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1、Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.多目标粒子群优化算法在配置城市土地使用上的应用Considering the ever-increasing urban population, it appears that land management is of major importance. Land uses must be properly arranged so that they do not interfere with one another and can meet each o

2、thers needs as much as possible; this goal is a challenge of urban land-use planning. The main objective of this research is to use Multi-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm to find the optimum arrangement of urban land uses in parcel level, considering multiple objectives and constraint

3、s simultaneously. Geospatial Information System is used to prepare the data and to study different spatial scenarios when developing the model. To optimize the land-use arrangement, four objectives are defined: maximizing compatibility, maximizing dependency, maximizing suitability, and maximizing c

4、ompactness of land uses. These objectives are characterized based on the requirements of planners. As a result of optimization, the user is provided with a set of optimum land-use arrangements, the Pareto-front solutions. The user can select the most appropriate solutions according to his/her priori

5、ties. The method was tested using the data of region 7, district 1 of Tehran. The results showed an acceptable level of repeatability and stability for the optimization algorithm. The model uses parcel instead of urban blocks, as the spatial unit.Moreover, it considers a variety of land uses and tri

6、es to optimize several objectives Simultaneously.1摘要:考考虑到不不断增加加的城市市人口,土土地管理理看起来来就具有有重大意意义。土土地利用用必须妥妥善安排排,使它它们不会会干扰彼彼此并尽尽可能满满足对方方的需要要;这个目标对于于城市土土地利用用规划是是一个挑挑战。本本研究的的主要目目的是同同时考虑虑多个目目标限制,利用用多目标标粒子群群优化算算法来找找到最佳佳用于城城市土地地安排地地块的水水平。地理空空间信息息系统是是在开发模模型时,用用来准备备数据和和研究不不同空间间场景。为为了优化化土地利利用布局局,定义义四个目目标为:最大限限度地兼兼容

7、,最最大限度度地依赖赖关系,最最大限度度地提高高适用性性,并最最大限度度地提高高土地利利用的紧紧凑性。这这些目标标的特点点是根据规规划的要要求,帕帕累托以以前的解解决方案案其结果果是向用户户提供一一组最佳佳的土地地利用安安排。用户可可以选择择最合适适的解决决方案根根据他/她的重重点。该该方法使使用区域域7德黑兰兰1的数数据进行行了测试试。结果果表明了了是一个个重复性性和稳定定性可接接受的优化算法法。该模模型使用用地块而不不是城市市街区地地块作为空间间单元。此外,同时时它考虑不同同的土地地用途并并试图优优化多个个目标关键词:安安排;城城市,土土地利用用,地理理信息系系统;优优化; MOPPSOL

8、and-usee opptimmizaatioon iis aa meethood oof rresoourcce aalloocattionn, iin wwhicch ddifffereent acttiviitiees oor lannd uusess arre aalloocatted to speeciffic uniits of lannd aareaa. TThesse kkindds oof pprobblemms nneedd muultiiplee andd offtenn coonfllicttingg obbjecctivves (suuch as ecoologgic

9、aal aand ecoonommic objjecttivees) to be connsiddereed simmulttaneeoussly (Chhanddrammoulli eet aal. 20009, Xiaaolii ett all. 220099, CCao et al. 20011, Shhifaa et al. 20011). TTherrefoore, laand-usee allloccatiion cann bee coonsiiderred as an opttimiizattionn prrobllem. In mullti-objjecttivee oppti

10、mmizaatioon oof llandd usse (MOLLU) moddel, coombiinattionns oof ddifffereent objjecttivees aare connsiddereed. Thee coommoonlyy ussed objjecttivees iinclludee thhe iimprroveemennts rellateed to commpattibiilitty aand deppenddenccy aamonng nneigghboouriing lannd uusess, tthe suiitabbiliity of lannd

11、uniits forr laand usees, lannd-uuse commpacctneess, annd tthe perr caapitta ddemaand forr laand usee. TThesse parrameeterrs hhavee beeen stuudieed aand disscusssedd byy Beerkee ett all. (20006), Taaleii ett all. (20007), Jiaang-Pinng aand Qunn (220099), Haqque andd Assamii (220111), andd Kooomeen ee

12、t aal. (20011).土地利用优优化是不不同的土土地使用用行为分分配其特特定的单单位土地地面积资资源配置置的一种种方法,。这这类问题题需要考考虑多且被认为为是同时时相互冲冲突的目目标(如如生态和和经济目目标)(cchanndraamouuli等等人。220099,小李李等人。220099,曹等等人。220111,发等等人。220111)因此,土土地利用用配置可可以被视视为一个个优化问问题。在在土地利利用多目目标优化化(陌路路)模型型时,考虑了了不同的的组合目目标。常常用的目目标包括括改进相关关的邻近土土地的使用相相容性和和依赖性性,土单单位土地地利用的的适宜性性土地利用结结构紧凑凑,和

13、土土地利用用人均需需求。伯伯克等人人对这些参参数进行行了研究究和讨论论。 (220066),TTaleei等。 (20007年年),江江平与群群(20009),哈哈克和麻麻美(220111),以以及库门门等。 (20011年年)。Handllingg maany objjecttivees ttogeetheer iis uusuaallyy moore commpleex tthann haandllingg a sinnglee objjecttivee. TTherrefoore, maany metthodds aare devveloopedd too coonveert mullt

14、ipple objjecttivees iintoo a sinnglee obbjecctivve. To seaarchh thhe ssoluutioon sspacce iin aa siinglle-oobjeectiive modde, somme rreseearccherrs havve uusedd cllasssic metthodds oof ooptiimizzatiion succh aas llineear proograammiing (LPP). Forr innstaancee, Maooh aand Kannaroogloou (20009) useed L

15、LP tto ooptiimizze llandd usses, coonceentrratiing on thee reelattionn bettweeen llandd usse aand traaffiic. Somme ootheer mmodeels aree baasedd onn arrtifficiial inttellligeencee (AAI) metthodds. Forr exxampple, Shhifffa eet aal. (20011) ussed parrticcle swaarm opttimiizattionn (PPSO) too opptimmiz

16、ee thee allloccatiion of lannd uusess, cconssideerinng mmaxiimumm suuitaabillityy off laand andd a minnimuum cosst oof cchannginng tthe lannd sshappe. In anootheer sstuddy bby SSembbolooni (20004), ssimuulatted annneallingg (SAA) mmethhod wass ussed to opttimiize thee faacillitiies reqquirred forr reesiddenttiall annd ccommmercciall areeas. Thhe



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