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5、据充分分、表述述合理的的基础上上,对公公司外部部环境、内内部运作作等方面面进行了了最全面面、最具具体的分分析。但但由于水水平有限限,尚有有诸多不不足之处处敬请见见谅。关键词:第第三方物物流;最最有效客客户反应应;准时时制物流流;配送送中心;虚拟物物流AbstrracttWith thee stteaddy ddeveeloppmennt oof eeconnomyy, eespeeciaallyy inn Innterrnett teechnnoloogy, exxchaangee raate forr mooderrn ssubsstanncess arre sspeeedinng qqui

6、ccklyy annd tthe neww ecconoomy schhemaa iss grraduuallly sshappingg, tthatt iss too saay wwe hhavee ennterred a nnew ecoonommy aage, hoowevver, thhe nnew ecoonommy iis nnot abssoluutelly bbuillt oon nnet, whhichh leead to itss deevellopmmentt sttilll paartlly ddepeend on loggistticss. OOnlyy whhen

7、moddernn loogissticcs iis ffullly aapplliedd, ccoulld EE-buusinnesss offferr saafe、qquicck sservvicee, sso, thee thhirdd paart loggistticss poosseessees ttremmenddouss pootenntiaal aand beggin burrst intto llimeeligght, annd iit wwoulld bbecoome unssubsstittutee inndusstryy inneviitabbly at lasst. H

8、owweveer, unrreassonaablee diivissionn off laaborr, bbackkwarrd eequiipmeent of tecchniiquee, aand sinnglee foorm of loggistticss iss coommoonlyy peermeeateed iin ppressentt loogissticcs. Witth tthe Chiinas eentrry iintoo WTTO, ourr loogissticcs wwoulld cconffronnt wwithh loots of sevveree prrobllem

9、ss, bbut oppporttuniitiees aalsoo exxistt wiith chaalleengees. Aftter abuundaant surrveyy off maarkeet, we putt foorwaard a cconcceptt too esstabblissh aa neew-ttypee thhe tthirrd ppartt loogissticcs pprovvideer, andd thhe ffolllowiing aree maain parrts of ourr prrosppecttus.The ffirsst ppartt iss e

10、xxecuutivve ssummmaryy. SStapple commmennt iin eeachh paart of thiis ccommmercciall pllannningg arre iinittiallly in thiis ppartt, aand herre, youu allso willl hhavee soome ideeas aboout ourr prrojeect.The ssecoond parrt iis bbrieef iintrroduuctiion forr coompaany, inncluudinng ccomppanyy naame, opp

11、eraatinng cconcceptt, ccomppanyy cuultuure andd coompaany aimm.The tthirrd ppartt iss seerviice desscriiptiion. Wee haave madde ssomee deetaiiledd deescrripttionn abboutt ouur sservvicee, sservvicee feeatuure andd suubdiivissionn off seerviice andd soo onn.The ffourrth parrt iis mmarkket anaalyssis.

12、 Inn thhis parrt,mmarkket bacckgrrounnd、mmarkket sittuattionn、maarkeet ddeveeloppmennt ttrennd aare finnishhed. The ffiftth ppartt iss coompeetittionn annalyysiss. IIn tthe ligght of thee exxisttingg annd ssubsstittutee coompeetittorss, wwe uuse SWOOT mmatrrix to inddicaate ourr sttrenngthh (SS) aan

13、d ourr weeaknnesss (WW), andd maake ourr keerneel ccomppeteencee cllearr.The ssixtth ppartt iss maarkeetinng. Thiis ppartt deescrribee ouur mmarkket, taargeet mmarkket andd maarkeet eentrrancce aand so on, itt allso commpreehennsivvelyy inndiccatee ouur mmarkketiing metthodds, nott onnly ourr seeed

14、staage, buut mmediium andd loong terrm sstraateggy.The nnextt thhreee paartss arre oour mannageemennt ssysttem, annd hhumaan rresoourcce iis rreall thhe kkernnel facctorr ammongg thhem.The ttentth ppartt annd eelevventth ppartt arre ccomppanyy sttrattegyy annd ddeveeloppmennt pplannninng. Thee sttra

15、ttegyy inncluudess coompaany iniitiaal mmediium-terrm aand lonng-ttermm taactiic aand devveloopmeent aimm.The ttwellfthh annd tthirrteeenthh paart aree innvesstmeent anaalyssis andd innvesstmeent exiit. Froom tthe invvesttors vvieww, tthe funnd ddireectiion, innvesstmeent bennefiit aand rissk aanallysiis aare decclarred herre.The ffourrteeenthh paart is alsso aa immporrtannt ppoinnt iin oour proospeectuus, asssociiateed wwithh soome finnancciall taablees mmakee deetaiiledd annalyysiss foor ccomppanyys ffinaancee aiim, annnuall deevellopmmentt annd bbudgget.The llastt paart aree soom


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