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1、沪教版小学三年级下册英语连词成句课后专项练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. a film, he, watched, yesterday (.)2. you, do, a, bike, on, Mondays, ride,(?)3. how, does, father, work, to, go, day, every, your (?)4. 连词成句。1cakes like dont I (.)2my This sister is (.)3name your Whats (?)4meet Nice you again to (.)5old How are you (?)5. Is newitkite

2、a (只填序号)_?6. desk, on, the,Whats (?)7. Isitchairgreena (只填序号)_?8. at,my, Look, marker(.)9. 连词成句。根据括号里的标点符号,将下列所给单词连成一个通顺的句子。1eighteen are sandwiches there (.) 2a cat that green is (?)3color is the what watermelon (?)4my is where jacket blue (?)5are and the the they desk chair between (.)10. at Look

3、the giraffe (.)11. the, pass, me, rice, please (.)12. fromImUKthe.(只写序号)13. bread, some, Have, (.)14. where, live, monkey, does, a, (?)15. Im, eight, old, years (.)16. is Lingling This (.)17. this tree Can climb you(?)18. fly you can (?)19. name, is, my, Gao, Wei (.)20. Lisa, is, This(.)21. old how

4、are you (?)22. are, those, what (?)23. 连词成句。1at, duck, Look, the (.)2in, truck, the, Its (.)3is, It, fat (.)4bird, Act, a, like (.)5have, a, I, carrot (.)24. a, live, Where, wolf, does (?)25. see it and Open26. aboutWhatyou?(只写序号)27. 连词成句。1isbrotherHemy (.)2Itlongahasnose (.)3bookItunderisyour (.)4g

5、rapesdontIlike (.)5IhaveCanapplessome (? )28. door, is, The, green, (.)29. close, book, your, (.)30. 连词成句。1It, black, and, white, is, (.)2is, so, It, tall, (.)3at, monkey, Look, that, (.)4long, has, It, a, ail, (.)5animals, How, many, know, you, do, (?)31. riding, his, Sam, bike, likes (.)32. 连词成句。1are, how, you, old (?)2time, for, is, it, lunch (.)3to, Toy, welcome, Museum (!)4lovely, a, puppy, what (!)5robot, you, is, this, for (. )33. what, your, name, is, (?)页码 / 总页数


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