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1、IOS与Android界面设计规范整合IOS与Android界面设计规范整合 编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望(IOS与Android界面设计规范整合)的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。同时也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力。本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快 业绩进步,以下为IOS与Android界面设计规范整合的全部内容。过去的一年,对我来说,是一个既紧张又忙碌的一年,是一个不断接受

2、新事物,迎接新挑战的一年,在局党组的领导下,在同志们的帮助下,无论是思想、工作还是作风上都有所进步Obviously, face Chinas Socialist system, the Communist Party is not the party. In that case, political chaos has been very tight. Is remodeling or reconstruction, is a correction or a stove. Whether to turn right or left, is back to the source or put

3、forward new political ideas. This is to determine the road problems in China, is also the key out of the deep water of the reform of the economic system. After 18, the new Central collective leadership attaches great importance to political orientation. First, the Central eight articles as a startin

4、g point, starting from the Central Governments self-restraint, which preaches and pro-image, brought fresh feeling to the community. Secondly, before reform and opening up and reform and opening two periods after non-negative, untying the tangle of the society a long time on this issue. Third, a new

5、 generation of party leaders on various occasions to Mao Ze-Dong and Mao Ze-Dongs thought of evaluation has room for manoeuvre, through to the ruling ideology of Mao Zedong thought, is the call of the soul to the Socialist Revolution and construction. Empty talks jeopardize national interests and tr

6、y again, is an affirmation of Deng Xiao-pings reform ideas. These strong political signal showing a new generation of political leaders is still keeping to the Socialist road. Four is revisiting the talking to Mao Ze-Dongs historical cycle of high profile anti-corruption and the importance of the Co

7、nstitution, reorganization is bad style of officialdom, was to civilize people obey the law, while improving the color change of the regime of vigilance. Five is to reform into deeper waters and stressed that top-level design, this is a review on the reform and opening up in the past, is also lookin

8、g for a way out. Six foreign and Russia closer, the flexible attitude on the issue of the Korean peninsula, Sino-Japanese fishing hardline China on the island out of the patient and low profile shadow began to gradually plan development. Signs show that the new leadership began to make a left turn i

9、n politics. However, as of right now, not only ideological confusion in the community, the new leaderships thinking is messy. New leaders both stressed the need to implement the Constitution, stressed the need to turn off the power in a cage. Also stresses that Mao Zedong thought cannot be lost, 30

10、years after the reform and opening up 30 years ago can not deny each other. Both advocate democracy and release seven does not speak of files of political constraints. Neither deny the history of the CPC Central Committee on several issues .Comrades: today brings together members, mainly in order to

11、 provide a platform to Exchange and learn from each other in order to facilitate our work. Just now, we focus on taxation, planning and stability, safety, project construction, typical topics such as private facts presentation and interaction, and towns currently exist in the in-depth analysis of th

12、e problems to be solved, to explore new methods to solve the problem. It can be said that summing up the achievement, no grandstanding; analysisIOS篇一、尺寸及分辨率iPhone界面尺寸:320480、640960、6401136iPhone6:4.7英寸(1334750),iPhone6 Plus:5.5英寸(19201080)iPad界面尺寸:1024768、2048*1536单位:像素72dpi,在设计的时候并不是每个尺寸都要做一套,尺寸按自己

13、的手机来设计,比较方便预览效果,一般用640*960或者6401136的尺寸来设计。Ps:作图的时候确保都是用形状工具(快捷键:U)画的,这样更方便后期的切图或者尺寸变更.(首三个系列的屏幕分辨率为320 x 480 (HVGA),163 ppi;iPhone 4及iPhone 4S的屏幕分辨率为640 x 960,326 ppi;iPhone 5则是640 x 1,136,326 ppi,而iPhone 5的屏幕对比为接近16:9(71:40)。)二、界面基本组成元素iPhone的app界面一般由四个元素组成,分别是:状态栏(status bar)、导航栏(navigation)、主菜单栏(

14、submenu)、内容区域(content)。这里取用640960的尺寸设计,那我们就说说在这个尺寸下这些元素的尺寸。状态栏(status bar):就是我们经常说的信号、运营商、电量等显示手机状态的区域,其高度为:40px导航栏(navigation):显示当前界面的名称,包含相应的功能或者页面间的跳转按钮,其高度为:88px主菜单栏(submenu,tab):类似于页面的主菜单,提供整个应用的分类内容的快速跳转,其高度为:98px内容区域(content):展示应用提供的相应内容,整个应用中布局变更最为频繁,其高度为:734px下图为了说明我不是瞎掰的:960-40-88-98=734至于

15、我们经常说的iPhone5/5s的640*1136的尺寸,其实就是中间的内容区域高度增加到910px。PS:在最新的iOS7的风格中,苹果已经开始慢慢弱化状态栏的存在,将状态栏和导航栏合在了一起,但是再怎么变,尺寸高度也还是没有变的,只不过大家在设计iOS7风格的界面的时候多多注意下三、字体大小iPhone上的字体英文为:HelveticaNeue .至于中文Mac下用的是黑体,Win下则为华文黑体(最新字体称为 黑体简)。下图是百度用户体验做过的一个小调查,可以看出用户可接受的文字大小。四,列表栏目间距IOS设计规范中列表的高度为88px五,颜色值问题IOS颜色值取 RGB各颜色的值比如 给

16、予IOS开发的色值为 R:12 G:34 B:56 给出的值就是 12,34,56(有时也要根据开发的习惯,有时也用十六进制);Android开发的色值则使用十六进制 0c2238ANDROID篇一、尺寸及分辨率Android界面尺寸:480*800、720*1280、10801920.单位:像素Android比iPhone的寸尺多了很多套,建议取用720*1280这个尺寸,这个尺寸720*1280中显示完美,在10801920中看起来比较清晰,切图后的图片文件大小也适中,应用的内存消耗也不会过高.二、界面基本组成元素Android的app界面和iPhone的基本相同:状态栏、导航栏、主菜单、内容区域。Android中我们取用的



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