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1、 6B 课文填空 Unit 1 There was a lion in the f_. He was l_ and s _. There was a mouse, too. He was s_ and w_. One day, the mouse w_ by the lion and w_ him up. The lion was a_. He wanted to e_ the mouse. But the mouse said he would h_ the lion some day. The lion l_ at the mouse, and he let the mouse g_. T

2、he next day, two men c_ the lion w_ a big net. The lion bit the net with his sharp t_, but that didnt work. He was very s_. Just t_, the mouse came. He m_ a big hole in the net. The lion g_ o_. He thanked the mouse h_. At last the lion and the mouse b_ friends. Sam and Bobby are playing table tennis

3、 h_. Sam is g_ at table tennis. He plays very w_. Billy and Willy c_ for them l_. Sam hits the ball h_ and the ball falls i_ a h_ in the ground. The h_ is too d_. Sam cant r_ it. Finally, Sam has an i_. He b_ some water q_ and p_ it i_ the hole. Unit 2 Wang Bing has many good h_. He g_ up e_ and nev

4、er g_ to bed l_. He b_ his t_ in the morning and b_ bedtime. He p_ his things in o_. He always f_ his homework before d_. Liu Tao l_ to his teachers at school. He also does w_ at home. He k_ his room c_ and t_. He helps his p_. But Liu Tao has some bad h_. He often does his homework l_ at n_ and doe

5、s not go to bed e_. He sometimes f_ s_ in the morning. Tinas f_ come to see her. She s_ them a_ her house. They goo i_ the l_ room. Its big and c_. Tinas bedroom is small but n_. Bobbys bedroom is m_. There are a l_ of books and t_ on the f_. He should p_ his things in o_. Unit 3 Mike doesnt have a

6、h_ diet. He likes e_ sweets, cakes and ice cream. He does not like d_ water and he only d_ a l_ water every day. He has some bread and milk for b_. He has a f_ eggs every week. Yang Ling has a h_ diet. In the morning she has a lot of n_. She has some meat and some v_ for lunch and d_. She likes s_ f

7、ood too, but she eats a l_ at a t_. She eats some f_ every day. There is not much food in the f_. So Sam and his mother goo to the s_ to buy some. Sam buys a small b_ of cola. He shouldnt d_ t_ much cola. Sams mother buys a big bag of r_. Sam also buys a big f_. But it is too h_. Sam cant carry it.

8、When they are on the bridge, the fish falls into the r_. Unit 4 There are many b_ roads in the city. When we c_ the road, we must f_ the rules. First, you must l_ for a z_ c_. Then you must look at the t_ l_ and w_ for the green man. To k_ safe, you can wait on the p_ and look o_ for cars and bikes.

9、 You must look l_, then r_ and then l_ again. You can also cross the road w_ o_ people. The d_ can see you e_. C_ should not r_ or p_ on the road. It is not safe. In the UK, Australia, Hong Kong and Macau, people drive on the l_ side of the road. In China, people drive on the r_ side of the road. 电话

10、用语:1. Hello.2. This is (speaking).3. Whos that/ calling? Unit 5Childrens Day is on the _ of _. The children are going to _ a party _ Mikes house.Su Hai is going to buy some s_ and d_. Wang Bing is going to bring some f_ from home. Yang Ling is going to bring some toys and play _ her friends _ the pa

11、rty. What is Liu Tao going to do _ the party? He is going to dress up as a c_ and he will bring some b_.When you go to a W_ party, you should take a _. Do not arrive too _ . You can be a few _ late.Bobbys class is going to have a party soon. Billy is going to play the p_. Willy is going to tell a s_

12、. Sam is going to _ on a play, and Bobby is going to _ the king. The party is going to b_ at three and it is going to e_ at five in the evening. Unit 6Australia is an _ country. The children will _ about Australia n_ week. They want to f_ out about this country before the l_. Mikes e-friend will s_ him some p_. Liu Tao will r_ about Australia on the I_. Yang Ling will go to the l_ and look for books and m_ about Australia. There are many animals in Australia, such as _ and _. Sport-lovers like playing _ football. Sydney i


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