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1、elationshi p betwe en Governme nt and busi ness. The tw o sessions, Ge neral Se cretary of Pro, cl ear the wor d succinctly sum marize d the new rel ationshi p bet ween Gover nment a nd busi ness, as pure politi cs, re sha ping t he political rel ationshi p specifie d in the dire ction. Di strict le

2、a ders i n ha ndling political and business rel ations, eng age in tra ding power for m oney, a nd fi nally stum bled, we a lesson, alway s keep i n mind that Pr o, clean pra ctici ng Pro, cle ar. Pro is to ope n a si ncere engageme nt with private e nterprise to help solve practi cal diff iculti es

3、; Cle ar is to cl arify the Division of power, exer cise d in a ccorda nce with, private e ntrepre neur s with i nnoce nt purity, not abusing pow er for personal gain, not to engage i n tradi ng power for money. T hird, i n or der to mai ntain fairne ss a nd justice. Fairne ss a nd justice is the li

4、feline of the rule of law, is t he best dev elopment environment. Curre ntly, lax law e nforcem ent a nd the judicial sect or in our regi on al so exist t o varying degrees,law enfor cement departme nts and individual window unit s power for personal gains and bri bes, t hick friends, relati ons, hu

5、man cases, money case s in w hich seri ously infringe on the legitimate rights a nd i nterests of enterpr ises a ndpeople. E spe cially some law e nforceme nt and inspe ction for profit purposes, deliber ately looking for cor porate l oopholes, found dire ctly under the ticket does not give busi nes

6、s improv ement opportunities. We re cruit a compa ny doesnt e asily, cultivating a busine ss more difficult, never for per sonal gain, systematic harassme nt, car d, last che cke d to check t o g et the enter prise colla pse d. To g uara ntee the legitimate rig hts and inter ests. Al ways pr oce ed

7、from the overall sit uation of reform and devel opme nt of servi ces, fully consi der the chara cteristi cs of pr oducti on a nd manag ement in non-public e nterpri ses a nd soci al be nefits, an a ccurate grasp of legal limits, prote ct the e nthusiasm of e ntrepre neur s and pra ctitioners in i nn

8、ovation and entre preneurship, enhancingexpectati ons and confide nce. To prom ote stri ct enfor cement. Strengtheni ng law e nforcement pr ocedur es, im prove la w enfor cement performa nce ev aluati on, strengtheni ng the supervisi on of law enf orceme nt, expl oration and pr actice of risk contro

9、l me cha nism of la w enfor ceme nt to further st andar dize t he social security, ur ba n manageme nt, roa d traffic admi nistrative la w enfor cement, effectively free, exte nsive la w-e nforcement a nd lax e nforcement of law enf orceme nt and ot her issue s. To uphol d justice. Justi ce is the l

10、a st line of Defense to safeguar d fairne ss and justice, to une qui vocally support t he court s and pr ocuratorate s independently exer cise l evel . Judi cial a ctivities w ere rampa nt, must not be all owe d to r un, fav ors, money, must not be allow ed to knowingly vi olate the miscarri age, vi

11、ol ations of the legitimate right s and inter ests of the m asses must not be al low ed to a buse of power , to make for est mass ca n be felt i n every judi cial cases in e quity a nd justi ce. F our to dee pe ngrass-r oots g overna nce accordi ng to law短文填空训练题一1、It is a Chinese traditional custom

12、that people eat moon cakes at the time of theMid-Autumn Festival. One s 1 about it is almost 700 years old. In the 14 th century, theChinese planned a surprise attack against (袭击) their enemies at the time of the festival. Themessages for the attack were put into cakes. The cakes were passed from on

13、e person to a 2 .Each person read the messages and knew when and where the attack would h/b/s 3 . At last theChinese won the victory.Moon cakes are still eaten d 4 the Mid-Autumn Festival. However, the fillings( 馅) ofthe moon cakes now are not messages, b 5 foods such as meat, fruits and duck eggs.O

14、n the fifteenth day of the eighth month of each Chinese year, f 6 and friends cometogether and enjoy the beautiful moon. Shops are crowded with people and the smel1 of mooncakes f 7 the air. Many people go to a place where they can see the moon clearly. Largeparks and the seaside are popular places.

15、 Once there, people have a picnic dinner, eat moon cakesand watch the moon rise.2、Can animals be made to work for p 1 ? Some scientists think that one day animalsmay be trained (训练 ) to do a number of simple jobs i 2 of people. They say that at acircus (杂技场 ), for example, we may see elephants, monk

16、eys, dogs and other animalsdoing q 3 skillful ( 熟练的 ) things. Perhaps you have seen them on the television or in afilm. If you watch closely, you may find that the trainer ( 驯兽员 ) always g 4 the animalsome sugar o 5 a piece of fruit as a reward ( 报酬). The scientists say that many d 6animals many be trained to do a lot of simple things if they know they will get a reward f 7doing that.Of course,as we know, dogs can be train



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