Module 8 Story time—七年级下册外研版英语优选100题(含答案)

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1、Module 8 Story time七年级下册外研版英语优选100题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单选题1The old man lives _, so he may feel _.We should visit him twice a month.A. alone; lonely B. lonely; alone C. alone; alone 2Its impolite to_anyone with your chopsticks.A. look at B. point at C. arrive at3What did you do the day before yesterday

2、?I_ for an English test.A. study B. studied C. studying4Tom cant find his keys. He wants to write a “ _” notice.A. foundB. lostC. help5 As soon as I finish the work, I will _ abroad. Sounds great! Which country will you go to?A. go for a walkB. go on holidayC. go on a picnic6Would you like some coff

3、ee?Yes, just _.A. littleB. a littleC. a few二、阅读理解Tom has a happy family.There are some rules in his family. Keep healthy.Being healthy is important.Toms family play sports for one hour every day.Tom is in the school swimming club.And his parents run every morning. Evening time is family time.They ca

4、nt watch TV or play computer games after dinner.The family usually sit(坐)on the sofa and talk.Tom always talks about his school and friends.Sometimes they take a walk together. Always sayI love youandThank you.Tom saysI love youto his parents in the morning before he goes to school,and in the evenin

5、g before he goes to bed.His parents say it to him,too.When Tom helps his mother(一直).7What cant Tom do?A.Play computer games after dinner.B.Swim.C.Take a walk.8Tom always talks to his parents about _.A.his parentsB.his studyC.his school and friends9When does Tom say I love you to his parents?A.Before

6、 he goes to school.B.Before he goes to bed.C.Both A and B.10Which is NOT true according to the passage(文章)?A.Toms father doesnt exercise every day.B.Tom always shows his love to his parents.C.Toms mother says thanks when Tom helps her.11What does the passage mainly talk about? A.I love youandThank y

7、ou.B.Rules in a happy family.C.How to talk with your parents.三、七选五12A. Which book do you want?B. Id like to buy some books.C. How much is it?D. There is only one left.E. Storybooks.F. I read many fairy tales during holidays.G. I like them very much.A: Good morning. What can I do for you?B: Yes, plea

8、se. _A: OK. What kind of books would you like?B:_ I often read them in my free time.A: OK. _B: Alices Adventures in Wonderland.A: Wait a minute, please. Let me help you find it.B: Its very kind of you.A: Ah, you are lucky. _B: _A: Twenty dollars.B: OK, I will take it. Here is the money.参考答案1答案:A解析:考

9、查词义辨析。alone独自,副词;lonely孤独的,有一定的感情色彩。第一空是修饰动词lives,应用 副词alone;第二空表示感到孤独,应用lonely。故 选A。2答案:B解析:look at 意为看;point at意为指着;arrive at意为到达。根据with your chopsticks可知此处表示指着,故选B项。 3答案:B解析:句意为:你前天做什么了?我在为英语测试学习。the day before yesterday意为“前天”,由此可知答语应用一般过去时。故选B项。 4答案:B解析:句意:汤姆找不到他的钥匙了。他想写一个“丢失”通知。考查词义辨析。found找到的;

10、lost丢失的;help帮助。根据前句“Tom cant find his keys.”可知,应是想写一个“丢失”通知。故选B。5答案:B解析:句意:我一完成工作就会去国外度假。听上去太棒了!你要去哪个国家?考查动词短语。go for a walk去散步;go on holiday去度假;go on a picnic去野餐。根据“Which country will you go to”可知,此处是说去国外度假。故选B。6答案:B解析:句意:你想要一些咖啡么?是的,只需要一点。考查不定代词。little几乎没,修饰不可数名词;a little一点儿,修饰不可数名词;a few少量的,修饰可数名

11、词复数。根据“coffee”可知,是不可数名词,根据“Yes”可知表达肯定含义,表示“只需要一点儿咖啡”,用不定代词“a little”。故选B。7答案:A解析:细节理解题。根据第三段前两句Evening is time.They watch or computer after 。可知,故选:A。8答案:C解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中的Tom talks his and 。可知,故选:C。9答案:C解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段首句Always love you.Tom love his in morning he to ,and the before goes bed.His say to

12、 ,too.When helps mother says you.They their and all time.(总是说我爱你和谢谢。他的父母也对他说,她说谢谢你。)可知,故选:C。10答案:A解析:细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句And parents every 。可知。描述不符,故选:A。11答案:B解析:主旨大意题。根据文章首段Tom a happy are rules his 。他的家庭有一些规矩,短文主要讲述了Tom一家人的生活规则和家庭氛围,因此这篇文章主要讲幸福家庭的规则。12答案:-BEADC解析:根据上一问句句意“我可以为您做什么?”可知,此处应表达自己的需求。故选B项。 根据上句句意“你想要什么种类的书籍?”可知此处应回答与书籍种类相关的内容。故选E项。根据下句的书名爱丽丝漫游奇境记可知此句是询问具体要哪本书,故选A项。根据you are lucky可知D项符合语境。故选D项。根据答语Twenty dollars.可知,此处在询问书的价格。故选C项。



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