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1、教学设计 Mdule 6 U3 Tsk riting alte toepla ulral isndrstand Desgned y Hua Suyi(JingsuShen ih Schol) 江苏省射阳中学 黄苏轶Lctrer:Huang yi (Jiagsu Sheang Hgh chool)Lvel: Senir Gra2 o Scondary SholConte: Mdule Un3 TkWritng a leter to explan culta misnderading eacingam: Toenablesudntoolv aprctica rblm in the ail life

2、-ow to wrt eterto xlain cturalindrsning. Teacing objcves:1. Ltnd complete a text;2. Rad bout taos n fegcounties;3. Ak abou cltural diffences;4. te atter o aogypling turasunderstdgs. Teaching oces: Cmine anddevlo studentslistenin, reaing, sking d writin sklls prepratin ette o poog Teahing rocdures: S

3、te1: Lead-in Show studntsashrt ideo aout n embarasing ndentetweena rouf Cins adan nglhma haing a me in aestaurant, whch esuts from cultural miuderstandigs. Qestion: h cuses te mrring siuat? B nswering teaove estion, theteacher lea th stdens o hepic.( 设计阐明:此视频反映中国人和英国人吃饭的文化差别,最能直观地生动地引导学生进入本课的话题。)Se2

4、: Listenin o P42Dffrnt countrieshaedifferent cultures. Whe eopro dff cultres me,soeunuua cidet mighthape Give sudent tis o howo cople text y isteig:1. rea the aeria quicly. 2. gues the ors sitbefo the blanks.3. decide if it iscontn wrds orgammar words 4.cck the speing o thewos isten and complee teda

5、rynty below. Whi litnig, cl tudens attentothth orein vsitrs ar, whr hey re from, what happened toem(设计阐明:此环节巧妙地把文章的Sils building 1: ompetig atext 和killbildig 2: king fr infomation融合在一起。既没有按部就班地解决文章的内容,又没有漏掉文章的内容。) Listenan fil in te ssin word.Ateitening, first skstdents tocheck in parsabout hat the

6、hea. n hkwith he wholecas.(设计阐明:听力文章较长,在播放两遍课堂时间不充足的状况下,可以给足学生听前的准备时间。听后学生和同桌校对,基本上能写出对的答案。此环节重要是检查学生的听力技能的运用。)ilin a tableGuestsaaltyUnusual inciesSinhndin1. Wuldt shemylefthand; . Woudnt eat bf. kashiJapanese1. Bouht lots of ifts;2. G upst wheneople dint o a his bsinss car udsonmricWoudnt get na b

7、at,thinig it toocrowe.(设计阐明:本图表是对整篇听力文章内容的彻底理解。学生在寻找unusul ncients 时有困难, 可以指引学生参看课本有关的段落。)Ac ot he ituatio Invite boysfom theclss coopet heteacher rask three pars f uents toactout the unsual incidetsthathppenetoth threefign visitos.(设计阐明:此环节是为了学生更好地的记住发生在外宾身上的奇怪的事件。学生亲自参与表演,不仅吸引学生的课堂关注力,并且增长课堂的趣味性。)

8、You arepuzzle aoutee ncidnt and nt toid thereasnfor hirsrne beaors ef fac, theyhve mht do ith tabos. Step3: Ring P43. ead Paa1nd find ou hat a boois. ada2 and unrline me aoos hathel explainso fthebove nusual ncidts ReadPra. nd in out: Otherxamples showin normaluom btmaybusu ohiee. (ow sunt pictues,

9、which ahelthemwh te tsk easily) (设计阐明:通过回答问题,下划线、细读等寻找不同国家的文化习俗,学生能明白某些发生在外宾身上的奇怪事件的因素, 理解了某些国家不同的打招呼的方式和习惯。 此环节重要体现学生的阅读技能的运用和迅速寻找有效信息的能力。让学生熟悉这些内容, 为后来的练习提问和回答做了较好的铺垫。)ouhae fndsomeanwerso threncidens. Stil ou haent figured ot ll oem.yo got one of your tacherso hlp. Ste4: ieningonP43 isten ad fll

10、in th ank.Pope fro te UAfee _henpeolesta t close to hem.2. Sout Amricansik geet peleh a _.3.IJa, giving _ is ve importan. 4. The gsture OK inthe UA ens _inFrnc.5. In Japan,hesame geture eans _. This eordinghelps you cla allthe oub.(设计阐明:这个听力内容既练了听力技能,又帮学生解开了所有的疑团。有助于下个环节的学生互动。) Sep5SpeangSkill buldi

11、g 2:Aking for cltra iferences1. Givediecisfor ho to ask esions.Beginit qstion os le: h, ho, wen, hc, we,whre nwhy(设计阐明:结合前面的听力前板书,可以很迅速地过渡到下面的学生练习问答环节, 避免了单调地解说或反复。)2. rticeqestion nd awers (ork prs).() heeeling o mrics he eople stnd o cseto thm. (2) hewa Soth Americas gret peol. (3) the imporan thn

12、g i Japan()the hand that shoudnt beusedto ive mene methng in ndia.(设计阐明:以上四个问题结合了文章的阅读和听力内容,达到让学生用疑问词来设计问题和回答问题的目的, 提高学生的课堂参与限度,检测了学生对前面所学内容的理解和掌握限度,重要体现学生动口说的能力。)3. Prcte a dlgue with t teachr, showing the picture : h d w Chineeay hen we ppos atot overa al? :Ganbe. : htdo the Elish y wen theypopos a t


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