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1、毕 业 论 文论文题目Research on The Culture Education of English Teaching in Middle SchoolsResearch on The Culture Education of English Teaching in Middle SchoolsxxxxxA thesis submitted to School of Foreign Languages ofxxxx University in partial fulfillment of the requirementsfor the degree of Bachelor of Ar

2、tsUnder the supervision of xxxxxxxxx UniversityJune,2010ContentsAbstract.i摘 要.iiI. Introduction.11.1 Literature review.11.2 The definition of culture and language.31.3The relationship between culture and language.4II .The importance of culture education in middle schools.62.1 The need of language le

3、arning.62.2 The need of intercultural communication7III. The problems of culture education in middle school.83.1. Lacking awareness of culture education.93.2The methods of the culture education are too single.10IV. Approaches to put culture education into English teaching in middle schools.114.1 Stu

4、dying culture-loaded vocabulary.114.2 Comparing culture differences.134.3 Using role-playing teaching method.154.4 Making good use of multimedia.154.5 Reading literature works and newspapers.16V. Conclusion.18Works Cited.20Acknowledgements.22AbstractIn traditional English teaching, language knowledg

5、e is paid too much attention to, and words, sentences and grammar are taken as the dominant factors, separated from the culture. English teachers, especially those in middle schools, neglect culture teaching intentionally or unintentionally, because of lacking cultural knowledge themselves. In this

6、paper,the first part the author definite the meaning of culture and language in detail . The second part it refers to the importance of culture education in the middle schools English teaching. The third part the author summarizes two main problems: Lacking awareness of culture education; the method

7、s of the culture education are too single. The fourth part, the author proposes the following solution: Studying culture-loaded vocabulary; Comparing culture differences; Using role-playing teaching method; Making good use of multimedia; Reading literature works and newspapers .Therefore, this thesi

8、s points out that language should be taught with culture even at the beginning. English teachers ought to familiarize the students with culture knowledge through different channels so as not only to enrich and improve English teaching, but also to help students to communicate with English native spe

9、akers of in a correct, proper and decent way.Key words: English teaching; Culture education; Approaches摘 要在传统的英语教学中,教师授课注重语言知识的学习,词,句,语法的学习被作为教学的重点和文化的学习相分离。尤其是中学的英语教师,由于自身缺少对文化知识的了解,有的甚至认为没有必要进行文化教育,因此有意无意忽视文化教育。在本文中,第一部分对文化及语言的定义做了详尽的分析,第二部分提到文化教育对于中学英语教学的重要性。第三部分结合其他学者对于这一问题的探究,从中总结出两点问题:老师和学生缺乏进

10、行文化教学的意识;文化教育过程中存在严重的单一性。第四部分针对以上两点主要问题,提出了以下几点解决方案:从词汇的基础上来了解和学习文化;对比文化的差异;运用角色扮演的教学方法;注重运用多元化的文化教育;阅读大量的文学作品和报刊。所以,本论文的目的意在指出从起步学习英语的同时就应该将语言教学与文化教学统一起来。让学生在多种形式下多角度了解英语文化,并以此丰富和完善英语教学,从而增强文化意识,从而使学生能准确合理,得体的与英语母语者交流。关键词:英语教学;文化教育;途径 .IntroductionLanguage and culture are inseparable. Language is t

11、he most important carrier of culture. Learning a language is learning a culture. Therefore, to learn English well, we need to understand the characteristics of the English language and its cultural background. Mistakes have often been made when we use English, owing to our lack of the knowledge of E

12、nglish-speaking countries culture. The new English Course Standards (2002) for middle schools has added culture teaching as one of its main parts; From the 1950s, quite a few scholars,both at home and abroad, have researched cultural factors in English teaching. But what and how to teach it in middl

13、e schools still needs systematic study. Nowadays we notice the importance of cultural factors in English teaching. Teaching language also involves teaching culture. We cannot learn a language without learning the culture in which the language deeply rooted. Language is just like the running water. I

14、t changes in every moment, for culture changes from time to time. If language is a flower, culture will be the soil for this flower. 1.1 Literature reviewSince the 20th century, culture has been illustrated by many philosophers, socialists, anthologists, historians and linguists. According to Brown (1987) “Culture is a collection of beliefs, habits, living patterns and behaviors which are held more or less in common by people who occupy particular geographic areas.” Eugene.A.Nida, a famous linguist, translator in the world, defined culture as “


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