2024年新高考英语一模试题分类汇编2阅读理解 (说明文)(含九省1月联考解析版)

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《2024年新高考英语一模试题分类汇编2阅读理解 (说明文)(含九省1月联考解析版)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2024年新高考英语一模试题分类汇编2阅读理解 (说明文)(含九省1月联考解析版)(30页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、专题02 阅读理解说明文一 2024年九省联考真题BParrots are prey animals, which means that other predators (捕食者) in the wild, such as hawks or snakes, are looking to make them into a meal. This one factor influences parrots behavior in your house more than any other. Parrots are most easily hurt when feeding on the groun

2、d. Membership in a group plays an important function in ensuring their safety and improving their chances of survival from attacks by predators. The most common predators of parrots include hawks, snakes, cats, monkeys, and bats. Some predators make attacks only during the day while others hunt in t

3、he night. As prey animals, parrots are constantly watching out for danger and they instinctively (本能地) react to risks. Their first choice is to take flight. However, if this is not possible, they will fight with their powerful beaks to defend themselves. Because their biggest enemy is the hawk, parr

4、ots are especially reactive to quick movements from above and behind. For this reason, it is wise to avoid quick, sudden movements near your bird. This is a built-in reaction not subject to logic or reason. Simple and relatively harmless household objects can draw extreme fear responses from a bird.

5、 For example, a balloon may represent a hawk or a vacuum hose (吸尘器软管) may be the same as a snake in your birds mind. As prey animals, parrots are often frightened by exposure to new household items or strangers. It is important to expose your bird to safe experiences and changes starting at a very y

6、oung age to build flexibility and improve their adaptability. Variety in diet and toys, travel, and exposure to new people and places all help to make your bird more flexible and adaptable to change.4. What is important for parrots to better survive from attacks in the wild?A. Living in a group.B. G

7、rowing beautiful feathers.C. Feeding on the ground.D. Avoiding coming out at night.5. What is parrots first response to an immediate risk?A. To attack back.B. To get away.C To protect the young.D. To play dead.6. Why would a balloon frighten a parrot?A. It may explode suddenly.B. It may be in a stra

8、nge shape.C. It may have a strong color.D. It may move around quickly.7 What is the authors purpose of writing the text?A. To explain wild parrots behavior.B. To give advice on raising a parrot.C. To call for action to protect animals.D. To introduce a study on bird ecology.【答案】4. A 5. B 6. B 7. B【解

9、析】【导语】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了鹦鹉作为被捕食动物的行为特性和生存策略。【4题详解】细节理解题。根据第二段“Membership in a group plays an important function in ensuring their safety and improving their chances of survival from attacks by predators.(群体中的成员在确保其安全和提高其从捕食者袭击中幸存下来的机会方面起着重要作用。)”可知,鹦鹉要想更好地在野外躲避攻击,重要的是要进行集体生活,故选A项。【5题详解】细节理解题。根据第三段“As p

10、rey animals, parrots are constantly watching out for danger and they instinctively (本能地) react to risks. Their first choice is to take flight.(作为猎物,鹦鹉会时刻警惕危险,并本能地对风险做出反应。他们的第一反应是飞走)”可知,鹦鹉对直接风险的第一反应是逃跑,故选B项。【6题详解】细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“Simple and relatively harmless household objects can draw extreme fear res

11、ponses from a bird. For example, a balloon may represent a hawk or a vacuum hose (吸尘器软管) may be the same as a snake in your birds mind.(简单且相对无害的家居用品会引起鸟类的极度恐惧反应。例如,在你的鸟心目中,气球可能代表鹰,或者真空软管可能与蛇相同)”可知,气球能够吓到鹦鹉是因为气球可能形状奇怪,使鹦鹉联想到鹰,故选B项。【7题详解】推理判断题。根据第一段“Parrots are prey animals, which means that other pre

12、dators (捕食者) in the wild, such as hawks or snakes, are looking to make them into a meal. This one factor influences parrots behavior in your house more than any other.(鹦鹉是猎物,这意味着野生的其他捕食者,如鹰或蛇,正在寻找将它们作为食物。这一个因素比任何其他因素都更能影响鹦鹉在家里的行为)”、倒数第二段“Simple and relatively harmless household objects can draw extr

13、eme fear responses from a bird. For example, a balloon may represent a hawk or a vacuum hose (吸尘器软管) may be the same as a snake in your birds mind.(简单且相对无害的家居用品会引起鸟类的极度恐惧反应。例如,在你的鸟心目中,气球可能代表鹰,或者真空软管可能与蛇相同)”以及最后一段“As prey animals, parrots are often frightened by exposure to new household items or str

14、angers. It is important to expose your bird to safe experiences and changes starting at a very young age to build flexibility and improve their adaptability. Variety in diet and toys, travel, and exposure to new people and places all help to make your bird more flexible and adaptable to change.(作为猎物

15、,鹦鹉经常被新的家庭用品或陌生人吓到。从很小的时候就开始让你的鸟接触安全的体验和变化,以建立灵活性并提高它们的适应性,这一点很重要。饮食和玩具的多样性、旅行以及接触新的人和地方都有助于让你的鸟更灵活,更适应变化)”可知,本文的写作目的是对饲养鹦鹉提建议,故选B项。CIn his 1936 work How to Win Friends and Influence People, Dale Carnegie wrote: “I have come to the conclusion that there is only one way to get the best of an argument

16、 and that is to avoid it.” This distaste for arguments is common, but it depends on a mistaken view of arguments that causes problems for our personal and social lives and in many ways misses the point of arguing in the first place. Carnegie would be right if arguments were fights, which is how we often think of them. Like physical fights, verbal (言语的) fights can leave both sides bloodied. Even wh



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