which is permitted.The durability of the water-miscible paint is decided by the condition of the application, For example, on the edge a

9、nd quarter, the application need be限制SafetyPrecautions安全措施handled carefully, avoiding the film thickness is too thick once应高于露点3C以上,并保证良好的通风。避免在夜晚温度较低尤其是在兼有 凝露或雨水的季节户外施工。前道涂层:水性环氧漆或经许可的溶剂型涂料。水性漆的耐久性在很大程度上取决于良好的施工。比如在尖锐的边角,铆钉和 跳焊的部位的施工需额外细,避免每度漆的漆膜太厚。最好额外修涂一遍。The product must be used in painting area

10、 by professionals. When painting, please be sure to refer to Product Data Sheet and MSDS. Consult our company if consumers could not completely understand the precautions for safety and health when applying the product.The product is a kind of solvent-based paint. In order to avoid the accident or d

11、angerous occurrence, minimal safety precaution, as follow, should be down.The paint contains volatile solvent and it is flammable, So must keep away from sparks and open flames. No smoking at workplace, Effective precautions (such as using explosion-proof electrical equipments. No static electricity

12、 accumulation or metal collision etc) also should be done so as to avoid product sparks.Enough ventilation is necessary at application sites. In order to remove any danger of explosion, must keep the ratio of gas / air is less than 10 %, Usually 200 m3of ventilation quantity per 1 Kg solvent (accord

13、ing to the solvent) is necessary, it canMaintain the minimum explosive limit. Take effective precautions to prevent skin and eye contact with the coating (such as the use of overalls, gloves, goggles, face shields and protective oil coating and so on). If paint gets in touch with skin,If accidental

14、skin contact with the product, please use fresh water and soap or an appropriate industrial cleaning agents thoroughly cleansed. In case of eyes being contaminated, rinse with fresh water for 10 min at least and give medical treatment immediately.During painting, it is recommended to wear face shiel

15、ds to prevent inhalation of paint mist and harmful gases.Especially in poorly ventilated environment, it is more necessary.Finally, be handled with care so as not to waste paint barrels of pollution of the environment.NOTICE: If consumers have not taken effective safety precautions (Refer to the specification), our company will NOT be responsible for any accident.本产品必须由专业人员在工业场所使用。使用时请务必参照本说明书以及相 关健康安全手册。若客户在使用本产品前,未能详细了解本产品的相关健康安全 知识,请与本公司人员联系。该涂料为溶剂型涂料,为避免事故或危险发生,应采取最低限度的安全措施如下:此涂料为易燃物,并含有挥发性易燃溶剂,故必须远离火星和明火。严禁在作业场所吸烟,并应该采取有效措施,防止火星产生(如采用



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