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1、两分钟英语自我介绍两分钟英语自我介绍 两分钟英语自我介绍怎么准备呢下面是小编收集整理的两分钟英语自我介绍,希望能帮到你。 两分钟英语自我介绍范文1 goodmorning !it i ely m hoor to have this oppotnty foran inervi, i ho can mak godpefrmace oayimnfidenttat can succed. now i will introuce myelf bieliam 26years ld,n sandong ovic . (genrl introdctin)i wsgadatd from qngdao unier

2、sty. mmaor s lectronic.an i got my chlo degree aft my radaininhe year of XX. uring uniersity, set mt f my tme on stud so that i v pssedcet4 .ndcqed as nlege ofmy mjor(euaio bckgroun) in ly XX, bgn ork or asmall pivatcoay s technicaspport engineerin qndao.becse im apable of more rponsibilities, so de

3、cdd o chag my ob.and iauust XX,i lf qoto eing ad worke oaforein enterie as nautomaion softwetest engine.bcaus int hange m oringenionmnt,i i tofnd job which soe hleging. oreov motooa gobl cany, so i feeli can athemost frm workgi this kindof copany ennvioment tht is h reashy ime hereto compte ths otio

4、n.(eearch experinc an ademiaciity) ti a godteamplayr andim a person o great honestyooherslo mae to wrk uner reatrre. thats ll. thak youfor gig e the chnce 两分钟英语自我介绍范文Good ori, my me is jack, tis rlly agreat honor t ve this oportutyfor intrview, I wold liketo anser hevryu my raise,a hpe cn make goodp

5、erornedy, evetly enroll tis pretigiu ompny in Spteber.Now ill toduce mysef brfy, am 21ears ld,born eiogjiangovnce ,ntheast ofin,nd amcrretly a seiorstuden a eii XUnvrsity.My jor ispackain nginerng.andI will rceive my ahelor dereeftermy graduatinin June.In the pa 4 year,Isend mostof mytime osd,hvepss

6、 CET4/6 ith anae and have auire sic nowege fpackaging and ublihigot i heor nd in pacic. Beses, Iave atted seveal pacaging exitionld inBiing,whichis ou adata studying , eken rosome bfctres andms. Thh tse have a deepy undersandingo doestipcaging inustr. Compareo depe cunres,unortunatl, athough wehdeex

7、trariry pgress sinc 178,ur packagingidusryre till udedeelopd, mess,unstbl, te siation ofemployees inthis fid i awkwrd. ButI haveful cfidene i abihtfre if onlouecon cnkep e growh pace till.Iwould likto te ou that prsuing th ma i one f my lifon gal,Ilikepackagingad I wo giv up.IfI can pursuydrea ee, w

8、il combie ctce wih my formr ecaton. I willwor hard n teseields. I canodscbem character wel, but I kno am opimisti adconfidt. smetime I prefe tosta alo, reading, isteng o msic, ut am nt lonl, liketo ca with myclasmt, aost tlk eveytng,my favore astime isvallyba,payng card or suring on lie Throgh oege

9、life,I lea wo balane tee adentetainmnt.Bythe wy, i was aacto ofour amazing daa cub. ad fe rus eori on se .Theare my pie.两分钟英语自我介绍范文3 Goodig/aternn. It is relly m honorto have this oportunty r terew. I hope I an mkeagdperfrmanc today.My nme is xx Im 0 yar old,n in a ittle illge inSothern Zhejig. Mare

10、ntsae farmr,and I a theoly hil. Thouh no ell-to-o,hefamalay e opeul. Mymajori enneering technolgy. I il rde nJul,202X. I hae some oies liklitening to msic,swimming,nd eecialseig weten ovis I tepasd w yeas,I ha learndsom practial skil and gaied somemajor ertifictes. I adorettention to lean Enlin,and

11、haeasse CE4 in my effort I mlookin frwrd o becoing amebr of yurcompany hyou! 两分钟英语自我介绍范文4 I am vryhappy o ntrduce mysel hereIwas r in iaoning rvice.I grduated frm NankUestya majorediInteational Trae Ilkesi n reingbo,espcally conomia oks. It s honor to appl thi . I hop canreisy ream n ourcompanyleasive me a chce.han you vey muc it is myra plesu t intodue yself. was bor in LANIN. y mjo sintenatial tae. IwagaduteinNankai University. yobb lies iteus ad reaing, espcally lke ecoms. i am la tat i can take partin ti iteviewnd a sincereoehat i can joi ticomay to alze my dram. leasegie my a ca Thn you.


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